41 / 15500 Results
  • December 15, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: International Center for Peace in the Middle East holds simulated intl. peace conference, filmed for TV; Hanna Siniora, Iliyas Furayj,...

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  • November 19, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]....

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  • September 22, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands demonstrate against MK Meir Kahane, drowning out his words, at Givatayim; Kahane threatens audience, leaves [JP 9/23].


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  • September 10, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground member Uri Meir receives presidential pardon and is freed after serving half of his prison sentence. His health is...

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  • August 28, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce announce the economy ismoving into a recession [JP 8/28]. Defense Week reports U...

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  • July 20, 1985


    Other Countries: Tass denies Soviets approached Israelis in Paris with diplomatic deal [BG 7/20].

    Military Action

    Arab World: Sunni and Shi'...

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  • May 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: New campus at Bir Zeit U. reopened (closed 3/8 after IDF raid) [NYT 5/9]. Knesset no-confidence motion based upon allegations that Min....

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  • April 29, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres tours E. Jerusalem neighborhoods (1st visit of Israeli PM to E. Jerusalem since capture in 1967) [WP 4/30]. Deputy Premier...

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  • April 28, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Min. announces Palestinians returning to occupied territories may now bring in unlimited amount of funds [JP 4/29]. Shu'fat...

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  • April 26, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports circulate regarding Kach's intent to establish armed patrols in E. Jerusalem to "maintain order" [FJ 4/26]. US State Dept....

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  • April 20, 1985

    Military Action

    Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Amal joins Palestinians, Muslim militiamen in battle against Lebanese Forces, SLA in Sidon area [BG 4/21]. Roadside bomb injures 2 IDF...

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  • April 16, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Murphy meets with W. Bank leaders at US consulate in E. Jerusalem; group presents petition signed by 22 leaders...

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  • April 14, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Likud-orchestrated move, Cabinet defeats motion to send Cabinet Mbr. Ezer Weizman to Cairo to meet Egyptian PM Kamal Hassan 'Ali [WP...

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  • April 13, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 200 representatives of professions, student groups, other institutions in occupied territories call for PLO unity, criticize 2/11 Arafat...

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  • April 9, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pol of Israelis (excluding kibbutz residents, settlers) indicates 43.5% oppose any territorial compromise as part of peace process, 33.6...

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  • April 4, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem merchants strike in support of better prison conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison [WP 4/5].


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  • April 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate...

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  • March 31, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: According to report issued by West Bank Data Base Project, 41% of W. Bank under direct Israeli govt. control, 11% under indirect control...

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  • March 25, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency, World Zionist Org. Settlement Dept. announce 3 new settlements to be established in N. Galilee [JP 3/26]. More than 300...

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  • March 23, 1985


    Arab World: US military transport planes airlift remaining Ethiopian Jews in Sudan to Israel in move coordinated by the CIA [LAT 3/23, NYT 3/24].


    Read more
  • March 20, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres indicates he no longer objects to Pres. Mubarak's proposed US talks with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation as long as...

    Read more
  • March 15, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality...

    Read more
  • March 14, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground defendant Yossi Edri concludes plea bargain with prosecution; charges against him are reduced [JP 3/15]. Several...

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  • March 13, 1985


    Other Countries: In Washington, Pres. Mubarak expresses dissatisfaction with US policy towards peace talks, calls it "almost a defeatist approach" [WP 3/14].

    Read more
  • March 10, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yediot Aharonot reports secret talks between Jordanian Min. of State 'Adnan Abu Odeh and Dir. Gen. of PM's office Avraham Tamir...

    Read more
  • March 7, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, The Foreign Press Assoc. protests 3/6 IDF treatment of 7 joumalists arrested near Tyre, S. Lebanon [NYT 3/7]. Led by Rabbi...

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  • March 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports 37% of occupied territories' work force employed in Israel during 1984: 50,000 from W. Bank, 40,000...

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  • March 4, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].

    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any...

