8 / 15500 Results
  • July 16, 1997

    Israeli DM Mordechai, PA Planning M Shaath meet, discuss Rafah airport. Egyptian amb. Basyuni attends, says no progress is made. (MM 7/16; IDF Radio 7/17 in WNC 7/18)

    In Cairo, Pres....

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  • July 15, 1997

    Labor Chmn. Barak arrives in Cairo for mtg. with Pres. Mubarak. (WT 7/16)

    In Amman, Jordanian PM Majali discusses with Arafat dep. Abbas ways of coordinating the Arab positions on the peace...

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  • September 1, 1989


    Arab World: Egyptian president Mubarak rejects offer to meet with Israeli P.M. Shamir in New York on the sidelines of UN meeting [FBIS 9/1].

    Military Action...

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  • August 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8...

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  • September 4, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's 10-member inner cabinet meets to discuss security situation in occupied territories, resolves to tell Jordan again to remove...

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  • March 4, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].

    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any...

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  • January 5, 1985


    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak meets King Hussein in Aqaba, discusses Palestinian issues [WP 1/6]. Pres. Assad denounces Arafat, Hussein before Baath Party congress in...

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  • February 10, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugee camps meet in Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho to discuss youth programs.

    Other Countries...

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Israeli DM Mordechai, PA Planning M Shaath meet, discuss Rafah airport. Egyptian amb. Basyuni attends, says no progress is made. (MM 7/16; IDF Radio 7/17 in WNC 7/18)

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Labor Chmn. Barak discuss future of the peace process. (MM 7/16; IDF Radio 7/16 in WNC 7/17)

Israeli administration informs ministries to prepare for "action plans" to increase Israeli control in East Jerusalem. (MA 7/17 in WNC 7/18)

The IDF declares PA-controlled cities in the West Bank closed military zones. Technically this means that no Israelis may enter; in practice it is little different from sealing the cities, when no one is allowed in or out. (ITV 7/16 in WNC 7/17)

Senate passes version of the 1998 foreign aid bill that includes $1.3 b. in military aid, $850 m. in economic aid for Egypt. (al-Ahram al-Masa'i 7/19 in WNC 7/29) (see 6/18)

ILMG discusses 2 Lebanese complaints regarding the death of 3 civilians during Israeli shelling (7/12, 7/14), 2 Israeli complaints regarding 7/15 katyusha attack; concludes that all 4 incidents were unintentional violations of the 4/96 understanding. Before the mtg. convenes, Hizballah fires some 30 katyushas toward n. Israel. (RL 7/16 in WNC 7/17; RL 7/17 in WNC 7/18)

Labor Chmn. Barak arrives in Cairo for mtg. with Pres. Mubarak. (WT 7/16)

In Amman, Jordanian PM Majali discusses with Arafat dep. Abbas ways of coordinating the Arab positions on the peace process. (RJ 7/15 in WNC 7/16)

In an emergency session, the UNGA adopts (131-3, with 14 abstentions) a resolution condemning Israeli settlement policy, threatening to cut back Israel rights within th UN. Israel, Micronesia, the U.S. vote against (see 7/10); Russia abstains. (MM 7/15; IDF Radio 7/15 in WNC 7/16; MM, NYT, WT 7/16; ITV 7/16 in WNC 7/17; CSM, MM 7/17; Hatzofe, Interfax [Moscow], RE 7/17 in WNC 7/18; Xinhua [Beijing] 7/17, SAPA [Johannesburg] 7/21 in WNC 7/24; MM, PR 7/18; MEI 7/25; JP 7/26)

Higher Jordanian-Qatari Comm. ends 2-day session in Doha. The 2 states sign agmts. on land transport, commercial shipping and ports, judicial affairs; agree to expand bilateral cooperation in all fields, particularly economics. (RJ 7/15, 7/16 in WNC 7/17; JT 7/16 in WNC 7/18)

