8 / 15500 Results
  • December 18, 1991

    After several days of talks with Syrian, Lebanese delegations but stand-off with Palestinian, Jordanian delegates, Israeli negotiators end current round of talks and leave Washington. New round...

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  • November 19, 1991

    Israeli state attorney recommends that Israel take no action against Hanan Ashrawi for her alleged contacts with PLO officials, as had been recommended by Israeli police. Israeli attorney general...

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  • October 21, 1991

    Chmn. Arafat travels to Egypt, his first trip to Egypt since the deterioration of PLO-Egyptian relations during the Gulf crisis. (MEM 10/21)

    At Tehran conference on Palestinian issue, PFLP-...

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  • October 19, 1991

    Chmn. Arafat meets Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, the first time the two bitter rivals have met since 1983. The two reportedly agree that the multilateral Arab-Israeli talks on regional cooperation,...

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  • October 18, 1991

    In Jerusalem, Secy. of State Baker and Soviet FM Boris Pankin jointly announce that their governments have extended invitations to attend a Middle East peace conference to be held 30 October in...

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  • September 23, 1991

    Palestine National Council meeting begins in Algiers. Chmn. Arafat, calling meeting a "decisive point in the history of the Palestinian cause,' asserts PLO willingness to cooperate with moves to...

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  • August 8, 1991

    Egyptian Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be involved in peace conference, issue of Jerusalem cannot be excluded from agenda. (MEM 8/8)

    Israeli officials again indicate willingness to...

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  • April 9, 1991

    In Jerusalem, Sec. Baker meets with P.M. Shamir, F.M. Levy, other Israeli officials. Israel says for 1st time that it is willing to enter into single regional peace meeting co-sponsored by...

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After several days of talks with Syrian, Lebanese delegations but stand-off with Palestinian, Jordanian delegates, Israeli negotiators end current round of talks and leave Washington. New round scheduled for January. (MM 12/19)

As friction between IDF, settlers escalates over how to respond to Palestinian attacks on settlers, DM Arens meets with settlement leaders in Jerusalem, calls for halt to violent responses to such attacks. In a separate incident, representatives from settlements meet and decide to defy IDF roadblocks recently established to forestall intercommunal violence. Meeting also decided to establish "security patrols" to guard settlers. (Qol Yisra'el, HaAretz 12/18 in FBIS 12/18)

IDF troops encounter masked suspect amid large gathering of demonstrators in Gaza. Ensuing chase leaves one IDF officer, at least 10 Palestinians wounded. (NYT 12/19)

Turkey announces intent to improve diplomatic relations with Israel by replacing its charge d'affaires with an ambassador. Turkey also states intent to exchange ambassadors with Palestine. (MM 12/19)

Israeli state attorney recommends that Israel take no action against Hanan Ashrawi for her alleged contacts with PLO officials, as had been recommended by Israeli police. Israeli attorney general must now decide Ashrawi's fate. (MM 11/19)

Jerusalem chief of police apologizes for 11/18 raid on Islamic court offices in E. Jerusalem (but does not return documents) as some 100 Palestinians, including members of the Islamic Higher Council, demonstrate against the raid in E. Jerusalem. Merchants in Hebron joined with those in the old city in strike to protest the raid. (MM 11/19)

E. Jerusalem, Hebron merchants strike ends. Nablus merchants strike 11/18 death of imam shot by IDF. (MM 11/19)

Labor party opens national convention in Jerusalem, struggles to develop a new election program to attract voters. (MM 11/19, 11/20)

European Commission announces EC will donate $61 million in aid to Palestinians in o.t. to help overcome economic effects of Gulf war. Grant is first expenditure from a $280- million assistance package established by EC in March 1991. (MM 11/19)

PM Shamir declares Israel will not release more Lebanese prisoners until it receives its missing servicemen. FM Levy calls on UN, Western countries to avoid "discrimination" during prisoner-hostage release negotiations, a reference to increased Israeli concern that such talks are focusing solely on Western hostages and ignoring Israeli demands for information on its servicemen missing in Lebanon. Israeli negotiator Uri Lubrani travels to New York for talks with UN Secy. Gen. Perez de Cuellar to push for progress on releasing airman Ron Arad, only Israeli hostage believed to be alive. Reversing earlier UN policy seeking a multilateral release, Perez de Cuellar states that he now accepts separating question of Western hostages from that of Israeli captives. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/19; WP 11/21)

Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi states that as long as Israel refuses to implement UN Sec. Council Resolution 425, calling for Israeli withdrawal from S. Lebanon, he cannot stop attacks by anti-Israeli resistance forces. (MM 11/19)

Chmn. Arafat travels to Egypt, his first trip to Egypt since the deterioration of PLO-Egyptian relations during the Gulf crisis. (MEM 10/21)

At Tehran conference on Palestinian issue, PFLP-GC Gen. Secy. Ahmad Jibril states Palestinian delegates to peace conference have "sentenced themselves to death." Arguments break out between delegates supporting, opposing participation in peace conference, including verbal exchanges between anti-Arafat delegates such as Sa'id Musa Muragha (Abu Musa), head of Fateh-Uprising, and PLO representatives. (MEM 10/22)

National Committee of Heads of Local Arab Councils, made up of mayors of Palestinian communities in Israel, votes unanimously to strike 10/24 and stage protest in Jerusalem to draw attention to under-financing of Arab municipalities by Israeli authorities. Vote comes in wake of increased calls for action on the question and strikes by Arab municipal workers demanding payment of back wages [see 8/20]. (MEM 10/22)

Israel releases 14 Lebanese prisoners held in Khiyam prison, S. Lebanon. A 15th detainee was released in Israel and returned to Lebanon. Islamic Jihad for Palestine in turn releases American hostage Jesse Turner. Turner had been held captivie since January 1987, and is the fourth Western hostage to be released since the current comprehensive, multilateral prisoner-hostage negotiations began earlier this year. (MEM 10/21, 10/22)

Israeli jets bomb Hizbullah headquarters in Jibshit, S. Lebanon, in retaliation for 10/20 deaths of three Israeli troops. (MEM 10/21)

Chmn. Arafat meets Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, the first time the two bitter rivals have met since 1983. The two reportedly agree that the multilateral Arab-Israeli talks on regional cooperation, envisaged as the third-stage of the peace process, would be futile unless Israel agrees to withdraw from the o.t. (MEM 10/21)

Asad had earlier met with Soviet FM Pankin, while FM al-Sharaa received the U.S., Soviet ambassadors who issued invitation to attend the peace conference. Syria indicated it would formally respond to the invitation in a few days' time. (WP 10/20)

Palestinian negotiator Faisal Husseini submits list of 14 Palestinian delegates to peace conference to U.S. consul in Jerusalem. (WP 10/20)

Jordan formally accepts the U.S.-Soviet invitation to attend peace conference. (WP 10/20)

Gulf Cooperation Council Secy. Gen. 'Abdullah Bishara indicates he will head GCC delegation to peace conference. (AFP 10/19 in FBIS 10/21)

Israel reports it has received positive information that one of its five missing soldiers in Lebanon, Yossi Fink, is dead, in a move which may expedite the ongoing comprehensive prisoner-hostage exchange negotiations. (WP 10/20)

"International Conference in Support of the Islamic Revolution in Palestine" opens in Tehran with 800 delegates from 60 countries in attendance. PNC Speaker 'Abd al-Hamid Sa'ih, delegates from the main constituent PLO groups attend, as do representatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad of Palestine [Fathi Shaqaqi], and groups within the Palestinian National Salvation Front. Iranian pres. Hashimi Rafasanjani declares Iran is willing to send troops to help establish a Palestinian state. (WP 10/20; MEM 10/21, 10/23)

In Jerusalem, Secy. of State Baker and Soviet FM Boris Pankin jointly announce that their governments have extended invitations to attend a Middle East peace conference to be held 30 October in Madrid. Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Palestinian negotiators will attend the meeting, scheduled to be opened by Pres. Bush and Pres. Gorbachev. First stage of process will be a three-day opening conference, followed by face-to-face negotiations among the parties. A third stage of talks, dealing with regional issues, would include other Middle Eastern countries. Announcement comes in wake of Baker's meetings with PM Shamir and with Palestinian negotiators, who provide Baker with a partialist of Palestinian delegates who will participate in a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation after PLO Central Committee approved Palestinian participation in joint delegation. But Israeli officials delay giving Baker a final answeregarding Israel's participation because they were not shown the list of Palestinians. Earlier in the day, Pankin and Israeli FM Levy announced that Israel, USSR are restoring full diplomatic relations. The move culminates four years of improved relations, which began with the establishment of consulates in 1987 and the emigration of over 300,000 Soviet Jews to Israel. (MEM 10/18; WP 10/19)