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  • February 26, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Osama al-Baz, top aide to Pres. Mubarak, meets with PM Peres, DM Rabin, Cabinet mbrs. Arens and Weizman; discusses Pres. Mubarak's 2/24...

    Read more
  • February 25, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Doubts continue as to cost-effectiveness of proposed Lavi fighter plane; DM Rabin orders reassessment UP 2/26].

    Arab World: PLO...

    Read more


Occupied Palestine/Israel: International Center for Peace in the Middle East holds simulated intl. peace conference, filmed for TV; Hanna Siniora, Iliyas Furayj, Harold Saunders, Abba Eban, Moshe Ma'oz, among others, participate [JP 12/16; FJ 12/20]. Israel states Syrian missiles stationed along border with Lebanon in past 3 weeks threaten reconnaissance flights over Lebanon, must be withdrawn [NYT, WP 12/16].

Military Action

Arab World: SLA militia shell 5 villages in S. Lebanon security zone; Israeli tanks shell 4 villages southeast of Tyre [BG 12/16].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]. Boston Globe reports over 70 military operations have been carried out against Israeli and SLA troops in S. Lebanon security zone in first 2 weeks of November; Israel recently staged 10-day blockade on port of Tyre, shelled Tyre and 6 other villages north of security zone with heavy artillery and tank fire on 11/18 [BG 11/19; WP 11/21].

Other Countries: U.S. officials deny U.S. has changed position on PLO recognition of Israel's right to exist before it may participate in M.E. peace talks [JP 11/20]. Italian magistrates identify 16 Palestinians sought in hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 11/20].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli fighter jets on routine flight over Lebanon shoot down 2 Syrian MIG-23s in Syrian air space after they try to approach the Israeli aircraft, according to commander of Israeli air force [NYT, WP, JP 11/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands demonstrate against MK Meir Kahane, drowning out his words, at Givatayim; Kahane threatens audience, leaves [JP 9/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Booby-trapped van discovered in Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter is defused; no injuries [JP 9/23]. Al-Am'ari refugee camp and 'Anabta town are put under curfew. Settlers reportedly joined Israeli soldiers' search-and-arrest campaign in al-Am'ari [FJ 9/27].

Arab World: Israeli forces shoot and kill 2 armed men near Hasbaya [JP 9/24]. Mines explode near wreckage of Israeli helicopter in Tyre, killing 1 Shi'ite militiaman and wounding 8 others [JP 9/24]. 107-mm. katyusha rocket fired at SLA strongpoint near Bint Jubayl; no injuries. UNIFIL dismantles 2 katyushas north of Marjayun. SLA dismantles 100-kilo bomb near 'Ayshe [JP 9/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground member Uri Meir receives presidential pardon and is freed after serving half of his prison sentence. His health is cited as a reason for the pardon [JWP 9/13]. Israel frees remaining 119 Lebanese and Palestinian detainees from Atlit prison near Haifa; they are released in Tyre, Lebanon. They are the last of the group of over 700 prisoners whose release was demanded by the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 in June [NYT, JP 9/11]. "Operation Independence," spearheaded by a group of businessmen from the U.S. and other countries, begins meetings in Jerusalem to plan ways for Israel to reduce its chronic trade deficit and reduce financial dependence on the U.S. by increasing Israeli exports by $500 million, and tourism revenue by another $500 million [WP 9/11].

Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports Britain has blocked a proposed Israeli sale of 16 U.S.-made Skyhawk jets to Argentina [JP 9/10].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian observers are deployed around Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp to monitor the 9/9 cease-fire; however, sporadic fighting continues. Palestinian residents are trapped inside the camp. Palestinian homes in mixed neighborhoods outside the camp are looted and burned [MG 9/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce announce the economy ismoving into a recession [JP 8/28]. Defense Week reports U.S. is acting to prevent Israel from concluding $100 million deal to sell old American-built A-4 Skyhawk attack jets to Argentina. Israel reportedly concluded the deal before asking for required "third-party transfer license" from U.S. According to the report, at least 12 A-4s are at Ben-Gurion Airport waiting to be transferred [BG 8/28]. Energy Min. Moshe Shahal announces $5 million international center for solar research will be set up at Sde Boker. First phase will be completed by 1989 [JC 8/29]. IDF artillery corps announces it has developed 2 new pieces of equipment which give Israeli gunners "first shot accuracy" and make maps "almost superfluous" [JTA 8/29].