Hizballah fires at least 2 katyusha rockets fr. s. Lebanon toward n. Israel. One lands inside s. Lebanon, wounding a civilian; the other lands inside Israel, causing no damage. (RL 7/16 in WNC 7/17) (see 7/7)

Jordan's Council of Presidents of Professional Assns. (CPPA) announces a preliminary decision to call on all mbrs. to boycott the 11/97 Jordanian elections. However, several member assns. (e.g., Bar Assn., Contractors Assn., Dentists Assn., Journalists Assn., some mbrs. of the Veterinarians Assn.) disagree with the decision. Meanwhile, the Higher Comm. for Coordination Among the Opposition Parties (HCCAOP) defers decision on whether to boycott until the IAF announces its position. The government states that elections will be held on schedule, whether or not the opposition participates. (al-Dustur 7/15, al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 7/16 in WNC 7/17; MM 7/16; JT 7/16, 7/17 in WNC 7/18; MM 7/22) (see 6/19, 7/12)


Arab World: Egyptian president Mubarak rejects offer to meet with Israeli P.M. Shamir in New York on the sidelines of UN meeting [FBIS 9/1].

Military Action

Arab World: In second attack in 24 hours, several Katyusha rockets are fired from S. Lebanon into Galilee. No injuries reported. IDF and SLA cannons return fire directed north of the "security zone" [FBIS 9/1]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8/31; MET 9/12]. Israeli defense source says over the past 3 weeks IDF and Shin Bet have rounded up some 170 W. Bank Palestinians who "make up the backbone of the hard core leadership of the intifada in the W. Bank" [FBIS 9/1].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with President Hosni Mubarak and senior Egyptian officials [FBIS 8/30].

Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution "deploring" Israel's deportation of Palestinians, and calls on Israel to respect the Geneva Convention in the O.T. [WP 8/31]. The resolution passes with 14 of 15 Security Council members voting for it; the U.S. abstains [FBIS 9/1; MET 9/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israeli soldiers are wounded by stones in Khan Yunis. Classes for 10th and 11th grade students resume in the W. Bank. Curfew in Bayt Sahur is lifted, curfew is imposed on Dayr al-Balah. IDF Radio reports that the departure of workers for jobs in Israel is sporadic [FBIS 8/30]. Army reports 3 Katyusha rockets fired into the Galilee panhandle causing slight damage but no injuries, claims Hizballah is responsible [FBIS 8/311.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's 10-member inner cabinet meets to discuss security situation in occupied territories, resolves to tell Jordan again to remove PLO "bases" recently set up there [LT, BG, FT 9/5]. Inner cabinet approves proposal from Ariel Sharon that the authorities conduct general review of institutions in occupied territories that are supportive of the PLO [FJ 9/6]. Israeli soldiers rebuild wall separating Hebron's main mosque from marketplace, which settlers destroyed after 9/3 stabbing of two soldiers [GD 9/5]. MKs Yossi Sarid and Dedi Zucker of the Citizen's Rights Movement present document to Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev alleging Jumbo construction company made millions of dollars from fraudulent and illegal land sales [JP 9/5]. P.M. Peres sends close aide Avraham Tamir to unannounced ovemight visit with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak to discuss ways of advancing relations between the two nations [CSM 9/6]. Israeli settlers try to squat in Hebron where 2 Israeli soldiers were stabbed 9/3. Army evicts them [CSM 9/6]. Five hundred Ethiopian Jews demonstrate in Jerusalem against rabbinical demands that they undergo symbolic conversion before marrying [WP 9/7]. For. Min. Shamir leaves for Japan to try to persuade Japanese leaders to relax their adherence to Arab boycott and increase trade with Israel [JP 9/4].

Other Countries: Operation Independence, a group of 100 international Jewish business leaders wishing to strengthen Israel's economy, sponsors New York meeting of hotel, airline, and tourism groups and prominent Jewish business leaders to discuss ways to increase American tourism to Israel [JTA 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palesine/Israel: Several katyusha rockets land in Galilee; no injuries reported. This is 4th katyusha attack on Galilee in recent months [JP 9/5].

