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  • November 4, 1998

    PM Netanyahu postpones cabinet discussion of Wye agmt. for 4th time, saying he will not convene cabinet until the PA clarifies when it will arrest 30 wanted Palestinians. Arafat accuses Netanyahu...

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  • October 15, 1998

    After a brief 3-way mtg. at the White House, Pres. Clinton, Arafat, PM Netanyahu, their delegations head to Wye Plantation in Maryland for negotiations. (MM, WJW 10/15; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; YA...

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  • October 1, 1998

    In Cairo, Arafat briefs Pres. Mubarak on his talks with Pres. Clinton, Secy. Albright; discusses idea of holding international summit on the peace process. (MENA 10/1 in WNC 10/2)


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  • September 12, 1996

    Egypt says it will host economic summit in Cairo in 11/12-14 as planned. (MM, WP 9/13; al-`Arabi 9/16 in WNC 9/27) (see 8/22)

    Acting on a tip (possibly fr. the U.S.), Hong Kong...

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PM Netanyahu postpones cabinet discussion of Wye agmt. for 4th time, saying he will not convene cabinet until the PA clarifies when it will arrest 30 wanted Palestinians. Arafat accuses Netanyahu of adding new conditions to try to wreck the agmt. U.S. says Israel is seeking "extrapolations of commitments." (ITV, RE 11/4 in WNC 11/6; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/5; SA 11/6 in WNC 11/12) (see 11/3)

In Cairo, PA Planning M Nabil Shaath, negotiator Qurai` discuss Israeli delays in Wye implementation with Pres. Mubarak, FM Musa; ask for Egypt's continued support of the PA. (MENA, RE 11/4, VOA 11/5 in WNC 11/6)

PKK leader Ocalan asks Russia for political asylum. (ATL 11/4 in WNC 11/6; NYT 11/5; ATL 11/6 in WNC 11/12) (see 10/20)

An SLA convoy triggers 2 roadside bombs nr. Jazzin in s. Lebanon, killing 3 SLA mbrs., wounding 1. (VOL 11/4)

After a brief 3-way mtg. at the White House, Pres. Clinton, Arafat, PM Netanyahu, their delegations head to Wye Plantation in Maryland for negotiations. (MM, WJW 10/15; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; YA 10/16 in WNC 10/19; al-Akhbar 10/16 in WNC 10/20)

Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, Jordan's King Hussein discuss Wye talks by phone. In Cairo, Jordanian PM Tarawnah briefs Mubarak on Crown Prince Hassan's mtgs. with Arafat (10/12), Netanyahu (10/14). (MENA 10/15 in WNC 10/16; JTV 10/15 in WNC 10/19)

Lebanese parliament elects (118-0, with 10 absentees, including Druze leader Junblatt, his bloc) Gen. Lahoud as Lebanon's new pres. He will take office 11/24. (MM 10/15; RL 10/15 in WNC 10/16; SATN 10/15 in WNC 10/19; al-Nahar 10/15, RL 10/18 in WNC 10/20; NYT, WP, WT 10/16; RL 10/16 in WNC 10/19; al-Ittihad 10/18 in WNC 10/23; IRNA 10/19 in WNC 10/21; MM 10/28) (see 10/13)

Turkey rejects Syrian offer to discuss water sharing, says Syria must first drop support for Kurdish separatists. (NYT, WP 10/16; HUR 10/16 in WNC 10/19) (see 10/14)

PSF detains 2 Israelis outside PA negotiator Abbas's home in al-Bireh. The Israelis, who turn out to be settler security guards dressed in civilian clothes, claim they entered th PA area to pursue stone-throwers. (PR 10/23)

30 Jewish settlers led by a Molodet party MK occupy a vacant Palestinian home in East Jerusalem, sparking scuffles with Palestinians. 100 Israeli policemen are brought in to quell the disturbances. (IDF Radio 10/15 in WNC 10/19; NYT 10/16; PR 10/23)

Unidentified assailants fire bomb several Palestinian homes in Bethlehem, seriously damaging 1. Palestinians blame local Jewish settlers. (AFP [Internet] 10/17)

In Cairo, Arafat briefs Pres. Mubarak on his talks with Pres. Clinton, Secy. Albright; discusses idea of holding international summit on the peace process. (MENA 10/1 in WNC 10/2)

Turkey sends 10,000 troops to its border with Syria. Pres. Suleyman Demirel threatens "counter" Syrian support Kurdish separatists. (ATL 10/1 in WNC 10/2; HUR 10/1, ATL 10/2 in WNC 10/5; HUR 10/2 in WNC 10/6; MM, WP, WT 10/2; MM 10/6; MEI 10/16) (see 9/30)

El Al confirms that the cargo plane that crashed in Amsterdam in 1992 carried DMMP with the permission of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. (Globes [Internet] 10/1 in WNC 10/2; NYT, WP 10/2; al-Bath 10/2 in WNC 10/6; WP 10/3; MEI 10/16) (see 10/1)

Palestinians, IDF troops clash in Hebron for 2d day, injuring 8 Palestinians. (HA [Internet], WP 10/2)

Egypt says it will host economic summit in Cairo in 11/12-14 as planned. (MM, WP 9/13; al-`Arabi 9/16 in WNC 9/27) (see 8/22)

Acting on a tip (possibly fr. the U.S.), Hong Kong customs impounds Syria-bound, N. Korean cargo shipment marked "finished goods," found to contain heavy artillery (incl. Howitzers, Russian made M-46 field guns). It is legal to ship arms through Hong Kong but illegal to falsely declare goods. (Kong Standard, South China Morning Post 917, 9/18 in WNC 11/12)

Iraq again fires surface-to-air missiles at U.S. warplanes in the expanded s. no-fly zone, causing no damage. U.S. announces it will position stealth bombers at airfields in Kuwait. Turkey agrees to allow 2,500 Iraqi oppositionist transit through Turkey as part of U.S. plan to evacuate its allies fr. the Kurdish enclave, provided none were connected with the CIA, PKK; U.S. says if those sponsored by the CIA can escape fr. Iraq, it will "certainly look sympathetically" on their appeals for asylum. U.S. dispatches 2d aircraft carrier to the region. (MM 9/12; NYT, WP, WSJ 9/13; WP 9/17, 9/18; al-Ahram 9/19 in WNC 9/30; MEI 9/20) (see 9/11)

Hatzofe reports that changes to Oslo II maps were agreed to and signed in 1/96 but have been kept secret. The 5 changes were only of several dozen meters. 3 favored the Israelis: moving the access road for Qedar settlement and the forests west of Ma'ale Adumim fr. zone B to C; moving the Ashkenazi Jewish cemetery of Hebron fr. zone A to C; moving the Ramallah and Bir Nabala oxidation pools, which incl. parts of the land designated for the Psagot-Kokhav Yi'aqov bypass road, fr. zone A to C. 2 changes favored the PA: moving a strip of land n. of Janin fr. zone C to A; expanding the zone B area of Abu-Dis e. to the Israeli municipal boundary of Jerusalem. (Hatzofe 9/12 in WNC 9/16)