Military Action

Arab World: Suicide car bomber attacks a SLA post near Jazzin, killing about 15 people, including undetermined number of SLA soldiers. State-owned Lebanese radio says member of "Asad brigade" of Lebanese branch of the Ba'th carried out the attack [FT 8/29]. In Tyre, Amal militiamen take Palestinians atgunpoint from convoy of 113 prisoners released from Atlit prison in Israel and drive off with them, terming them "Israeli collaborators." Some 66 Palestinians were said to have been released from Israel. Most others were said to belong to Hizballah [MG 8/29].


Other Countries: Tass denies Soviets approached Israelis in Paris with diplomatic deal [BG 7/20].

Military Action

Arab World: Sunni and Shi'ite leaders in Sidon announce confiscation of large arms shipments last week intended for Palestinian camps of 'Ain al-Hilweh and Mieh Mieh. Four pro-Arafat guerrilla leaders carrying large sums of money were also detained; their 7-day grace period to leave the city expires today. Order to leave was issued by People's Liberation Army (Sunni), Amal, prominent Sunnis in Sidon, and Palestine National Salvation Front. Southem Lebanese pledge not to allow Palestinians to rebuild presence in south following Israeli withdrawal. Amal has checkpoints in Tyre to prevent Palestinian arms from reaching the camps there [NYT 7/21]. In Beirut, the 7/9 Syrian-sponsored cease-fire is holding; the 7/16 agreement between pro-and anti-Jumayyil Christian forces in East Beirut is also holding [CSM 7/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: New campus at Bir Zeit U. reopened (closed 3/8 after IDF raid) [NYT 5/9]. Knesset no-confidence motion based upon allegations that Min. Ezer Weizman leaked secret information to US sources during Carter administration fails [JP 5/9]. Gush Emunim settlers erect tent settlement of Hadar Beitar near Palestinian village of Hussan [JP 5/10]. Palestinian students at Haifa U. protest 3/6 disciplinary action against colleagues [JP 5/90].

Arab World: Chmn. Arafat states he and King Hussein agreed on composition of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [BG 5/9]. In Tunis, PLO spokesman Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman, PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi, Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) indicate only PLO Central Committee members may participate in joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation's talks with US officials [NYT, CSM 5/9]. 5 leaders of Palestine National Salvation Front, incl. Sec. Gen. Ahmad Yamani (Abu Mahir), meet with Lebanese PM Rashid Karami, Nabih Berri concerning bringing 13 Palestinian camps in Lebanon under PNSF control; are informed Palestinians cannot use S. Lebanon for rocket attacks against Israel [NYT, LT 5/9].

Military Action

Arab World: Off Lebanese coast near Tyre IDF gunboat sinks rubber dinghy carrying 5 Palestinian fighters [PI, NYT 5/9]. RPG wounds IDF soldier in Kantara, S. Lebanon [JP 5/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres tours E. Jerusalem neighborhoods (1st visit of Israeli PM to E. Jerusalem since capture in 1967) [WP 4/30]. Deputy Premier Shamir indicates Likud would leave government if commission of inquiry into causes and conduct of war in Lebanon were created [MG 4/30].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF complete withdrawal from Tyre; Shi'ite militiamen erect checkpoints outside Palestinian camps outside city to prevent return of Palestinian fighters [NYT 4/30]. SLA exchanges artillery fire with Palestinian, Muslim forces near Jezzine [JP 4/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Min. announces Palestinians returning to occupied territories may now bring in unlimited amount of funds [JP 4/29]. Shu'fat mukhtar receives threatening letter from Kach movement; letter states 4/24 murder of Palestinian taxi driver was in revenge for attacks on Jews [FJ 5/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: RPG fired from Jordan at IDF patrol in Hamat Gader area; no casualties [JP 4/29].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF complete partial pullback from Tyre [JP 4/29]. IDF fire upon Irish UNIFIL truck [BG 4/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports circulate regarding Kach's intent to establish armed patrols in E. Jerusalem to "maintain order" [FJ 4/26]. US State Dept. official Murphy meets with Palestinians from occupied territories to persuade them to join joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation for future peace talks; is told no Palestinian will participate except through the PLO and that the US must not ask for more concessions from the Palestinian people [FJ 5/3].

