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  • May 2, 1995

    In Damascus, Egyptian FM Musa meets with Syrian FM al-Shara`, transmits message fr. Pres. Mubarak to Pres. al-Asad on bilateral coordination, consultation on peace process, regional issues. (SARR...

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  • April 27, 1995

    AHLC meets in Paris. Israel, PA, donors sign agmt. recognizing for 1st time Israel's "right" to impose restrictive measures (incl. closure) to ensure security.  Comm. approves $60 m. to help cover...

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  • April 6, 1995

    Jordan's 1st amb. to Israel, Marwan Muasher, arrives in Tel Aviv to assume his duties. Israel's 1st amb.to Jordan, Shimon Shamir, arrives in Amman to take his post. (MM, WT 4/6; RJ, JT 4/6 in FBIS...

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  • February 16, 1995

    Arafat, PM Yitzhak Rabin meet at Erez to discuss interim agmt., elections, closure. Arafat rejects Rabin's "Jenin 1st" idea, where PA would take over administrative, financial management of Jenin...

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In Damascus, Egyptian FM Musa meets with Syrian FM al-Shara`, transmits message fr. Pres. Mubarak to Pres. al-Asad on bilateral coordination, consultation on peace process, regional issues. (SARR 5/2 in  FBIS 5/2; RE 3/2 in FBIS 3/3)

In Gaza, Arafat meets with EU delegation, U.S. Consul Gen. Edward Abington to discuss outcomes of Paris donor's mtg. 4/27-28. (VOP 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)

PA invites Canada, EC, Egypt, Japan, Jordan, Norway, Russia to participate in 1,000-mbr. elections observer force. Arafat opens Palestine Central Elections Comm. headquarters in Gaza. (ITV 3/2 in FBIS 3/3; JP 5/13)

PA says direct phone line btwn. Arafat, Rabin has been set up so they can make rapid decision as problems arise, esp. concerning IDF, police, border issues. (YA 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)

U.S. Amb. to the UN Albright meets with Israeli PM Rabin, FM Peres, PA Local Government M Erakat, PA Information M `Abid Rabbu; discusses settlements, new U.S. trade ban on Iran, terrorism. Rabin gives support for U.S. dual containment policy; heads to Jordan for mtg. on peace process with Crown Prince Hassan. (WT 5/2; JP, QY 5/2 in FBIS 5/2; JTV, RJ, VOP 5/2 in FBIS 5/3; MM 5/3)

PA military court gives 1st death sentence to Palestinian police officer for killing 2d officer, gives him 14 days to appeal. (ITV 3/2 in FBIS 3/3; NYT 5/3; WT 5/15) (see 4/24)

Masked Israeli border policemen raid Makassed hospital in East Jerusalem in search of "Palestinian activists"; prevent ambulance workers fr. admitting patients. (WT 5/3)

Israel closes o.t. for 4 days, over Remembrance Day holiday. (QY 4/30 in FBIS 5/1)

AHLC meets in Paris. Israel, PA, donors sign agmt. recognizing for 1st time Israel's "right" to impose restrictive measures (incl. closure) to ensure security.  Comm. approves $60 m. to help cover PA's $136 m. deficit for rest of 1995, agrees to encourage financing for Gaza harbor, industrial parks. Israel says it will ease flow of goods fr. o.t. into Israel. (Currently only several dozen produce trucks are allowed to enter each day.) Kuwait announces $4 m. grant to PA. (MENA, QY 4/27, HA 4/28 in FBIS 4/28; CSM, MM, NYT 4/28; MM 5/1; MEI 5/12) (see 3/30, 4/4)

In largest confiscation in Jerusalem in 15 yrs, Israeli officials approve plan to take 134 acres of mostly Arab-owned land for new Jewish neighborhoods, police headquarters. Housing Min. anticipates 800-900 new apartments. Rabin says no-confiscation promise does not apply to East Jerusalem, he personally approved plan. Arafat criticizes Israelis for acting in bad faith, violating DOP. (QY 4/27 in FBIS 4/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 4/28; MM 5/1; CSM 5/2; WJW 5/4; JP 5/6; WJW 5/11)

