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  • June 19, 2002

    The IDF reoccupies Qalqilya, imposes a curfew; Palestinians clash with troops, leaving 2 IDF soldiers, a local PA intelligence chief dead. The IDF continues operations in Jenin r.c....

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  • November 22, 1990

    Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

    Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia,...

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The IDF reoccupies Qalqilya, imposes a curfew; Palestinians clash with troops, leaving 2 IDF soldiers, a local PA intelligence chief dead. The IDF continues operations in Jenin r.c. and town, fortifying a temporary IDF base outside the r.c. with 7 trailers, fuel and water trucks to create a barracks; conducting house-to-house searches, ordering all men ages 15-50 to surrender, using 3 doctors fr. a nearby hospital as human shields; firing a tank shell at al-Razi hospital. The IDF also reinforces tanks around Nablus; conducts arrest raids in Dura, Hebron, Umm Salamona; bulldozes 57 dunams of Palestinian agricultural land nr. Aley Sinai; imposes curfews on villages around Bethlehem. Jewish settlers fr. Aldavid settlement set fire to 50 dunams of Palestinian crops nr. Bethlehem; IDF troops observe but do not intervene. An AMB suicide bomber, retaliating for the 6/17 assassination of an AMB leader, detonates a device at a bus stop in French Hill settlement in East Jerusalem during evening rush hr., killing 7 Jewish settlers, wounding 40. In response, the IDF sends troops into Ramallah; helicopter gunships fire missiles at least 5 alleged bomb-making workshops in Gaza City, Jabaliya, Khan Yunis; begins barring Palestinians with West Bank IDs fr. entering Jerusalem; raids a hospital in Shaykh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, sends home 30 employees with West Bank IDs; reportedly rounds up 1,400 Palestinian workers inside the Green Line, sends home 800 Palestinian workers with West Bank IDs. (HP, LAW, NYT, PCHR, WP, WT 6/19; XIN 6/19 in WNC 6/21; MM 6/20, 6/24; LAW 6/26; PCHR 6/27; JPI, MEI 6/28)

PA Planning M Shaath, still in Washington meeting with U.S. officials, says that he has given the U.S. a 20-30-page draft constitution for a Palestinian state (i.e., an expanded version of the Basic Law) that reportedly envisions a government headed by a PM, with a ceremonial pres. (WP 6/20)


Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, says they may have to face "some pain now to avoid even worse pain later," then flies to Cairo [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; MET 12/4].

D.M. Tom King says Britain will send 14,000 more troops and additional tanks, aircraft, and ships to the Gulf by the end of the year, bringing total number of British troops there to more than 30,000 [NYT, LAT, MEM 11/23].

Visiting Sanaa, Yemen, Sec. Baker is rebuffed in efforts to persuade Yemen, only Arab country on UN Sec. Council, to support resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. Pres. Saleh criticizes buildup of foreign forces in Gulf [SDS 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; SDS 11/23 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 11/23]; Baker then flies to Jeddah [SPA 11/22 in FBIS 11/23].

PLO leader Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad, says he strongly supports Saddam Hussein's assertions that Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait must be tied to overall settlement of conflicts in region; adds there is no alternative to negotiations between Iraq and U.S. [BVP 11/22 in FBIS 11/27; NYT 11/26].

D.M. Moshe Arens instructs IDF to expand enlistment of Bedouins into its ranks [MAA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23].

Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek and E. Jerusalem Arabs praise Jerusalem district planning committee's decision to build 7,500 new apartments for Palestinians northwards from French Hill junction towards Ramallah [JPD 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; MEM 11/23; JPI 12/1].

Kuwaiti gov't.-in-exile extends $550 million medium-term loan to the Soviet Union on favorable terms; "observers" point to "political aspect" of loan [MEM 11/23]. 

Soviet Union and Israel sign agreement on scientific cooperation and exchanges of scientific information [TASS 11/22 in FBIS 11/28].