Other Countries: US columnist Jack Anderson reveals US knew in advance about 9/22/79 joint Israel-S. Africa nuclear test in S. Atlantic [WP 4/26, NYT 5/22].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Palestinian, Muslim fighters enter Abra, Mieh Mieh village, Qayaa, Hilaliya, Bramiya, Majdalun, Qanah; looting reported [NYT, LAT 4/27]. 4 IDF soldiers wounded as mortar rounds hit IDF position in Tyre. SLA position near Yater attacked; no report of casualties [JP 4/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Amal joins Palestinians, Muslim militiamen in battle against Lebanese Forces, SLA in Sidon area [BG 4/21]. Roadside bomb injures 2 IDF soldiers near Rashaya. SLA soldier wounded in central occupation sector. Roadside bomb explodes. near IDF patrol, Raihan; no injuries. RPGs fired at IDF patrol near Tyre; no injuries [JP 4/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Murphy meets with W. Bank leaders at US consulate in E. Jerusalem; group presents petition signed by 22 leaders from occupied territories stating their support of PLO as sole representative of Palestinian people, urging creation of Palestinian state [WP 4/14]. Palestinian artist Sulayman Mansour prevented from traveling across Allenby Bridge to attend European seminars on Palestinian art [FJ 4/19].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF, SLA raid Yater; 8 arrested, 7 homes destroyed; Irish UNIFIL troops forced to leave post in village by gunpoint; IDF later blocks other UNIFIL troops from entering village [PI, MG 4/17]. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Burj al-Shamali camp; no injuries. 4 IDF troops wounded when vehicle hits mine E. of Tyre [JP 4/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Likud-orchestrated move, Cabinet defeats motion to send Cabinet Mbr. Ezer Weizman to Cairo to meet Egyptian PM Kamal Hassan 'Ali [WP 4/15].

Arab World: US State Dept. official Richard Murphy meets with King Hussein in Amman [LAT 4/15].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF arrest more than 60 in al-Bass camp near Tyre [NYT, PI 4/15]. Lebanese Forces bombard Mieh Mieh, 'Ain al-Hilweh [PI, LT 4/15]. Reports surface that IDF, SLA maintain secret underground torture center, jail at site of former Lebanese Army barracks at Khiam; ICRC attempting to visit prisoners [LT, JP 4/14, CSM 4/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 200 representatives of professions, student groups, other institutions in occupied territories call for PLO unity, criticize 2/11 Arafat-Hussein agreement [FJ 4/19].