Jordan's 1st amb. to Israel, Marwan Muasher, arrives in Tel Aviv to assume his duties. Israel's 1st amb.to Jordan, Shimon Shamir, arrives in Amman to take his post. (MM, WT 4/6; RJ, JT 4/6 in FBIS 4/6; JP 4/15; WJW 4/20)

U.S. envoy Ross arrives in Israel for brief shuttle btwn. Israel, Syria; meets with PM Rabin, military Chief of Staff Shahak, senior IDF officials to discuss security arrangements within framework of agmt. with Syria. Israelis present demand for 1:9 geographical ratio for demilitarized zones. Ross will transmit Israeli suggestions, concerns to Syria 4/7. (MM 4/6; IDF Radio 4/7 in FBIS 4/7; MA 4/7 in FBIS 4/10)

Israeli, Egyptian FMs meet in Paris to try to solve NPT conflict . Egypt says it is willing to sign a ban on chemical weapons in exchange but no final compromise is reached. Sides agree to continue discussions within Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control, upgrade working group talks to FM level. (WP 4/5; CSM 4/6; MBC, MENA 4/6 in FBIS 4/7; HA 4/19 in FBIS 4/20)

Israeli Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer says he will present plan to ministerial comm. for additional 5,600 homes beyond Green Line, incl. 1,300 units in Matityahu settlement, 3,000 units in Ma'ale Adumim, finishing work on 800 units in Giva'at Ze'ev. (MM 4/7; QY 4/6, JP 4/7 in FBIS 4/7)

Arafat decides to replace editorial board of Jericho-based al-Aqsa newspaper with journalists who are Fatah mbrs. Decision is criticized as interference with freedom of press. (ITV 4/6 in FBIS 4/7)

Congressional hearings open on Clinton's Omnibus Counterterrorism Bill to speed deportation of illegal immigrants suspected of terrorism, prohibit fundraising for organizations the pres. deems dangerous, grant FBI broader authority to investigate, order wiretaps. Arab-American, Muslim groups protest bill, fearing it will be used to discriminate against them, curb legitimate fundraising. (WP 4/7)

Bomb explodes on Gaza border as IDF foot patrol passes, wounding 1 soldier. No one claims responsibility. (JP 4/6 in FBIS 4/7; NYT 4/7)

Arafat, PM Yitzhak Rabin meet at Erez to discuss interim agmt., elections, closure. Arafat rejects Rabin's "Jenin 1st" idea, where PA would take over administrative, financial management of Jenin but IDF troops would remain in place. Rabin agrees to gradual lifting of closure, transfer to PA of $12 m. in tax money to alleviate unemployment, refuses to release any prisoners; calls on Arafat to ban all incitement against Israel, stop terrorist attacks in planning stage, ensure there are no "unauthorized" militias in self-rule areas. (MM 2/16; ITV, VOP, QY 2/16, IDF radio, RE 2/17 in FBIS 2/17; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/17; QY, RMC, VOP 2/17 in FBIS 2/21; MM, PR 2/20; MM 2/21; JP 2/25) (see 2/9)

Arafat speaks by phone with Jordanian PM Sharif Zaid Bin Shakir, Egyptian FM Amr Musa, briefs them on mtg. with PM Rabin. (VOP 2/17 in FBIS 2/17)

U.S. Secy. of State Warren Christopher announces U.S. will give PA $75 m. to set up development institutions in West Bank, Gaza. (VOP 2/17 in FBIS 2/21)

At mtg. in Paris, Gulf nations take "forceful" stand against proposed Middle East Development Bank, say regional cooperation is premature without full peace. Seen as retreat fr. normalization with Israel. (NYT 2/17)

100s of Israeli settlers fr. Kiryat Arba, led by Kach head Baruch Marzel, celebrate Cave of the Patriarch massacre, praise Baruch Goldstein. IDF does nothing to stop celebration even though Kach is officially outlawed by the government. (NYT, WP 2/17; PR 2/20; MEI 3/3)