Following a mtg. on the peace process with Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak in Alexandria, PA head Yasir Arafat calls on the U.S. to step in and help break the PA's impasse with Israel over the Wye...
PLO Chmn. Arafat announces Hamas has agreed to not obstruct PLO efforts to implement PLO-Israel agreement, refrain fr. violence among Palestinians. Agreement allegedly signed 9/15 in Gaza by Fateh...
Secy. of State Christopher begins mission to revive Arab-Israeli talks with meeting in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stating "the situation in Lebanon, perhaps paradoxically, has given a...
Pres. Bush, Pres. Gorbachev arrive in Helsinki for 1-day summit aimed at coordinating approaches to Gulf crisis; Saddam sends open letter affirming his intention to hold on to Kuwait [NYT, WP 9/9...
The "Troika" foreign ministers of the EC (Italy, Ireland, and Luexembourg) arrive for overnight visit in Israel; say opening of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is essential to peace. Italian F.M....
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Following a mtg. on the peace process with Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak in Alexandria, PA head Yasir Arafat calls on the U.S. to step in and help break the PA's impasse with Israel over the Wye implementation timetable. The PA is now asking Israel to complete Wye implementation by 11/30, but Israel says it cannot be completed until 2/00. (MENA 8/22 in WNC 8/23; NYT, WT 8/23; AYM 9/23 in WNC 8/26)
Norwegian FM Knut Vollebaek arrives in Israel on the 1st leg of a Middle East tour to discuss the peace process, aid issues. He meets with PM Barak and FM David Levy, who give him a message to deliver to Syrian pres. Asad, urging him to restart negotiations. (MA 8/23 in WNC 8/24)
In Cairo, PA head Yasir Arafat opens talks with Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) leader Nayif Hawatimah on uniting Palestinian factions ahead of Israeli-PA final status talks. This is the 1st time the pair has met since Oslo was signed in 9/93. (MENA 8/22 in WNC 8/23; MM, NYT, WP 8/23; MM 8/24; al-Ahram 8/25 in WNC 8/30; Jerusalem Times 8/27 in WNC 8/31)
Hizballah, the IDF clash in s. Lebanon, leaving 2 IDF soldiers wounded. (RL, VOL 8/22 in WNC 8/23; NYT, WP 8/23)
Pres. Clinton, Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan meet in Washington. (RJ 10/1 in WNC 10/2, 10/3; RJ 10/2, 10/3 in WNC 10/6) Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, PA's Arafat meet in Alexandria. (MENA, RE 10/1 in WNC 10/2)
Workers in Hebron finish repairs, improvements to Shuhada Street. (PR 10/10; NYT 10/23) (see 9/2)
In s. Lebanon, an SLA soldier is killed in a clash with Hizballah. (RL 10/1 in WNC 10/2)
PLO Chmn. Arafat announces Hamas has agreed to not obstruct PLO efforts to implement PLO-Israel agreement, refrain fr. violence among Palestinians. Agreement allegedly signed 9/15 in Gaza by Fateh and Hamas reps. Arafat says pact paves way for 10/93 meeting in Yemen between PLO and opposition factions. Arafat travels to Alexandria to reassure Egyptian Pres. Mubarak of Palestinian gratitude for support in peace process. (MM 9/16; NYT 9/17; WT 9/18)
Syrian radio reports VP Khaddam met with DFLP leader Nayif Hawatmah, PFLP head George Habash. (MM, NYT 9/17)
Jordan begins police registration of illegal Palestinian residents. Estimated 60,000 residents of o.t. have overstayed temporary Jordanian visas this year. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/16 in FBIS 9/17; MM 9/17)
Opinion surveys show that 60% of Israeli Jews support Israel-PLO agreement signed 9/13. (WP 9/17)
EC pledges $1 b. for Middle East programs. Funds are earmarked for hospital, 50,000 housing units in Gaza and building of Palestinian "administrative backbone." EC also considering funding large-scale regional programs, including highway system to link Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. EC commissioner for development aid Manuel Marin meets in Brussels with PLO official Nabil Shaath to discuss distribution of assistance. (WP 9/17)