Arab World: Jordan removes travel restrictions (imposed 4/30/83) on residents of occupied territories (W. Bank residents were not allowed to remain in Jordan for more than 30 days; were required to fill out questionnaire concerning trip) [FJ 4/19].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Lebanese Forces continue bombardment of Mieh Mieh, 'Ain al-Hilweh. IDF, SLA attack Yuhmur; 8 reportedly massacred [NYT 4/14, LT 4/15]. UNRWA reports finding 6 beheaded bodies of Palestinian refugees in Sidon area [NYT 4/16]. Katyusha, anti-tank rocket fired at IDF positions in Tyre; no casualties [JP 4/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pol of Israelis (excluding kibbutz residents, settlers) indicates 43.5% oppose any territorial compromise as part of peace process, 33.6% support partial compromise, 16.6% would return entire W. Bank; same poll indicates 63.3% favor immediate withdrawal from S. Lebanon [JTA 4/10]. Herut party Betar youth movement holds ceremony in Hebron marking opening of Betar office at Tel Rumeida; IDF forbade [4/8] holding of ceremony at Tel Rumeida itself [JP 4/10].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in Lebanon: IDF planes bomb alleged Popular Struggle Front base in Shamlan; 4 killed, 4 wounded. IDF seal Tyre; over 25 arrested [NYT, PI 4/10]. 16-yr. -old Sana Mheidleh drives explosives-laden car into IDF position at Bater al-Shouf, killing herself and 2 Israelis; 2 others wounded [PI 4/10]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem merchants strike in support of better prison conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison [WP 4/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Poice arrest 132 after stones thrown, road blocked during protest at Ibrahimiya College, Jerusalem; demonstrators were protesting conditions for Palestinians in Ashkelon prison [NYT 4/5]. After protest by Association for Civil Rights in Israel, IDF reduces area in Ramallah under 24-hr. curfew (imposed after 3/31 killing of IDF soldier); central market area remains closed [LAT 4/6].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Kawthariyat al-Siyad across front lines; 8 killed. 2 IDF soldiers injured by roadside bomb near Tyre; 3rd wounded by similar bomb near Qasmiya. IDF gunboat shells Rashidiya camp; 3 killed, 12 wounded [PI 4/5].

Other Countries: Rocket fired at Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines plane at Athens airport; no injuries; Black September suspected of attack [WP 4/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate accused Jewish underground defendants now in custody will be released on 48-hr. leave for Passover holiday; 5 held for murder will not be released [JP 4/4]. New IDF SLA liaison chief asserts predecessor, Col. Avraham Hido (killed in 2/19 clash with resistance in S. Lebanon), may have been killed "in error" by SLA troops traveling with him UP 4/4]. Fight breaks out between Palestinian, Jewish students at Haifa U. (scene of several recent incidents) [P 4/4].

Other Countries: US State Dept. states Israel violated Articles 49, 76, 77 of 4th Geneva Convention in its 4/2 transfer of 1,100 Ansar inmates to Israel [NYT 4/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border Police shoot and injure 18-yr.-old Sameh Sha'ar in Nablus during mock funeral for Karim Khalaf [PI 4/4, FJ 4/5].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF release 752 Ansar prisoners near Tyre [NYT, WP 4/4]. IDF raid Shihabiya; several arrested [NYT 4/4]. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Douer; 1 injured. 2 IDF soldiers wounded by roadside bomb near al-Bazouriya. Katyusha, RPGs, shots directed at IDF liaison HQ, Nabatiya; no report of casualties. RPG fired at IDF HQ, Tyre; no reported injuries. IDF raid Deir Zabna [JP 4/4].

Other Countries: Anti-tank rocket fired at building housing Jordanian embassy in Rome; Black September claims responsibility [WP 4/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: According to report issued by West Bank Data Base Project, 41% of W. Bank under direct Israeli govt. control, 11% under indirect control (due to development restrictions); remaining available growth areas specified for solely Jewish development [NYT, WP 4/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sttler shot and killed in Ramallah; 24-hr. curfew imposed on Ramallah, al-Bireh; DFLP claims responsibility [LAT, JP 4/1; LAT 4/6].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Lebanese Forces continue fighting Muslim militias, Palestinian fighters, Lebanese Army units in 'Ain al-Hilweh, Sidon area [NYT 4/1]. RPGs fired at IDF positions in Tyre, Qasmiya, Jwaiyeh; no injuries. Landmine defused by IDF near Lake Karoun [JP 4/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency, World Zionist Org. Settlement Dept. announce 3 new settlements to be established in N. Galilee [JP 3/26]. More than 300 relatives of striking Palestinian political prisoners at Ashkelon prison demonstrate in front of Intl. Red Cross offices in E. Jerusalem [FJ 3/29].

