Sec. Baker holds 7-hour meeting with Pres. Asad in Damascus; American officials decline to comment on contents [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/14; CSM 3/15; MET 3/26].
New York Times reports that Bush admin. began planning offensive campaign to remove Iraq from Kuwait as early as September 1990, despite public insistence that U.S. troops were to defend...
After day of multinational force bombing successes against Iraq, Baghdad fires as many as 8 SCUD missiles at Israel, hitting Tel Aviv, Haifa, and less populated areas [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/18...
Arab-Americans object to FBI policy of questioning business and community leaders of Arab descent [MEM 1/11; NYT, LAT 1/12].
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater says Gulf military...
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Sec. Baker holds 7-hour meeting with Pres. Asad in Damascus; American officials decline to comment on contents [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/14; CSM 3/15; MET 3/26].
Palestinian human rights workers and community leaders say more than 100 Palestinians have disappeared in the 2 weeks since allied forces recovered Kuwait; PLO says over 3,500 Palestinians have been detained at checkpoints. Bush admin. says this is "a big concern" [LAT, NYT, WT 3/14].
Taking 1st clear step to aid Iraqi insurgents, Pres. Bush accuses Iraq of violating cease-fire by using helicopter gunships against rebels; Bush warns Saddam Hussein against further use [NYT, LAT, WT 3/14; CSM 3/15].
Bush also warns Iran not to seize any Iraqi territory during rebellion [WP 3/14].
Demonstrators in Mosul, Iraq storm 2 prisons and release 4,000 political prisoners, according to Kurdish leaders. Clashes between loyalists and rebels are reported in Baghdad. Three-day Beirut conference of Iraqi opposition leaders ends with an appeal to Iraqi loyalists to help topple Saddam [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/14; KUNA, SANA, INRA 3/13 in FBIS 3/14].
Japan transfers equivalent of $8.6 billion to its Gulf Peace Fund, fulfilling its pledge of aid for allied forces, according to gov't. spokesperson. No mention is made of the fact that Japan had promised $9 billion [LAT 3/14].
Bassam Abu Sharif, advisor to Arafat, gives interview to Sky Television in which he suggests borders of Palestinian state are negotiable, offers other "concessions" (cf. 3/18) [AVP, BBC 3/13 in FBIS 3/14].
P.M. Shamir asks Aliyah Committee Chairman Ariel Sharon to withdraw his letter of resignation; Sharon complies [JDS 3/13 in FBIS 3/14].
Algerian National Television Service broadcasts 24-hour telethon to raise money for and express solidarity with people of Iraq [APS 3/14 in FBIS 3/14].
New York Times reports that Bush admin. began planning offensive campaign to remove Iraq from Kuwait as early as September 1990, despite public insistence that U.S. troops were to defend Saudi Arabia and enforce UN sanctions [NYT 3/3].
Allied officials and Iraqi refugees report chaos and near anarchy in Basra as Iraqi troops leaving Kuwait arrive [NYT, WP 3/3].
American officer reports that dozens of Iraqi tanks, perhaps lost and without communications, attacked U.S. troops in worse violation of cease-fire. American forces repel attack, destroying about 60 vehicles and capturing about 80 tanks and personnel carriers; there are no American casualties [NYT, WP 3/3].
Senior U.S. admin. officials say Washington wants to maintain much larger military presence in Gulf region than it had before Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to deter aggression against U.S. allies [NYT 3/3].
UN Sec. Council adopts, by 11-1 vote, resolution 686 which reaffirms, in more detail, cease-fire conditions imposed on Iraq (cf. 3/3) [WP, MEM 3/4].
PLO leadership meets in Tunis, calls for urgent" measures to halt attacks and arrests of Palestinians in Kuwait [TDS, AFP 3/3 in FBIS 3/4; AVP 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].
Lebanon's Pres. Hrawi warns in speech that Palestinian guerrillas will no longer be allowed to attack Israel from Lebanon: we will not tolerate the use of Katyusha rockets to provoke an invasion of this country. The liberation of Palestine cannot be fulfilled by the firing of Katyusha rockets" [NYT 3/4; MEM 3/5].
After day of multinational force bombing successes against Iraq, Baghdad fires as many as 8 SCUD missiles at Israel, hitting Tel Aviv, Haifa, and less populated areas [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/18].
Saddam Hussein defies 2d day of bombing in Baghdad by touring Iraq's capital; vows to defeat multinational force and liberate Palestine; calls on all Arabs to help resist U.S. [NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 1/18].
Anti-U.S. demonstrations erupt in Algeria, smaller protests in European cities but European gov'ts. give full backing to war effort; Iran condemns U.S.-led invasion; Pres. Gorbachev blames Iraqi intransigence for war, but only after trying to get Pres. Bush to postpone attack long enough for Soviet diplomats to try to speak to Saddam Hussein; Japan pledges additional aid for allied effort [MEM 1/17; NYT 1/18].
Turkey's parliament authorizes U.S. fighters and bombers to launch attacks on Iraq from Incirlik Air Base near Adama on the Mediterranean [NYT, LAT, MEM 1/18].
New York Times reports of CIA's psychological warfare against Iraq: broadcasting anti-Saddam propaganda into Iraq, circulat- ing audio and video cassettes depicting Saddam's regime as corrupt, and smuggling radios into Iraq to receive American broadcasts [NYT 1/19].
Curfew in Gaza continues; Israel places West Bank under curfew [JDS, IDF 1/17 in FBIS 1/17].
PLO Executive Committee issues statement decrying U.S. for beginning Gulf war and calling for worldwide resistance [AVP, MAP, AFP 1/17 in FBIS 1/18; MEM 1/17; WP 1/18].
Arab-Americans object to FBI policy of questioning business and community leaders of Arab descent [MEM 1/11; NYT, LAT 1/12].
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater says Gulf military operation cost U.S. $10 billion in 1990, and that U.S. has received $6 billion "in cash and in-kind support from our allies to defray this cost" [NYT, LAT 1/12].
Pres. Saddam Hussein tells conference of Islamic leaders that he is preparing for holy war against multinational forces that could only be averted if greater priority is given to solving Palestine problem [NYT, LAT 1/12].
Senior UN officials urge Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar to ask Saddam for pledge to leave Kuwait immediately in return for international conference to address Palestine problem. Before leaving Geneva, Perez de Cuellar meets with EC leaders who offer peace proposal that includes stationing UN peacekeeping force in Gulf and convening international conference [MEM 1/11; NYT, LAT 1/12]; en route to Baghdad, Perez de Cuellar stops in Amman for meeting with King Hussein [ADS 1/11 in FBIS 1/14].
Pres. Gorbachev telephones Pres. Bush, and twice dispatches Soviet ambassador to White House to discuss Soviet's last-minute Gulf peace initiative [LAT 1/12].
Washington Post/ABC News poll finds 66% of respondents say U.S. should agree to international conference on Arab-Israeli issues if Iraq agrees to withdraw from Kuwait; 68% think if Iraqi doesn't withdraw, U.S. should go to war; 86% believe war is inevitable [WP 1/11].
4 PFLP fighters are killed in shootout with IDF troops in S. Lebanon [JDS 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].