Secy. of State Christopher begins mission to revive Arab-Israeli talks with meeting in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stating "the situation in Lebanon, perhaps paradoxically, has given a new burst of energy to the negotiations." (NYT 8/3)
PLO Chm. Arafat meets Egyptian Pres. Mubarak after latter's talks with Secy. of State Christopher. (MENA 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)
Palestinian hijacks UNRWA bus in Gaza Strip, killing Israeli civilian employee of military government. (NYT 8/3)
Poll of Palestinians in o.t. conducted by Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre in conjunction with CNN and Dutch TV finds 51.7% oppose Palestinian-Jordanian confederation, 55.9% oppose continuation of peace talks on the Madrid formula, 50.1% support Palestinian withdrawal from talks, 87.7% believe PLO needs democratic reform, 32.9% support dividing Jerusalem, and 50.9% trust leadership of "national movements," as against 24.1% for "Islamic movements." Poll has margin of error of +3%, confidence level of 95%. (JMCC poll) Responding in part to complaints by Palestinian members of the Orthodox Church that the Patriarchate has been passing land to the Israeli government, Ecumenical Council of Orthodox Churches decides to boycott Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Diodoros I. (al-Fajr 8/16)
Lebanese govt. orders army to prepare for redeployment in south. UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghalinforms Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri of UN approval of move. (WP, WT 8/3)
Pres. Bush, Pres. Gorbachev arrive in Helsinki for 1-day summit aimed at coordinating approaches to Gulf crisis; Saddam sends open letter affirming his intention to hold on to Kuwait [NYT, WP 9/9; MET 9/18].
Ending 3 days of talks with leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE, Sec. Baker holds 90-minute meeting with Pres. Mubarak in Alexandria where Mubarak promises to increase Egyptian troop strength in Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 9/9].
Pres. Mubarak also meets with U.S. congressional delegation headed by Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), chrmn. of defense subcommittee of House Appropriations Committee [CDS 9/8 in FBIS 9/11].
20 forty-ton trucks carrying milk, medicine, and foodstuffs leave Amman for Iraq. Convoy organized by General Union of Voluntary Societies [JTE 9/9 in FBIS 9/10].
Kuwaiti Finance Minister says his country's more than $100 billion in foreign assets around the world have been unfrozen, and the exiled Kuwaiti gov't has "full management" over them [WP 9/9].
45 people are killed during continued fighting between Fateh troops loyal to Arafat and Abu Nidal's forces in S. Lebanon; reports claim battles spill over into Sidon [BVL 9/8 in FBIS 9/10; NYT 9/9].
The "Troika" foreign ministers of the EC (Italy, Ireland, and Luexembourg) arrive for overnight visit in Israel; say opening of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is essential to peace. Italian F.M. Gianni De Michelis adds "the peace process is impossible without the Palestinians and without areal representative of the Palestinians" [MEM 7/23; WP 7/24]; Troika meets with Israeli F.M. David Levy; De Michelis hints EC is not likely to honor Israel's request for enhanced trade with integrated Europe in 1992 without peace progress (cf. 7/24) [JDS 7/23; MEM 7/24; MAA 7/24 in FBIS 7/24].
King Hussein meets Pres. Mubarak in Alexandria for "working visit" [MENA, ADS, 7/23 in FBIS 7/23].
PFLP spokesman denies that 4 persons killed by Jordanian troops on 7/21 belonged to his group [RMC 7/23 in FBIS 7/24].
Immigrant Absorption Minister Yitzhak Perez tells Knesset committee some 70,000 immigrants have arrived in Israel in 1990, 61,000 from USSR. He also says that beginning in August, 20,000 immigrants will arrive monthly UDS 7/23 in FBIS 7/24].
Arafat sends cable to Pres. Mubarak, reaffirming "strong fraternal ties" between Palestinians and Egyptians. Cable, 2d in 2 days, is seen as part of PLO efforts to diffuse tensions starting with Egyptian newspaper attacks on Arafat (cf. 7/19) [MEM 7/24].
Israeli and SLA artillery shell Iqlim al-Tuffah in S.Lebanon [BVL 7/24 in FBIS 7/24]; shelling wounds 5 Fateh soldiers [BVP 7/23 in FBIS 7/25].