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  • December 4, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's...

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  • September 8, 1989


    Other Countries: Israeli D.M. Rabin meets with Defense Secretary Cheney, Sec. of State Baker, and national security advisor Scowcroft in Washington to discuss...

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  • July 31, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin offers to trade Shayk 'Ubayd, other Shia prisoners for Western hostages and Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon [WP 8/1]....

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's defense budget [NYT 12/5].

Arab World: Jordan's P.M. Zeid bin Shaker resigns and is replaced by Mudar Badran, who has held the office twice before. King Husayn asks Badran "to work with the PLO" and support the intifada [NYT, WP 12/5].

Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon concludes 2-day Riyadh meeting, issues communique calling on all parties involved to abide by Taif agreement [FBIS 12/5].

Other Countries: Arab nations at UN ask U.S. not to threaten UN with financial sanctions in future, and to allow PLO observer's seat to be placed near observer nations; in return Arabs will drop campaign to recognize Palestinian statehood [NYT, WP 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2 Israeli army reserve units made up of W. Bank settlers are deployed in Jericho and Ma'radah in W. Bank [FBIS 12/5].

General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 12/7].

Arab World: SLA and Amal forces exchange artillery fire in S. Lebanon [NYT 12/5].


Other Countries: Israeli D.M. Rabin meets with Defense Secretary Cheney, Sec. of State Baker, and national security advisor Scowcroft in Washington to discuss Lebanon, Middle East peace process [NYT 9/9]. Rabin and Cheney sign agreement allowing U.S. to "lend" Israel military equipment. Agreement is kept secret so as not to anger Arab nations [WP 9/27; NYT 9/29]. Cheney informs Rabin that U.S. is planning to sell to Saudia Arabia 315 MI-Al tanks, asks Israel not to use its influence in Congress to stop the sale [NYT 9/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 13-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed by Israeli soldiers during demonstration; bodies of 3 Arabs suspected of collaboration are found; at least 14 other Palestinians wounded in clashes throughouthe O.T. [LAT 9/9; MET 9/19]. Palestinian faction claims responsibility for firing missiles from Jordan into Israel on 9/7 [LAT 9/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin offers to trade Shayk 'Ubayd, other Shia prisoners for Western hostages and Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon [WP 8/1].

Other Countries: Bush administration deplores killing of Col. Higgins, states that Israel is not responsible [NYT 8/1]. Senate Republican leader Robert Dole accuses Israel of endangering U.S. lives [WP 8/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burayj camp soldiers shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian. Troops shoot, kill 12-year-old Palestinian in Balatah camp. At least 16 Palestinians are shot in Gaza Strip [FJ 8/7].

Arab World: Organization of the Oppressed of the World states that it has hanged U. S. Lt. Colonel William Higgins because Israel has refused to release Shaykh 'Ubayd; Another Lebanese group threatens to kill second American hostage [NYT 8/1, MET 8/8].