Palestine National Council meeting begins in Algiers. Chmn. Arafat, calling meeting a "decisive point in the history of the Palestinian cause,' asserts PLO willingness to cooperate with moves to hold peace conference, but without submitting to Israeli "blackmail." Following recent failures to agree on proposed new formulas for PNC composition, either Hamas nor constituent groups of the PNSF are in attendance. PNSF Chmri. Khalid al-Fahum denounces "authoritarian, irresponsible manner" in which composition of PNC was decided, states present composition does not represent all factions. Nayif Hawatma attends the meeting despite 9/21 statement. PNC reelects Shaykh 'Abd al-Hamid al-Sa'ih chairman of PNC after his nomination by Chmn. Arafat, despite al-Sa'ih's earlier statements that he would not seek reelection. PNC also approves expansion of PLO executive committee from 15 to 18 members. (MEM, NYT 9/24; Radio Algiers Network 9/23, al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 9/23 in FBIS 9/24)

In Jerusalem, 24 Knesset members from Labor, Mapam, Ratz, and Shinui issue statement urging PNC to authorize Palestinian participation in peace talks. (MEM 9/23)

In Jeiusalem, prominent figures from o.t. hold press conference calling on UN to pressure Israel into allowing residents of the territories who are members of the PNC to attend meeting. (Qol Yisra'el 9/23 in FBIS 9/24)

In leaflet issued in o.t., Hamas denounces PNC as "conference to sell Palestine." (al-Ribat 9/24 in FBIS 10/17)

Pres. Bush addresses UN general assembly, calls for repeal of General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted in 1975, which calls Zionism aform of racism. Move seen as attempt to improve U.S.-Israeli relations in wake of public dispute over U.S. loan guarantees sought by Israel. (NYT, WP 9/24)

Israeli troops kill three fighters identified as belonging to DFLP (Hawatma faction) who were trying to infiltrate Israel from Syrian front. (NYT 24/9)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be involved in peace conference, issue of Jerusalem cannot be excluded from agenda. (MEM 8/8)

Israeli officials again indicate willingness to exchange Lebanese prisoners for seven Israelis captured in Lebanon. Number of Lebanese "under Israeli authority" put at 375. (NYT 8/9)

Forty-five member Islamic Conference Organization meeting in Istanbul confirms PLO as sole representative of the Palestinians. PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Saudi For. Min. Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal during conference, amove considered significant given frigid PLO-Saudi relations following Gulf war. In move signalling improved PLO-Iranian relations, al-Qaddumi also met with Iranian For. Min. 'Ali Akbar Velayati, Velayati invited PLO to participate in international conference on Palestine to be held in Tehran in October. (MEM 8/7, 8/9)

In another PLO-Iranian development, official Tehran Radio urged resumption of Gulf states' funding of PLO. (MEM 8/8)

In Jerusalem, Sec. Baker meets with P.M. Shamir, F.M. Levy, other Israeli officials. Israel says for 1st time that it is willing to enter into single regional peace meeting co-sponsored by Washington and Moscow, but no agreement on structure, agenda, timing, and who would represent Palestinians [MEM 4/9; NYT, WP, LAT, CSM 4/10; JDS, IDF 4/9 in FBIS 4/9; MET 4/23].

Sec. Baker also meets with delegation of 6 Palestinians from o.t., who present to Baker 6-point memorandum [IDF 4/9 in FBIS 4/9; MEM 4/9; FJ 4/15].

Unofficial estimates from UN High Commissioner for Refugees claim about 750,000 Iraqis have crossed into Iran and that about 280,000 have crossed illegally into Turkey, while roughly 300,000 still wait on Iraqi side of Turkish border; relief agencies say thousands will die unless massive aid reaches them soon [NYT 4/10].

Iraq rejects EC notion of setting up safe haven for refugees to be administered by UN; EC backs away from its own plan; Bush admin. also backs away from "enclave" idea [MEM 4/9; NYT, WP, LAT, MEM, CSM 4/10].

Prominent Palestinian in Kuwait, Dr. Salim Mukhtar, writer and dentist, is assassinated near Kuwaiti army roadblock; incident raises concerns in U.S. about continued reprisals and repression of Palestinians in Kuwait [NYT 4/10].

UN Sec. Council authorizes dispatch of 1,440-member observer team to oversee demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait currently patrolled by U.S. forces [WP, LAT 4/10].

General strike is observed in o.t. to mark beginning of 41st month of intifada [HAA 4/10 in FBIS 4/11; FJ 4/15].