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  • November 29, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy shelling by PSP militia, rockets and artillery fall in area from East Beirut north to Jounieh, and in airport area; Pentagon reportedly decides to keep battleship New...

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  • November 16, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets attack Islamic Amal and Hisballah militia training camps and an ammunition dump at Nabih Chit, near Baalbek; PSP artillery shells East Beirut, LAF positions in...

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  • November 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heaviest shelling since September 26 cease-fire engulfs Beirut, Chouf; LAF and PSP battle around Souq al-Gharb, LF and PSP exchange rocket, artillery fire between East...

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  • November 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    PSP shells LAF and LF positions near Khalde; US maintains stepped-up pattern of reconnaissance flights; cease-fire holds in Tripoli, some fighting around Baddawi.


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  • September 27, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire holds generally; sniper fire and fighting between LAF and Amal militia in southern suburbs of Beirut; LF and PSP militias exchange artillery fire near Baissour;...

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  • February 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze militia takes control of Aley in Chouf, destroys Phalange headquarters; IDF arming and assisting Palestinian Village League style administration in Ain el-Hilweh camp...

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Military Action:

Heavy shelling by PSP militia, rockets and artillery fall in area from East Beirut north to Jounieh, and in airport area; Pentagon reportedly decides to keep battleship New Jersey stationed off Lebanon indefinitely.


5-7 killed, 30 wounded in East Beirut; LF militiamen kidnap Shi'ite civilians south of Beirut, Amal militiamen kidnap 60 Christian employees of MEA from buses on way to airport, later released; Beirut power station damaged, electricity rationing resumes.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 36th anniversary of UN vote to partition Palestine marked by demonstrations and protests throughout West Bank; IDF disperses Nablus demonstration with teargas; large demonstration in support of Arafat at Birzeit; settler injured by stone near Beit Omar, Hebron, 6 suspects arrested; estimated 500 Jewish settlers hold protest march through Nablus under heavy IDF protection, settlers establish command post near Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, say they will remain there until IDF takes stronger measures against Palestinians, chief-of-staff Levy flies in for meeting; President Herzog says IDF prisoners released by PLO had surrendered shamefully, press and military personnel question enthusiastic reception given to returnees.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says he will leave Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: Reagan and Shamir end talks, agree on joint political-military committee, to begin meeting in January, to enhance Israeli-US cooperation, objectives include military planning, maneuvers, prepositioning of US equipment in Israel; other areas of agreement are: US willing to negotiate accord on duty-free trade and to permit $550 m. military aid to be spent on development of Lavi fighter, including $250 m. to be spent in Israel; US and Israel reaffirm commitment to May 17 Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement; US reportedly will make cluster bomb technology available to Israel for production there, Shamir and Arens agree in principle not to use the weapons against civilians.

Military Action:

Israeli jets attack Islamic Amal and Hisballah militia training camps and an ammunition dump at Nabih Chit, near Baalbek; PSP artillery shells East Beirut, LAF positions in West Beirut; PSP positions in Chouf exchange fire with LAF and LF; PLO rebels occupy Baddawi after heavy fighting, hand to hand combat; rockets, shells fall in Tripoli; 3 IDF patrols attacked near Sidon and Tyre; grenade thrown at Marine position near airport.


30 estimated killed, 80 wounded in Nabih Chit attack; 2 civilians killed in East Beirut; casualties at Baddawi estimated at 62 killed, 136 wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 1500+ dunums confiscated for military purposes from Ramallah, Beitunia and Rafat.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel, Syrian FM Khaddam meet in Beirut; PFLP-GC head Ahmed Jibril, at Baddawi, says battle with Arafat is finished and so is Arafat.

US and Other Countries: Rumsfeld meets Shamir on first visit to Israel as special envoy; US expresses satisfaction with Israeli air raid on Islamic Amal bases, says there was no Israeli-US coordination.

