6 / 15500 Results
  • January 31, 1994

    2 days of talks btwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres conclude in early morning. Arafat says Israel and PLO will reach final agreement on implementing Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and...

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  • January 30, 1994

    Arafat-Peres talks in Davos, Switzerland continue. At World Economic Forum session, U.S. Under Secy. of State Joan Spero calls for "an end to the Arab boycott of Israel," and Arafat joins in...

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  • January 29, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres have 4-hr. night mtg. in Davos, Switzerland, on sidelines of World Economic Forum conference. Both sides report progress in negotiations on Palestinian...

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  • January 25, 1994

    Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG...

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  • January 21, 1994

    Jordan's King Hussein, on private visit to U.S., meets Pres. Clinton at White House, discusses Arab-Israeli peace talks. (WT 1/22)

    Basil al-Asad, presumed heir-apparent of his father,...

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  • January 6, 1994

    Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas release statement saying PLO-Israel talks on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho will resume in Taba, Egypt, "based on the Declaration...

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2 days of talks btwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres conclude in early morning. Arafat says Israel and PLO will reach final agreement on implementing Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and Jericho "very soon," notes he and Peres "clarified many issues," while Peres says they were able to "negotiate many [problems], maybe most of them." 2 agree to meet again in Cairo in 1 week. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/31)

Mbrs. of Fateh "Ahmad Abu Rish Brigade" in Gaza claim responsibility for 1/29 grenade attack on IDF, citing stepped-up arrests of Fateh activists as motive. (RMC 1/31 in FBIS 2/1; NYT 1/31)

Arafat-Peres talks in Davos, Switzerland continue. At World Economic Forum session, U.S. Under Secy. of State Joan Spero calls for "an end to the Arab boycott of Israel," and Arafat joins in applauding remark. (NYT, WP, WT 1/31)

Multilateral comm. on disarmament opens 6-day Cairo mtg. to discuss control of unconventional weapons, establishment of DMZ, regional cooperation. (MENA 1/30 in FBIS 1/31)

1 Palestinian killed, 3 wounded in Askar camp, nr. Nablus, when bomb explodes prematurely. (IDF Radio 1/30 in FBIS 2/1)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres have 4-hr. night mtg. in Davos, Switzerland, on sidelines of World Economic Forum conference. Both sides report progress in negotiations on Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and Jericho. (NYT, WT 1/30)

Unknown gunman kills Na'ib 'Umran al-Ma'aitah, 42, 1st secretary of Jordanian embassy in Beirut, in 1st assassination of diplomat since end of Lebanese civil war in 1990. Suspicion focuses on FRC ("Abu Nidal" group), responsible for killing of Jordanian diplomats in 1980s. (NYT, WP, WT 1/30)

3 IDF soldiers wounded in grenade attack in Gaza Strip. (NYT 1/31)

Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG Uri Savir. (MENA 1/25 in FBIS 1/25, 1/26)

PLO and Egypt sign 5-yr. economic and technical cooperation agreement giving each side most-favored-nation status, supporting local industry, and exploring joint projects, including free zone at Rafah. (MM 1/25)

Molodet figure Shaul Gutman announces formation of breakaway body, called "Peace Guard," to pursue platform of "transfer." (Qol Yisra'el 1/25 in FBIS 1/25)

Jordan's King Hussein, on private visit to U.S., meets Pres. Clinton at White House, discusses Arab-Israeli peace talks. (WT 1/22)

Basil al-Asad, presumed heir-apparent of his father, Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad, dies in a car crash in Damascus. (NYT, WP, WT 1/22)

Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Oslo for funeral of Norwegian FM Johan Jorgen Holst, mtgs. with Israeli FM Peres, PLO Chmn. Arafat. State Dept. sources travelling with Christopher say U.S. will not insert self into Israel-PLO talks. (WP, WT 1/22)

Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat 'Abd al-Majid, after mtg. with Secy. of Commerce Brown, says 3/94 mtg. of Arab League FMs will discuss lifting secondary and tertiary boycotts of Israel. (NYT, WP, WT 1/22)

Israeli farmer Moshe Becker, 60, stabbed to death in orchard nr. Rishon le-Zion, Israel. 3 Palestinians fr. Gaza Strip arrested for attack. (Qol Yisra'el 1/21 in FBIS 1/25; NYT 1/22)

Delegation of 80 American Reform rabbis leaves Jordan after brief tour following visits to Egypt, Israel. (JT 1/22 in FBIS 1/25)

Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas release statement saying PLO-Israel talks on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho will resume in Taba, Egypt, "based on the Declaration of Principles and the Cairo understandings." (Qol Yisra'el 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM, WT 1/6; CSM, WP 1/7)

Talks in Tunis btwn. PLO leadership, Palestinian delegation demanding reform conclude. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 1/6 in FBIS 1/10; MM 1/7)

Israeli PM Rabin visits Allenby Bridge to reaffirm that Israel will control border crossings during autonomy period. (NYT, WP, WT 1/7)

Alleged Islamic Jihad mbr. stabs IDF soldier in Jerusalem and is shot dead. (Qol Yisra'el 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; WP 1/7)

Frmr. Israeli PM Yitzhak Shamir, in radio interview, comments on 1/5 bomb incident in New York, saying "Peace Now has caused the State of Israel more harm than would have been caused had the bombs gone off." Shamir faces criticism for remarks, claims he meant to say opposite of what he did. (NYT 1/8; WJW 1/13)