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  • November 29, 1997

    Arafat sends letter to UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan, requesting full Palestinian membership in the UN, something thus far granted only to independent states. (WP 11/30)

    King Hussein gives...

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  • July 15, 1997

    Labor Chmn. Barak arrives in Cairo for mtg. with Pres. Mubarak. (WT 7/16)

    In Amman, Jordanian PM Majali discusses with Arafat dep. Abbas ways of coordinating the Arab positions on the peace...

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  • May 30, 1997

    Turkish MP Yildirim Aktuna of the True Path party resigns, leaving the Erbakan government with 275 seats in the 550-mbr. parliament, 1 short of those needed to win a confidence vote. (2 seats are...

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Arafat sends letter to UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan, requesting full Palestinian membership in the UN, something thus far granted only to independent states. (WP 11/30)

King Hussein gives speech inaugurating Jordan's new parliament in which he reaffirms support for the Palestinians, including their right to have the capital of a Palestinian state "in Jerusalem." Jordanian opposition parties criticize the phrase as an acceptance of partition. (JTV 11/29 in WNC 12/7; MM 12/17)

Across the West Bank, Palestinians hold demonstrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the UN partition res., which created Israel. In Bethlehem, the IDF opens fire with rubber bullets on 5,000 Palestinians marching to demand Israel release Palestinian prisoners, injuring 40 (including a PA policeman), making today the worst single day of Palestinian-Israeli clashes in mos. In contrast, few Israelis celebrate the anniversary. (NYT, WP, WT 11/30; WP 12/1; MEI 12/5)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bombs, killing 3 SLA mbrs., wounding 5 IDF soldiers. (RL 11/29 in WNC 12/9; WP 11/30)

Labor Chmn. Barak arrives in Cairo for mtg. with Pres. Mubarak. (WT 7/16)

In Amman, Jordanian PM Majali discusses with Arafat dep. Abbas ways of coordinating the Arab positions on the peace process. (RJ 7/15 in WNC 7/16)

In an emergency session, the UNGA adopts (131-3, with 14 abstentions) a resolution condemning Israeli settlement policy, threatening to cut back Israel rights within th UN. Israel, Micronesia, the U.S. vote against (see 7/10); Russia abstains. (MM 7/15; IDF Radio 7/15 in WNC 7/16; MM, NYT, WT 7/16; ITV 7/16 in WNC 7/17; CSM, MM 7/17; Hatzofe, Interfax [Moscow], RE 7/17 in WNC 7/18; Xinhua [Beijing] 7/17, SAPA [Johannesburg] 7/21 in WNC 7/24; MM, PR 7/18; MEI 7/25; JP 7/26)

Higher Jordanian-Qatari Comm. ends 2-day session in Doha. The 2 states sign agmts. on land transport, commercial shipping and ports, judicial affairs; agree to expand bilateral cooperation in all fields, particularly economics. (RJ 7/15, 7/16 in WNC 7/17; JT 7/16 in WNC 7/18)

Hizballah fires at least 2 katyusha rockets fr. s. Lebanon toward n. Israel. One lands inside s. Lebanon, wounding a civilian; the other lands inside Israel, causing no damage. (RL 7/16 in WNC 7/17) (see 7/7)

Jordan's Council of Presidents of Professional Assns. (CPPA) announces a preliminary decision to call on all mbrs. to boycott the 11/97 Jordanian elections. However, several member assns. (e.g., Bar Assn., Contractors Assn., Dentists Assn., Journalists Assn., some mbrs. of the Veterinarians Assn.) disagree with the decision. Meanwhile, the Higher Comm. for Coordination Among the Opposition Parties (HCCAOP) defers decision on whether to boycott until the IAF announces its position. The government states that elections will be held on schedule, whether or not the opposition participates. (al-Dustur 7/15, al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 7/16 in WNC 7/17; MM 7/16; JT 7/16, 7/17 in WNC 7/18; MM 7/22) (see 6/19, 7/12)

Turkish MP Yildirim Aktuna of the True Path party resigns, leaving the Erbakan government with 275 seats in the 550-mbr. parliament, 1 short of those needed to win a confidence vote. (2 seats are vacant.) Early elections may be called. (WT 5/31)

In the Golan, 2 Austrian UN soldiers are shot dead most likely, according to the UN, by smugglers traveling btwn. Lebanon, Syria. Syria accuses the Mossad; Israel denies involvement. (Der Standard [Vienna] 6/1 in WNC 6/3; RMC 6/5 in WNC 6/6; Wiener Zeitung [Vienna] 6/10 in WNC 6/11; Kurier [Vienna] 6/19 in WNC 6/23)

IDF soldier is killed in a Hizballah mortar attack in s. Lebanon. (VOL 5/30, 6/1 in WNC 6/3; JP 6/7)

In a 3d incident, 7 Hizballah gunmen halt 2 UNIFIL vehicles in s. Lebanon; disarm, threaten the UN soldiers. (AFP, RL 5/30 in WNC 6/2) (see 5/29)

The Israeli navy removes 2 Lebanese fishermen fr. their boat off the coast of s. Lebanon, interrogates them for several hours before releasing them. (RL 5/30 in WNC 6/2)