4 / 15500 Results
  • March 30, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 9th annual Land Day commemorated throughout Palestine in demonstrations protesting Israeli land theft and discriminatory policies;...

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  • February 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset in emergency session on consequences of US withdrawal from Lebanon; proceedings classified.

    Arab World: Arafat arrives in Sana'a...

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  • February 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    Remaining members of British MNF contingent arrive, bringing total to 97; UNIFIL says IDF harassing its convoys.


    3 injured, 14 houses damaged by...

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  • July 3, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF armored troops seal off West Beirut as Israeli and Palestinian gunners trade artillery, machine-gun fire in southern suburbs, in first major clash in 8 days; IDF drops...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: 9th annual Land Day commemorated throughout Palestine in demonstrations protesting Israeli land theft and discriminatory policies; military authorities impose curfews on Balata and Ain Beit Alma refugee camps near Nablus; Israeli troops open fire on demonstrators and bystanders in jenin and Qabatya villages and Balata and Dheisheh camps, 5 people wounded. Meanwhile, IDF bulldozes wheat crops, olive and almond groves of Kufr Qalil family in 2nd day of work on Elon Moreh access road as settlers look on. Fara'a prison detainee Walid A'ardeh testifies before Tel Aviv District Court to torture used to extract confession to unspecified charge. Interior Min. issues travel ban for Fr. Fawzi Khoury.

Arab World: Arab FMs meeting in Tunis warn US of unspecified retaliation if its embassy moved to Jerusalem; fail to agree on proposed reform of voting procedure and establishment of pan-Arab Court of Justice.

Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat and Pres. Mubarak meet while attending Guinean Pres. Sekou Toure's funeral in Conakry. US formally ends participation in Lebanon MNF. Sweden's FM Schori criticizes Israeli policy in West Bank and Latin America during official 3-day visit to Tel Aviv. Lebanon's PM al-Wazzan tells US amb. Bartholomew that US shares responsibility for IDF repression in South because of its "unlimited military and political support for Israel."


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset in emergency session on consequences of US withdrawal from Lebanon; proceedings classified.

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Sana'a from Kuwait for talks with Pres. Saleh.

Other Countries: US House Speaker O'Neill claims US shelling not authorized within War Powers Act. Pope John-Paul urges pull-out of MNF from Lebanon and calls for protection of Palestinian refugees there in appeal to US Pres. Reagan. French gov't. reacts critically to US decision to pull out of Beirut; engages in diplomatic efforts to reconvene UN Security Council for replacing MNF with UN force.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrol kills Israeli government ranger, shooting at wild dogs in field near Beit Lahiya, Gaza, mistaking him for Palestinian "guerrilla." Complaints registered with Tel Aviv police that Civil Defense volunteers from local high schools randomly beat Arabs; base commander Sarah Ruhamim, reportedly commanded pupils: "Get out of the patrol car and see that the Arabs get a beating; my daughter enjoys it terribly." Ruhamim resigned after sum- moned by CD commander. Arab World: USS New Jersey fires big guns for 5 hours at artillery positions behind Syrian lines. 6th/15th Lancers of British MNF withdraw from Beirut to aircraft carrier Reliant.

Military Action:

Remaining members of British MNF contingent arrive, bringing total to 97; UNIFIL says IDF harassing its convoys.


3 injured, 14 houses damaged by bombs at Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Report of Commission of Inquiry concludes that only Phalangist forces carried out Sabra and Shatila massacre, provides evidence that Israeli military personnel knew of killings within one hour of Phalangists entering camps, says Israeli civilian and military leaders bear indirect responsibility, accuses Begin of indifference, recommends Sharon's resignation or dismissal, accuses Army Chief of Staff Eitan of breach of duty and dereliction of duty, censures Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, IDF commander in Beirut Yaron, and Northern Commander Drori; Sharon, in speech to 600 members of the Jabotinsky Lodge in Tel Aviv, praises four officers criticized in Report; co-chairman of the Council of Torah Sages says Report would be best ignored; Peres says Alignment faction will oppose Sharon continuing in any ministerial capacity; Israeli government plans to hand over to Muslim community additional Waqf assets frozen since 1948.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Commission of Inquiry Report important but incomplete, calls for international court to investigate Israeli and American involvement; Wadi Haddad, senior advisor to President Gemayel, ends visit to Washington; Phalange party paper Al-Amal says that Sharon has ordered IDF troops to help Druze forces in Chouf; Lebanese investigator of Sabra and Shatila massacres, Assad Germanos, says his report will be ready in March or April but government will decide whether to publish it; Saad Haddad reported planning to double or triple size of his militia.

Arab Governments: Syria may be preparing third SA-5 missile site at al-Suwayda near Jordanian border.

US and Other Countries: Official US response to Commission of Inquiry Report is cautious, emphasizes that it is internal problem; State Department annual report on human rights says settlements in West Bank exacerbate human rights problems and expects that confrontation between the inhabitants of the territories and the occupation authorities is likely to remain at the same level as in recent years.

Military Action:

IDF armored troops seal off West Beirut as Israeli and Palestinian gunners trade artillery, machine-gun fire in southern suburbs, in first major clash in 8 days; IDF drops concealment, openly sets up armored units for first time inside city at the Green Line; IDF and Phalange jointly patrolling crossing points; Israeli planes drop red flares over Palestinian refugee camps, as loudspeakers advise residents to move out; IDF digs out positions for tanks in hillsides above Beirut; IDF begins blockade, stopping all traffic coming into W. Beirut; IDF artillery in Sofar exchanges barrages with Syrians; 400 IDF tanks, 110 artillery pieces ring Beirut; Phalange radio reports IDF advances toward Burj al-Barajneh camp.

Arafat expects IDF attack with 3 divisions and planes, gunboats; PLO units maintain grenade, small arms attacks on IDF rear units.


Fires reported in vicinity of airport and in Burj al-Barajneh camp following fierce artillery duels; IDF units inwceased in Chouf area following killing of 3 Christian villagers by Druze militia-men (following week of violence against Druze villages by Phalange forces).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says Israel may not demand a multinational force along the border if some agreement can be reached; Shamir denies difference between political/ military actions of PLO, says IDF will not wait too much longer before assault on Beirut; Eitan suggests smaller military actions rather than all-out attack may be used; 270 IDF killed, 1270 injured; IDF says reservists in combat units may serve 60-90 days; 50- 70,000 people protest war in Tel Aviv, including reservists, as thousands of others attend exhibit of captured PLO and Syrian weapons; Justice Minister Nissim, Attorney General, and other officials meet tomorrow to consider legal action against Avnery for meeting Arafat.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam charges IDF broke cease-fire twice during day; agreement reached on deployment of multinational force alongside Lebanese Army, but not on continuing PLO presence in Lebanon; Lebanese government says PLO still refuses to offer formal set of proposals; Arafat later signs detailed document that PLO will evacuate Beirut (many Lebanese fear Israel will reject; Wazzan says only some progress, no agreement reached with PLO); Arafat hails "Paris Declaration" by 3 prominent Jews as "positive initiative toward a just ... peace"; Sarkis meets with French envoy Gutmann.

Arab Governments: Syria, Egypt, Jordan debate number of PLO members they are willing to take.

US and Other Countries: Habib meets with Sarkis; Ambassador Lewis meets Begin, reportedly asks more time for negotiations.

UN: UN mission heads for Lebanon to assess relief needs.