Arab World: Israeli jets bomb suspected PLO guerrilla base in Lebanon's Biqa' Valley, 11th such strike inside Lebanon this year [NYT 9/5]. Reports say 6 Palestinians killed and 10 wounded in the attack [CSM 9/6]. Shi'ite and Palestinian militias battle around Burj al-Baraj inah refugee camp south of Beirut in worst fighting since June, when Syrian-sponsored cease-fire ended fierce clashes in 3 Palestinian refugee camps. Latest fighting leaves 10 dead, 27 wounded [NYT, LAT 9/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].

Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any negotiations [BG 3/5]. Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), PLO Central Com. Mbr. Mahmoud 'Abbas arrive in Amman to renegotiate portions of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [MG 3/5].

Other Countries: US, Israel conclude free trade agreement; all tariffs between the 2 countries to be eliminated by 1995 [NYT 3/5]. US State Dept. rejects congressional request to allow PLO UN observer Zuhdi Terzi to travel to Washington and address members of Congress [WP 3/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close 8 stores in Halhoul after Israeli taxi stoned. 2 detained in Beit Jalla after Israeli car similarly attacked [JP 3/5]. In Issawiya (jerusalem) Border Police destroy 2 homes built without permit [FJ 3/8].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes in Ma'rakah religious bldg., at least 12 killed, over 50 wounded; among the dead are 2 top Amal guerrilla leaders, Muhammad Saad, Khatit Jaradi; blast occurred less than 30 hrs. after IDF completed massive raid [NYT, LAT 3/5]. 16- yr.-old 'Ali Ma'rouf dies of heart attack while running from attacking IDF troops in Sila [NYT 3/10]. IDF raid Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre, beat director Dr. Ahmad Mroueh, fire shots, destroy property; at least 35 arrested, including some donating blood for victims of Ma'rakah blast [LAT 3/5]. IDF announce it will require special passes to cross Qasmiya Bridge on Litani River; southbound trucks carrying food, products across bridge also need permits; northbound vehicles forbidden, required to use Qa'qa'iya Bridge [JP 3/4]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post at Qasmiya Bridge. RPGs, shots fired at IDF posts in Bidias, Tyre. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles In Tyre, 'Abbasiya. No casualties in any of the actions [JP 3/5].


Arab World: Pres. Mubarak meets King Hussein in Aqaba, discusses Palestinian issues [WP 1/6]. Pres. Assad denounces Arafat, Hussein before Baath Party congress in Damascus; states Syria will lead "the Palestinian struggle henceforth" [WP 1/6, JP 1/6]. PLO issues statement in Aden condemning Sudanese cooperation with Israel in airlifting Ethiopian Jews from Sudanese refugee camps into Israel [FJ 1/11].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF kill Syrian soldier who crossed Golan Hts. cease fire line, and fired upon IDF vehicle; IDF state Syrian may have been deranged [JP 1/6]. 2 Katyushas fired at IDF positions, S. Lebanon; locations not reported [FJ 1/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugee camps meet in Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho to discuss youth programs.

Other Countries: Spain's Dep. PM Guerra dispels speculation of possible diplomatic relations with Israel; says conditions for relations include Israel's guaranteed borders, withdrawal from Lebanon and recognition of Palestinian rights to homeland. Britain proposes 50-man UN force to monitor Beirut's "Green Line." Mubarak arrives in Paris for talks with Pres. Miterrand; leaders examine possible resurrection of UN Resolution 242 with amendment calling for mutual and simultaneous Israel-PLO recognition.


Arab World: Red Cross 707 with urgent medical supplies for Lebanese hospitals turned back from Beirut airport after Christian militia threatens to shoot it down. 6 Israeli Kfir jets attack Bhamdoun, Mansuriya and Baalchmay in Lebanon; at least 2 killed, several buildings damaged; Israel claims retaliation for Palestinian Katyusha attack on Metulla.