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  • September 27, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire holds generally; sniper fire and fighting between LAF and Amal militia in southern suburbs of Beirut; LF and PSP militias exchange artillery fire near Baissour;...

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  • September 22, 1983

    Military Action;

    French Army HQ and Italian munitions depot in Beirut hit by rockets; 4-8 French Super Etendard jet fighters, based on French carrier Foch, attack PSP and Syrian gun...

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  • September 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy artillery fire hits West Beirut; fighting intensifies around Souq al-Gharb; US and French jets carry out reconnaissance and warning flights over Beirut and PSP...

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  • September 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery and rocket battles between LF and PSP continue; PSP militia captures Bhamdoun; LAF takes up positions at Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues in hills near...

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Military Action:

Cease-fire holds generally; sniper fire and fighting between LAF and Amal militia in southern suburbs of Beirut; LF and PSP militias exchange artillery fire near Baissour; bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Marjayoun; fighting breaks out in Baddawi refugee camp near Tripoli between Fateh and PFLP-GC factions, Arafat forces exchange artillery fire with Syrian troops.


17-19 guerrillas killed, 7 wounded in Tripoli fighting; 1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; 2 IDF soldiers wounded near Marjayoun; refugees return in large numbers to Beirut from the south.

Political Responses:

US and Other Countries: Representatives of US, Britain, France, Italy meet in New York, agree on need to keep MNF in place, discuss formation of 600-man observer corps, affiliated to UN, monitor Lebanon cease-fire; Shultz says MNF mission in Lebanon should continue until or even after there is stability, including withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and PLO forces; Reagan says he will seek Congressional authorization for any substantial expansion in size or role of Marine contingent, will consult if stay beyond 18 months is required.

Military Action;

French Army HQ and Italian munitions depot in Beirut hit by rockets; 4-8 French Super Etendard jet fighters, based on French carrier Foch, attack PSP and Syrian gun emplacements near Sofar, Dour Choueir and elsewhere, first combat use of airpower by MNF; rockets hit Lebanese Air Force base at Jubeil, LAF positions at Khalden; battle for Souq al-Gharb continues.


4 French soldiers wounded in HQ shelling, 2 others wounded by grenade thrown at truck, French casualties now total 50 wounded, 16 killed; Italian MNF munitions depot destroyed.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 600-2000 Druze civilians demonstrate in Beirut against US support for LAF and LF, march to temporary US Embassy, present letter to US official.

US and Other Countries: House Foreign Affairs Committee by 30-6 vote approves compromise formula to allow deployment of US troops in Lebanon for additional 18 months.

Military Action:

Heavy artillery fire hits West Beirut; fighting intensifies around Souq al-Gharb; US and French jets carry out reconnaissance and warning flights over Beirut and PSP positions in Chouf; US Marines fire artillery rounds; US, French, Italian warships move close to Beirut shoreline.


2-3 French soldiers in MNF killed, 5 wounded by artillery fire, total French MNF casualties are 16 killed, 44 wounded; 11 civilians killed, 38 injured in West Beirut; car bomb near Mourabitoun HQ on Corniche Mazraa kills 6, injures 27; 5 Red Cross relief and ambulance convoys turned back from Chouf since Sunday, Red Cross officials report 40,000 refugees from Chouf fighting.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials ask MNF countries to increase number of troops and deploy them in mountains, say Syrian-backed PLO forces are aiding PSP militia.

Arab Governments: Assad meets McFarlane in Damascus. US and Other Countries: France warns it will destroy any artillery positions firing on French MNF contingent.

UN: Conference on Palestine ends, declares right of Palestinian people to self-determination and an independent state in Palestine.

Military Action:

Artillery and rocket battles between LF and PSP continue; PSP militia captures Bhamdoun; LAF takes up positions at Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues in hills near Beirut airport and along coastal road near Khaldeh.


Police report 31 killed, 67 wounded in Chouf and Beirut, total since Sunday 216 killed, 561 wounded; LAF reports 4 soldiers killed, 8 wounded, 2 civilians killed, 17 wounded in Beirut; 1500 residents flee Bhamdoun; 800 demonstrate near presidential palace, call for government to stop Chouf fighting; 2 US Marines killed, 3 wounded by rockets fired from Burj al-Barajneh area, total US casualties now 4 killed, 17 wounded; 6 Italian soldiers wounded.