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  • August 20, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army evicts 7 MKs from apartment in Hebron, declares area "a closed military zone." The 7 leave but promise to appeal legality...

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  • March 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    Grenades, mortars, rockets fired in Tripoli fighting between Lebanese Communist Party rnilitia and Soldiers of God militia; land mine explodes near Khiyam; Italian MNF...

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  • July 1, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army evicts 7 MKs from apartment in Hebron, declares area "a closed military zone." The 7 leave but promise to appeal legality of eviction to the High Court [NYT 8/21]. Inspector General David Kraus, Plia Albek, a senior Justice Ministry official responsible for land registration, ad Bank of Israel Governor Moshe Mandlebaum appear before Knesset State Comptroller Committee for largescale investigation into land fraud cases begun by police after upsurge in complaints following arrest of several West Bank judges early in summer on bribery charges [JP 8/21]. Ahmad Odeh, wealthy West Banker, was arrested last week on charges of involvement in illegal land sales. Al-Fajr reported he contributed $30,000 to the Likud election campaign last year [JP 8/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Booby-trapped car is detonated minutes before it explodes at central bus station in Netanya. Police round up 100 Palestinians in the vicinity. A telephone caller claims responsibility for Fateh's Force 17 [FJ 8/23].

Arab World: Israeli diplomat Albert Atrakchi, 30, an administrative attache, is killed and 2 embassy employees wounded when 3 men spray their car with kalashnikov assault rifles in Cairo. "Egypt's Revolution" takes responsibility, threatens attacks until all "Israeli colonialists" leave Egypt [NYT, WP, JP 8/21]. Amal militia and the sixth brigade of the Lebanese army attack Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila with heavy bombardments; 24 refugees are injured [FJ 8/25]. Unidentified jets raid Hazerta village in the Biqa' Valley. Israel denies responsibility [JP 8/21]. Car bomb explodes in Tripoli, killing 44 and wounding 90. Caller claims responsibility on behalf of the Revolutionary Christians of the Cedars [NYT 8/21]. In Beirut, 40 are reported killed and 143 wounded in round-the-clock fighting between Christian and Muslim militias [NYT 8/21].

Military Action:

Grenades, mortars, rockets fired in Tripoli fighting between Lebanese Communist Party rnilitia and Soldiers of God militia; land mine explodes near Khiyam; Italian MNF patrol attacked with RPGs near airport; remote-controlled bomb explodes near IDF vehicle outside refugee camp near Tyre, area closed and searched; IDF surrounds town of Barja, arrests 3 Lebanese suspected of involvement in ambushes.


2 killed, 7 wounded in Tripoli fighting, schools and shops closed in old quarter of city; 9 Italian MNF wounded in 2 Beirut attacks, 2 vehicles destroyed; Lebanese Army informs residents of Burj al-Barajneh camp in Beirut that government prohibits repairs of bombed-out roofs, arrests 15 on charges of abusive construction, threatens to arrest additional 34 tomorrow.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Defense Minister Arens orders drastic cuts in ministry's National Security Unit, expanded by Sharon to proportions of alternative general staff; Arens tells Knesset Foreign Affairs committee there is no need to freeze West Bank settlements to entice King Hussein to enter peace negotiations; Cabinet selects Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Moshe Levy to replace IDF Chief of Staff Eitan; Central Bureau of Statistics says inflation rate is 130% a year; 3 suspects in attempt to take over Temple Mount released on bail; Nazareth municipal employee sentenced to 3 months in jail for participating in illegal Land Day demonstration in 1982; two new Chief Rabbis elected for 10-year terms, say that West Bank and South Lebanon are part of Israel; Bedouins call off hunger strike after Agriculture Ministry official agrees to meet them; curfews remain in force in Halhoul, Dheisheh, Aida, Jalazon and Ein Beit Alma, new curfew imposed on Balata camp; IDF seizes house opposite al-Amari camp for lookout post; 5 Village League members armed with automatic rifles enter village of Nuba, threaten to destroy it unless alleged demonstrators are turned in, IDF later arrests 3 residents,on charges of calling Hebron Village League head a traitor.

Arab Governments: Syrian officials say troops will not be withdrawn from Lebanon if any Israeli-Lebanese agreement provides for Israeli troops in Lebanon and formal trade, tourist, or diplomatic ties; Egyptian and Israeli officials hold second round of talks in Cairo on reviving trade relations.

US and Other Countries: State Department announces progress after third day of talks between Shultz and Shamir, emphasizes proposals for increased US responsibility for security, including training and equipping elite Lebanese force to patrol border, expansion in size and responsibility of MNF, and creation of a joint Lebanese- Israeli-US military commission to oversee security zone in South Lebanon; US officials say incentives to Israel such as high aid levels and release of F-16s are likely to accompany agreement to troop withdrawal accord; in statement read to conference on Soviet Jewry, Reagan says plight of Soviet Jews who are denied right to emigrate will remain in forefront of US foreign policy and human rights concerns.

Military Action:

Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.


Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.

Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).

US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.