Arab World: In Amman, Fateh Deputy-incommand Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) states PLO forces loyal to Chmn. Arafat have moved back into S. Lebanon and that over 60 have been killed fighting the IDF in past 5 mos. [JP 3/26]. In Damascus, "Palestine National Salvation Front" is created to obstruct 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord, to work for greater "strategic alliance" with Syria; front includes PFLP, PFLP-GC, Sa'iqa, Popular Struggle Front, Palestinian National Front, and Abu Musa's Fateh dissidents [WP 3/26].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF summon mukhtars from villages SE of Tyre to meeting in Bint Jbeil; are told 500 IDF advisors will remain in security zone subsequent to IDF withdrawal [LT 3/30].


Arab World: US military transport planes airlift remaining Ethiopian Jews in Sudan to Israel in move coordinated by the CIA [LAT 3/23, NYT 3/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Green Patrol cmdr. Alon Galili shoots and seriously wounds Mahmud Abu Zeidan near Sdeh Boker, claims Abu Zeidan was trying to steal a car; local bedouin disagree [JP 3/25].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: shots fired at IDF post in Magdosha, SLA unit in Tyre; no injuries [JP 3/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres indicates he no longer objects to Pres. Mubarak's proposed US talks with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation as long as direct Arab-Israeli talks follow [CSM 3/21]. Attorney Gen. Yitzhak Zamir indicates 6 Israelis who met with Chmn. Arafat 2/16 will not be prosecuted for "meeting with the enemy" [JP 3/21].

Other Countries: UN figures, released to The Times of London indicate average daily attacks against IDF troops in S. Lebanon have doubled since recent initiation of IDF "iron fist" policy [LT 3/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF Gen. Amnon Shahak bans political demonstrations in W. Bank [JTA 3/21]. Bomb at bus stop injures 3 in Petah Tikva UP 3/21].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: SLA initiates 4-hr. gun battle with Irish UNIFIL troops near Ber'asheet; uses 40 schoolchildren as shield [DT 3/21, LT 3/22]. IDF, SLA come under attack in 4 locations in Tyre, Hasbaya areas; no casualties reported [FJ 3/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality in S. Lebanon, discrimination faced by Arabs in Israel and occupied territories [FJ 3/22]. Al Hamishmar reports Jordan's Min. for Religious Affairs dismissed Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Saad al-Din al-Alami; cites al-Alami's outspoken support of PLO Chmn. Arafat as one reason [NER 3/25].

Arab World: King Hussein states 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord is "last chance" for peace; asserts PLO must be part of peace plans [NYT 3/17].

Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz announces US will send State Dept. official Richard Murphy to Middle East soon to "maintain momentum" of peace talks [NYT, WP 3/16].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Barish; 70 detained [WP 3/16]. IDF kill 2 Lebanese Army troops, 3 resistance fighters, N. of IDF defense line at Litani River [MG 3/16]. IDF arrest 4 journalists near Tyre [LT 3/16].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground defendant Yossi Edri concludes plea bargain with prosecution; charges against him are reduced [JP 3/15]. Several hundred students demonstrate outside Haifa U. protesting police action during 3/10 sit-in on campus [JP 3/15].

Other Countries: After meeting with British PM Thatcher in London, Pres. Mubarak fails to get UK support for his 2/24 peace proposals, although Thatcher affirms British support for direct negotiations [MG, FT 3/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Green Patrol seizes 45 goats belonging to Bedouin shepherds near Dimona; goats later sold by Green Patrol officers [JP 3/31].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 3 resistance fighters near Tyre. Roadside bomb south of Qasmiya Bridge explodes near IDF vehicle; no casualties.