Military Action:

Heaviest shelling since September 26 cease-fire engulfs Beirut, Chouf; LAF and PSP battle around Souq al-Gharb, LF and PSP exchange rocket, artillery fire between East Beirut and Chouf positions; cease-fire ends in Tripoli as PLO rebels launch heavy artillery and tank attack on Baddawi camp, move to within 200 yards of perimeter but are pushed back; shells, rockets fall in Tripoli.


3 killed, 7 wounded in East Beirut, 2 wounded in West Beirut; schools close, Parliament does not meet; 3 Fateh fighters killed, 26 wounded in Baddawi fighting, 100 civilians killed or wounded, up to 10,000 camp residents reported to have taken shelter in Tripoli; 4-8 civilians killed, 12 wounded in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Head of West Bank civil administration stoned by residents of Dura; demonstrations, curfews and arrests in numerous camps and villages on West Bank; consumer price index rises by 21.1% in October, biggest increase in state's history, inflation rate of 180% anticipated for 1983.

Military Action:

PSP shells LAF and LF positions near Khalde; US maintains stepped-up pattern of reconnaissance flights; cease-fire holds in Tripoli, some fighting around Baddawi.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Demonstrations in support of Arafat occur in Jerusalem, Nablus, Gaza.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Representatives of Lebanese factions adjourn Geneva talks, will take proposals to leaders prior to start of second round of reconciliation conference, scheduled for next week; leader of Islamic Unification Movement militia in Tripoli says Arafat should remain in city as long as he likes.

Arab Governments: Syria agrees to visit by Gemayel next week.

USand Other Countries: Soviet officials end 2 days of talks with Syrian FM Khaddam, reportedly want Syria to restrain military pressure on Arafat, emphasize urgent need to end internal PLO conflict.

Military Action:

Cease-fire holds generally; sniper fire and fighting between LAF and Amal militia in southern suburbs of Beirut; LF and PSP militias exchange artillery fire near Baissour; bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Marjayoun; fighting breaks out in Baddawi refugee camp near Tripoli between Fateh and PFLP-GC factions, Arafat forces exchange artillery fire with Syrian troops.


17-19 guerrillas killed, 7 wounded in Tripoli fighting; 1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; 2 IDF soldiers wounded near Marjayoun; refugees return in large numbers to Beirut from the south.

Political Responses:

US and Other Countries: Representatives of US, Britain, France, Italy meet in New York, agree on need to keep MNF in place, discuss formation of 600-man observer corps, affiliated to UN, monitor Lebanon cease-fire; Shultz says MNF mission in Lebanon should continue until or even after there is stability, including withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and PLO forces; Reagan says he will seek Congressional authorization for any substantial expansion in size or role of Marine contingent, will consult if stay beyond 18 months is required.

Military Action:

Druze militia takes control of Aley in Chouf, destroys Phalange headquarters; IDF arming and assisting Palestinian Village League style administration in Ain el-Hilweh camp; IDF announces written peace agreement between Druze and Phalange forces and will enforce its provisions for a cease-fire, removal of road blocks, exchange of hostages; artillery exchanges continue at night; three men arrested while reportedly setting rocket launchers near site of Israeli-Lebanese-US negotiations in Khalde.


2 IDF wounded by gunfire in Sidon; 25 Phalange killed in Aley, bringing to 60 number killed in past week of fighting between Phalangist Lebanese Forces and Druze Progressive Socialist Party; French soldier loses leg when land mine explodes.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Report of the Kahan Commission of Inquiry into Beirut massacres delivered to Begin.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel says Israeli conditions for troop withdrawal are impossible and Lebanon is not prepared to accept them; South Lebanon village brigades, acting as vigilantes, receive uniforms and arms from IDF; Arafat meets with King Hussein in Amman, who reportedly wants PNC approval for non-PLO Palestinians to join Jordanian delegation for talks with US and Israel.

US and Other Countries: Reagan criticizes Israel for unnecessarily delaying troop withdrawal from Lebanon, being technically in the position of an occupying force; Habib returns to Middle East.

UN: UN documents IDF harassment of villages in South Lebanon, instructs UNIFIL to prevent IDF setting up village militias.