Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dheisheh camp residents demonstrate & Nablus merchants strike in solidarity with Jnaid prison inmates on 12th day of their hunger...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former Stern Gang leader PM Shamir publicly denounces terrorism by Jewish settlers, and tells Knesset Israeli gov't. will not surrender...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: League for Human and Civil Rights in Israel charges IDF detention center at Fara'a (West Bank) is factory for torture of inmates (...
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Police discover huge cache of weapons, including 107 grenades, 80 loaded magazines, mines, anti-tank bazooka shells and several dozen...
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dheisheh camp residents demonstrate & Nablus merchants strike in solidarity with Jnaid prison inmates on 12th day of their hunger strike. 45 Arab local councils and municipal workers strike over unpaid salaries owed by Israel.
Arab World: As Arab League chrmn., Morocco's King Hassan calls for summit mtg. on Jordan's new relations with Egypt. In speech before Jordan's parliament, King Hussein rejects peace talks as proposed by Israel, calls for UN-sponsored negotiations.
Other Countries: US-based AAI Corp. (div. of United Industries Corp.) agrees to produce & market in US remotely-piloted vehicles (RPVs) Mastiff &Scout made by Israeli cos. Tadiran & Israel Aircraft Industries. 100-mm. guns made by Israel displayed atop Chinese Type 69 tanks in Peking military parade.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dheisheh camp youths throw stones at Israeli vehicles, smash 1 bus window. Police detain 4 Kach members attempting to enter Dheisheh after curfew.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former Stern Gang leader PM Shamir publicly denounces terrorism by Jewish settlers, and tells Knesset Israeli gov't. will not surrender its sovereignty over West Bank, but is ready to talk peace with any Arab leader. Reiterating that Israel considers Camp David only formula for settlement, PM Shamir rejects Chrmn. Arafat's call for peace conference under UN auspices.
Arab World: Lebanese amb. to Libya Farhat [dismissed by Libya when his gov't. signed agreement with Israel May 17, 1983] returns to his post. Egypt's FM Hassan Ali summons Israeli amb. Sassoon to protest Israel's "inhuman and illegal practices in occupied Arab territories".
Other Countries: In UN Security Council session, Zehdi Terzi accuses Israel of killing or wounding 60 refugees in its recent attack on Ain al-Hilweh camp, S. Lebanon. In effort to monitor Arab influence in US, American Jewish Congress pres. Mann announces nationwide push for legislation compelling colleges & universities to report sources of grants over $100,000 a year. Meeting with Israel's Science Minister, Thai Science Min. Lathopitat says he wants stronger industrial ties with Israel. After rash of complaints, British mail order house Freemans issues apology after accidentally shipping Israeli-made bras to Abu Dhabi.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: EL-OP unveils new ship-board air defense system Spirtas. Military court sentences 7 Nablus men charged with murder of Hebron settler; 4 get life, 3 get 20-25 years.
Arab World: 2 Katyushas fall in IDF-occupied territory near Ba'loul, east of Lake Karoun.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: League for Human and Civil Rights in Israel charges IDF detention center at Fara'a (West Bank) is factory for torture of inmates (mostly minors). 2 prisoners to be freed in Nov. 1983 prisoner exchange still held in Atlit prison, appeal to High Court for release. Haifa U.'s Arab Student Union pres. suspended for semester on charges of disturbing MK Sharon lecture (1/19/84), at which he and student companions were tear gassed while attempting to enter lecture hall. Pres. Herzog rejects pardon request by Uri Adiv. [See JPS (Winter 1984) pp. 176-178.] Naturei Karta's Rabbi Hirsch says on US television PLO is sole & democratically-chosen representative of Palestinian people.
Other Countries: Israeli DM Arens reportedly calls US Sec. of Defense Weinberger "a prime candidate for psychoanalysis."
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF uses tear gas against Arab students demonstrating near yeshiva at Joseph's Tomb, Nablus. Egged bus traveling between Kafr Saba and Qalqilya, and IDF patrol near Balata refugee camp stoned. IDF soldier wounded while forcing dispersal of demonstrators at Nur Shams refugee camp. Beitunia students protest Egypt-Israel treaty and moves by local mayor to normalize relations with "civil administration. "
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army invades Jibsheet village, kills 2 women, 1 man; IDF searches village, rounding up about 100 "suspects of hostility to Israel." IDF patrol ambushed south of Zahrani River, 1 assailant killed.
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Police discover huge cache of weapons, including 107 grenades, 80 loaded magazines, mines, anti-tank bazooka shells and several dozen kilos of explosives in evacuated Palestinian village of Lifta near Jerusalem; suspected to be linked with "TNT" cells. MK Tsaban's motion to establish a committee of inquiry into the invasion of Lebanon defeated in Knesset vote (42-33). PM Shamir accuses Egypt of "tretreating from the Camp David framework, " citing Egypt's failure to return its ambassador to Israel. MK Rabin says PLO operations against Israel were "child's play" compared to Shi'ite "terror" against IDF in S. Lebanon. Chief of Staff Levy tells Foreign Affairs & Defense Com. 2,000 [Palestinian] "terrorists" have returned to Beirut, and IDF withdrawal from S. Lebanon would not guarantee Israel secure borders. 4 American-Israeli youths arrested for last Sunday's attack on Arab bus near Ramallah. 5 Galilee Palestinians arrested on prima facie evidence of membership in religiousnationalist organization that may have set fire to 30 vehicles in recent months. Nablus mayor Shaka'a rejects military authorities' conditions placed on his travel permit to US.
Other Countries: US amb. to OAS Middendorf affirms US and Israel have mutual strategic interests in Central America where a battle is being waged by "atheistic Communism to destroy our 'Judeo-Christian civilization'." "Moral Majority" leader Jerry Falwell reaffirms support for Israel before group at Herzl Institute, NY, stating Israel's best friends in US are "Bible-believing Christians" and US should not have interrupted Israel's "liberation" of Lebanon from Syrian and PLO "slavery." Rev. Jesse Jackson's US presidential campaign staff compile evidence of "hounding" by some Jewish-American organizations.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Israelis killed and 9 wounded in booby-trapped bomb explosion on bus near Ashdod; Abu Nidal's PDFLP-GC in Damascus claims responsibility; 150 Arab men rounded up as suspects.