4 / 15500 Results
  • August 16, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. unity talks stall over issues of settlement & negotiations with Jordan. Actual foreign currency reserve losses in July...

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  • May 24, 1984

    Social/Economic/ Political:

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi...

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  • April 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens denies reports that Israel is amassing troops in Beqaa for attack on Syria.

    Other Countries: NBC television broadcast...

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  • April 1, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesman says 6,000 technicians needed to man increasingly sophisticated war equipment. Despite agreement with Gaza Islamic U....

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. unity talks stall over issues of settlement & negotiations with Jordan. Actual foreign currency reserve losses in July reportedly exceed $700 million; official $351 million figure created by bookkeeping maneuver [see 8/1]. Speaking at National Defense College, DM Arens charges communications media give "distorted" reports of S. Lebanon situation.

Other Countries: House Ways & Means Trade Subcom. members predict Congress will pass "free trade pact" with Israel before October. US Pres. Reagan tells World Jewish Congress leaders he will cancel US participation in Nairobi UN Conference on Women (1985) if it adopts measure equating Zionism with racism.

Military Aciton

Arab World: Israeli jets bomb supposed Palestine guerrilla camp E. of Bar Elias in Beqaa Valley; casualty reports contradictory; later, roadside bomb explodes near Jezzine, wounding 3 Israelis.

Social/Economic/ Political:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi Levinger released and Rabbi Waldman (also of Kiryat Arba) arrested for alleged links with Jewish terrorists. Za'el Issa Harashe, 34, of Bani Na'im released after 17-yr. imprisonment on security-related charge. Saleh Baransi released from custody. Residents of Deir al-Hatab fight fire destroying 300 dunums of trees and crops; arson suspected. Military court sentences Sharhabil Farajeh of Halhoul to 6 mos. prison on political charge upon return from studies in Jordan. Abd al-Basit of Daboriyah given 6 mos. prison on charge of PLO membership.

Arab World: Lebanese PM meets with US, Soviet and UK ambs. to seek help ending Israeli human rights violations in S. Lebanon; later Soviet amb. strongly condemns Israel's "inhuman" acts.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces bulldoze homes of Qasem, Ali & Majed Sweitat in Izzedin near Jenin, West Bank, claiming they are built on "state land." Mine explodes near Biddu village, killing 10 sheep. Bomb planted in Bir Sab'a Beduin market defused; no arrests.

Arab World: Israeli planes bomb Bar Elias village in Beqaa Valley. 4 Israelis wounded by roadside bomb near Ansariya, S. Lebanon.

Other Countries: US Defense Sec. Weinberger discloses US assisting Israel to develop Saar 5 attack missile patrol boat.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens denies reports that Israel is amassing troops in Beqaa for attack on Syria.

Other Countries: NBC television broadcast reports Israel supplies 25% of arms to rebels in Nicaragua.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestinle/Israel: 2 Israelis slightly injured in roadside bomb explosion near Qalqilya.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesman says 6,000 technicians needed to man increasingly sophisticated war equipment. Despite agreement with Gaza Islamic U. officials that no arrest be made if students dispersed peacefully, 10 students given 1-3 mos. prison sentences and IS35,000- 50,000 fines by military court for participation in Land Day demonstrations. Tehiya and Rafael Eitan's Tzomet decide to run jointly in July elections.

Other Countries: Soviet CP officials begin talks with Lebanese Muslim leaders in Beirut. Canadian Progressive Conservative leader Mulroney tells Israel Bonds audience Israel must help solve the Palestinians' plight.

Military Action:

Arab World: Israeli artillery units shell Bar Elias area of N. Beqaa. At least 2 Israeli patrolmen injured in roadside bomb explosion in Sidon. IDF outpost near Baalul in Beqaa Valley attacked by automatic weapon fire.