Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council agrees to Bush-Aziz and Saddam-Baker meetings intended to avert war; U.S. admin. officials rebuff Iraqi suggestion that talks deal also with Palestine question...
In Brussels for international economic meetings, Sec. of State Baker rejects Soviet envoy Yevgeny Primakov's suggestion that solution to Gulf crisis be linked to Palestine question [LAT 11/17]....
Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan's 10/21 com-ments alarm Bush admin., but Saudi officials say comments did not reflect a change in Saudi gov't policy [NYT, WP 10/23].
Washington Post reports Gulf crisis is boosting Israeli confidence over its relations with U.S.; Jerusalem sees crisis as Israeli windfall as Arafat is pushed further away from...
Bulldozers, under IDF guard, begin clearing ground near Alon in the W. Bank for new Israeli settlement [WT 4/ 26; JDS 4/25 in FBIS 4/26].
Hussein Musawi, Hizballah leader, urges groups not...
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Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council agrees to Bush-Aziz and Saddam-Baker meetings intended to avert war; U.S. admin. officials rebuff Iraqi suggestion that talks deal also with Palestine question [NYT, WP 12/2; BDS 12/1, PAT 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; MEM 12/3; MET 12/11].
Israeli air force planes bomb Palestinian Popular Struggle Front base in S. Lebanon, wounding at least 5 people [NYT 12/2; BDS 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; JDS 12/1 in FBIS 12/4].
Egypt, PLO, and Gulf states welcome Pres. Bush's overture toward Iraq, PLO's Yasir Abd Rabbo calls it "a step in the right direction" [MENA 12/1, WAKH, RTS 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; NYT 12/2; MEM 12/3].
Israeli police shoot dead middle-aged Palestinian woman after she tries to stab Jerusalem policeman; policeman is not hurt [NYT 12/2].
Def. Sec. Richard Cheney signs order raising to 189,250 the maximum number of military reservists who can be ordered to active duty in Gulf; previous limit was 125,000 [NYT, LAT 12/4].
129th Israeli reservist is jailed for refusing to serve in o.t. [JPD 12/2 in FBIS 12/3].
In Boston, estimated 8,000 to 10,000 people protest against U.S. military involvement in Gulf [MEM 12/3].
In Brussels for international economic meetings, Sec. of State Baker rejects Soviet envoy Yevgeny Primakov's suggestion that solution to Gulf crisis be linked to Palestine question [LAT 11/17].
Soviet envoy Alexander Belonogov meets in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak to discuss Gulf crisis; Belonogov then leaves for Saudi Arabia [MENA 11/16, CDS 11/17 in FBIS 11/20].
Ultra-Orthodox Agudat Israel party joins P.M. Shamir's ruling coalition; belated agreement increases Likud majority from 62 Knesset seats out of 120, to 66 seats [JDS 11/16 in FBIS 11/16; NYT, LAT 11/17; CSM, MEM 11/19; JPI 11/24; MET 11/27].
Arab and nonaligned nations introduce Sec. Council resolution calling for UN observer force in occupied territories (o.t.) and for conference of 164 signators of Fourth Geneva Convention [LAT 11/17; MEM 11/19].
Iran and Iraq announce agreement on series of steps to end major disputes lingering from 8-year war; Iranian F.M. Velayati says he detects willingness by Iraq to end crisis by withdrawing from Kuwait [NYT 11/17].
700 members of U.S. Council of Jewish Federations pass without dissent resolution backing Bush admin. policy in Gulf, but say they will fight U.S. plans to sell weapons to Saudia Arabia [NYT 11/17].
IDF bars Gaza Strip and West Bank residents from Jerusalem as preventive measure against anticipated protests following prayers on Haram al-Sharif [FJ 11/19].
Israeli Immigration Minister Yitzhak Peretz ignites political row by calling for curbs on Soviet immigration, saying 4 of 10 newcomers are not Jewish [MEM 11/1].
Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan's 10/21 com-ments alarm Bush admin., but Saudi officials say comments did not reflect a change in Saudi gov't policy [NYT, WP 10/23].
Israeli police surround Jerusalem with roadblocks to keep Palestinians from O.T. out of the city, and thousands of paramilitary border guards are stationed at major intersections and along boundaries between East and West Jerusalem to prevent escalation of violence stemming from 10/21 stabbing deaths. It is believed to be 1st time that whole city is closed to Palestinians [NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 10/23].
Senate votes 97-1 to authorize $700 million in additional military aid to Israel to help it meet "potential threat" posed by Iraq. Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.) cast lone opposing vote; says Israel does not need the money [LAT, WT, MEM 10/23].
Saddam Hussein suggests he may release all French hostages and a number of elderly and sick Americans still in Iraq [NYT, LAT, WP 10/23].
Pres. Mubarak arrives on unscheduled visit to Saudi Arabia to inspect Egyptian troops stationed near the Saudi-Kuwaiti border [MENA 10/22 in FBIS 10/22; LAT, MEM 10/23].
Deputy mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad al-Jamal, is released from jail on bail of NIS 20,000. He had been detained since 10/9 following Haram al-Sharif incident [JDS 10/22 in FBIS 10/23].
P.M. Shamir's gov't survives vote of confidence in Knesset by 53-51, 2 MKs abstain, others are absent [MEM 10/23].
Washington Post reports Gulf crisis is boosting Israeli confidence over its relations with U.S.; Jerusalem sees crisis as Israeli windfall as Arafat is pushed further away from rapprochment with U.S. and Egypt [WP 8/6].
Arafat meets with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad [BVP, INA 8/5 in FBIS 8/6].
Islamic Conference Organization concludes Cairo meetings, issues statement supporting intifada, denouncing Israeli policy in O.T. [MENA 8/5 in FBIS 8/7].
16 Knesset members meet with pro. PLO Palestinian notables in Jerusalem, groups agree to work for peace; action is furthest any high-ranking group of elected Israeli officials have gone toward recognizing PLO as legitimate rpresentative of Palestinians [JDS 8/5, JPD 8/7 in FBIS 8/8; WT, MEM 8/6].
New York Times reports Israelis are among world's most heavily taxed people; that for economic reasons more than half the Americans who move to Israel give up and move back within 2 years [NYT 8/6].
Bulldozers, under IDF guard, begin clearing ground near Alon in the W. Bank for new Israeli settlement [WT 4/ 26; JDS 4/25 in FBIS 4/26].
Hussein Musawi, Hizballah leader, urges groups not to release any U.S. hostages because of ill will on part of U.S., says release of Robert Pohill was met by House vote recognizing united Jerusalem as Israel's capital [NYT, LAT, WT 4/26].
U.S. House 4/24 resolution evokes sharp criticism from PLO, most Arab gov'ts. [MENA, ADS, DDS 4/25 in FBIS 4/26].
Arab diplomats ask Cyprus's parliament to restrict Soviet Jewish emigrants from using Cypriot ports as they travel to Israel [WT 4/26].
As first Eastern European leader to visit Israel, Czech Pres. Vaclav Havel briefs interim P.M. Shamir on meeting Havel had with PLO Chrmn. Arafat, offers help in mediating between Israel and the Palestinians [WP 4/26].
According to Washington Times, new gov't. of Nicaragua has asked Mossad, Israeli intelligence service, to reorganize Sandinista intelligence apparatus [WT 4/ 25].
Pro-Israeli supporters question Thomas Dine's criticism of Israeli gov't., speculating Dine was trying to help AIPAC with its critics in U.S. [WT 4/26].
Israeli soldier throws stun grenade at Swiss Red Cross worker in W. Bank camp near Ramallah [MET 5/8-14].
Israeli "There Is A Limit" movement reports 108 IDF regulars and reservists have been jailed for refusing to serve in O.T. [HAM 4/25 in FBIS 4/26].