Other Countries: In Washington, Pres. Mubarak expresses dissatisfaction with US policy towards peace talks, calls it "almost a defeatist approach" [WP 3/14].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in Lebanon: IDF planes raid alleged Sa'iqa base near Bar Elias; no reports of injuries [NYT 3/14]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post near Rashaya; no injuries. RPGs fired at IDF post, Kafr Ruman, and SLA unit in Tyre; no casualties [JP 3/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yediot Aharonot reports secret talks between Jordanian Min. of State 'Adnan Abu Odeh and Dir. Gen. of PM's office Avraham Tamir on composition of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation; PM Peres denies report [BG, JTA 3/11]. Cab. ministers Aryeh Nehamkin, Yosef Shapira appear as character witnesses in trial of Jewish underground member Uri Maier [JP 3/11]. More than 100 Palestinian students stage sit-in at Haifa U., protesting 3/6 punishment of student leaders; police intervention turns violent; 4 members of police injured, 11 students arrested [JP 3/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb thrown at IDF truck outside al-Am'ari camp; no injuries; 2-hr. curfew imposed, shops closed, 16-yr.-old arrested. Stones thrown at Israeli bus near Halhoul; passengers fire into the air, apprehend 12-yr.-old boy, hand him over to IDF [JP 3/11].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: car bomber detonates explosive-laden car in midst of IDF convoy less than one mile N. of Israeli border at Metulla; 12 IDF soldiers killed, 14 wounded [NYT 3/11]. IDF helicopters fire at civilians crossing Israeli front line N. of Tyre; 2 wounded [LT 3/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, The Foreign Press Assoc. protests 3/6 IDF treatment of 7 joumalists arrested near Tyre, S. Lebanon [NYT 3/7]. Led by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, more than 50 Gush Emunim settlers from Kiryat Arba march through downtown Hebron in celebration of Purim [FJ 3/15].

Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz testifies before Senate subcommittee that Israel has not made enough progress toward solving economic problems to warrant $2.6 billion in new aid [NYT 3/9].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF soldier killed in clash with Lebanese Army, resistance fighters after IDF kill 2 resistance fighters, pursue other suspects across last-stage withdrawal line near Kawthariyat al-Siyad [NYT, WP 3/7]. Resistance fighters battle SLA near Shukin; 4 SLA fighters wounded, 1 resistance commando killed [JP 3/8]. IDF position near Deir Qanun al-Nahr, SLA post near Qa'qa'iya Bridge attacked; no casualties reported [NYT 3/9]. IDF raid Hallusiya; 8 arrested; 4 houses destroyed. IDF raid Teir Filsay; arrest 14 [WP 3/8]. IDF raid Kafr Danis, make undisclosed number of arrests [LT 3/8]. SLA, Shin Bet forces kill 16-yr. old Insaf Kourani, wound 3 other women in Yatar; IDF, SLA block evacuation of wounded by Irish UNIFIL troops [LT, WP 3/8]. UNIFIL also report SLA attempts to block entrance of UNIFIL into village [WP 3/8]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports 37% of occupied territories' work force employed in Israel during 1984: 50,000 from W. Bank, 40,000 from Gaza; 44,000 worked in construction, 13,000 in agriculture [JTA 3/7]. Housing Min. begins building permanent structures in 3 settlements formerly containing temporary housing: Atzmona in Gaza, Cadim in N. portion of W. Bank, and Na'ama in Jordan Valley [JP 3/6]. Haifa U. suspends Palestinian student leader Amir Makhoul, imposes sentences on 3 other Arabs, 1 Jewish student, for activities stemming from 1/17 disturbance at university during speech by MK Eitan [JP 3/7].

Arab World: After meeting with Pres. Mubarak in Hurghada, Egypt, King Hussein expresses support for 2/24 Mubarak proposal for talks between US, joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [NYT, WSJ 3/7].

Other Countries: Reagan administration defersending Israel's $2.6 billion aid request to Congress for approval; states Israel has not made sufficient progress toward solving economic problems [NYT 3/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Authorities bulldoze 2 homes "illegally" built in Shuyuh [JP 3/7]. Roadside bomb explodes as settler's car passes in Hebron area; nearby note claims DFLP responsibility [JTA 3/8].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: RPGs, shots fired at IDF, SLA posts in Shukin, Ansar; no casualties [JP 3/7]. IDF kill 2, wound 1 resistance fighter in Kafr Sir. SLA soldier wounded in Yatar. IDF raid Bidias; arrest 20 [DT, CSM, NYT 3/7]. IDF, Shin Bet agents arrest dozens in Tyre. Taxi driver killed by IDF near Tyre. IDF raid Burj Eliya; 12-yr. -old boy killed. Civilians in Teir Dibba forced to sit outside village during IDF raid [LT 3/7]. 7 Beirut-based journalists arrested by IDF near Tyre; later released [on 2/26 Israel issued ban on Beirut-based journalists in areas under IDF control] [NYT MG 3/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].

Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any negotiations [BG 3/5]. Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), PLO Central Com. Mbr. Mahmoud 'Abbas arrive in Amman to renegotiate portions of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [MG 3/5].

Other Countries: US, Israel conclude free trade agreement; all tariffs between the 2 countries to be eliminated by 1995 [NYT 3/5]. US State Dept. rejects congressional request to allow PLO UN observer Zuhdi Terzi to travel to Washington and address members of Congress [WP 3/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close 8 stores in Halhoul after Israeli taxi stoned. 2 detained in Beit Jalla after Israeli car similarly attacked [JP 3/5]. In Issawiya (jerusalem) Border Police destroy 2 homes built without permit [FJ 3/8].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes in Ma'rakah religious bldg., at least 12 killed, over 50 wounded; among the dead are 2 top Amal guerrilla leaders, Muhammad Saad, Khatit Jaradi; blast occurred less than 30 hrs. after IDF completed massive raid [NYT, LAT 3/5]. 16- yr.-old 'Ali Ma'rouf dies of heart attack while running from attacking IDF troops in Sila [NYT 3/10]. IDF raid Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre, beat director Dr. Ahmad Mroueh, fire shots, destroy property; at least 35 arrested, including some donating blood for victims of Ma'rakah blast [LAT 3/5]. IDF announce it will require special passes to cross Qasmiya Bridge on Litani River; southbound trucks carrying food, products across bridge also need permits; northbound vehicles forbidden, required to use Qa'qa'iya Bridge [JP 3/4]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post at Qasmiya Bridge. RPGs, shots fired at IDF posts in Bidias, Tyre. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles In Tyre, 'Abbasiya. No casualties in any of the actions [JP 3/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Osama al-Baz, top aide to Pres. Mubarak, meets with PM Peres, DM Rabin, Cabinet mbrs. Arens and Weizman; discusses Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals [WP 2/27]. DM Rabin provokes diplomatic incident by referring to French UNIFIL troops as "bastards" [following several incidents in S. Lebanon in which French UN troops have confronted IDF troops conducting raids on villages] [WP, LT 2/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF issues blanket night-time curfew for Shi'ite areas south of Litani River; bans motorcycle traffic; insists cars include at least 2 people. IDF search Sharifa, arrest 6. DM Rabin reports 15 killed, 28 wounded, 19 deported to Syrian-controlled areas of Lebanon in recent crackdown in S. Lebanon [WP 2/27]. Bomb explodes near IDF patrol near Tyre; no injuries [LT 2/27]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Doubts continue as to cost-effectiveness of proposed Lavi fighter plane; DM Rabin orders reassessment UP 2/26].

Arab World: PLO Political Dept. head Farouq Qaddoumi insists Jordan must accept qualifications of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord explained 2/19 by PLO exec. committee [WP 2/27].

Other Countries: Reagan Administration "encouraged" by renewed efforts at negotiations, but refrains from involvement until greater "agreement among the parties" exists [PI 2/26].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Katyusha fired at IDF post near Qasmiya. IDF patrol in Tyre attacked. No casualties in either attacks. IDF searches Harouf, Shabriha [JP 2/26].