11 / 15493 Results
  • March 3, 1999

    Israeli FM Sharon suggests that 5/17 elections be postponed to form a unity government dedicated to a pullout fr. s. Lebanon. PM Netanyahu rejects the idea. (MM 3/3; IDF Radio 3/3 in...

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  • October 22, 1998

    Pres. Clinton, King Hussein rejoin Wye talks. By evening, some agmts. have been reached, others are near. Over dinner, King Hussein gives an "impassioned speech," calling on Arafat, Netanyahu to...

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  • September 29, 1998

    Arafat returns to Washington to meet with Pres. Clinton, then briefs Egyptian FM Musa. (MM 9/29; MENA 9/29 in WNC 9/30; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/30; MM 10/1)

    IDF places 2-day closure on...

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  • June 10, 1998

    In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. (MENA 6/10 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

    In Gaza, Arafat, Jordanian PM Majali...

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  • June 9, 1998

    PC gives Arafat until 6/15 to reshuffle the Executive Authority (EA; the PA's cabinet) or face no-confidence vote (he has not faced a no-confidence vote since the 1996 elections). (WP 6/12; MEI 7/...

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  • May 25, 1998

    30 Jewish settlers from the Ateret Cohanim group accompanied by Israeli police and guard dogs evict a Palestinian woman fr. her rented home in East Jerusalem, lay foundations for 9 new buildings...

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  • January 18, 1998

    Israeli cabinet decides not to set a figure for the percentage of land to be included in the next FRD before PM Netanyahu's visit to Washington. (MM, NYT, WT 1/19)

    At the close of an...

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  • September 7, 1997

    In Cairo, Arafat, Egyptian pres. Mubarak, Jordan's King Hussein discuss 9/4 bombings, peace process, upcoming Albright visit; issue statement calling on Israel to implement outstanding Oslo II...

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  • August 18, 1997

    Israel decides to release 1/3 of the tax revenues ($12 m.) that it has withheld fr. the PA as a nod to the PA's cooperation on the trilateral security panel 8/18. (MM 8/18; IDF Radio, IGPO 8/18 in...

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  • December 17, 1995

    Arafat submits to the PA temporary election commission his application of nomination to run in 1/20 presidential elections, with a check fr. the PA Interior Min. for $3,000 and a certificate...

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  • January 17, 1995

    Jordanian-Israeli joint comm. on education, science, culture meets in Israel. Comm. mbrs. tour vocational, technical schools, discuss possible joint programs. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19)


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Israeli FM Sharon suggests that 5/17 elections be postponed to form a unity government dedicated to a pullout fr. s. Lebanon. PM Netanyahu rejects the idea. (MM 3/3; IDF Radio 3/3 in WNC 3/4; MM, NYT 3/4; MM 3/5; NYT 3/6) (see 3/2)

Israeli police question FM Sharon on suspicion that he bribed a fmr. gen. to give false testimony on his behalf in a libel case. (NYT, WP 3/4; JP 3/12)

Israel names 1st Arab judge to the High Court. `Abd al-Rahman Zuabi will hold the bench for 9 mos. as temporary appointee. (WP 3/4; WJW 3/11; JP 3/12)

IDF lifts closure on the occupied territories imposed on 2/27. (PR 3/5)

Jordan reopens its emb. in Kuwait. Kuwait lifts its band on Jordanian workers. (Xinhua 3/3 in WNC 3/5; MM, NYT 3/4; Shihan 3/27 in WNC 3/29) (see 3/1)

Pres. Clinton, King Hussein rejoin Wye talks. By evening, some agmts. have been reached, others are near. Over dinner, King Hussein gives an "impassioned speech," calling on Arafat, Netanyahu to keep making progress. Egypt's Mubarak phones Clinton to discuss the talks. (MM 10/22; VOA 10/22 in WNC 10/23; ITV, MENA 10/22 in WNC 10/26; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 10/23; JT, JTV, al-Ra'i 10/22, Shihan 10/24 in WNC 10/23 [dates as published]; JTV 10/22, IDF Radio 10/23 in WNC 10/26; NYT 10/25)

State Dept., White House meet with major U.S. oil companies to press them to build a pipeline to bring Caspian crude fr. Azerbaijan to Turkey, avoiding Russia, Iran. Oil companies do not believe the region can export enough oil in the nr. future to justify the $3.7-b. project, which the U.S. does not want to fund. (WP 10/28; MEI, WP, WT 10/30) (see 10/21)

An Israeli court orders 3 border policemen detained on suspicion of having shot at a Palestinian van 10/18. (WP 10/23) (see 10/21)

Israeli police arrest a mbr. of a right-wing Jewish group for carrying out 7 knife attacks on Palestinians in Jerusalem btwn. 11/97 and 5/98, killing 1. (AFP [Internet] 10/22)

Arafat returns to Washington to meet with Pres. Clinton, then briefs Egyptian FM Musa. (MM 9/29; MENA 9/29 in WNC 9/30; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/30; MM 10/1)

IDF places 2-day closure on occupied territories for Yom Kippur holiday. (NYT, WT 9/30; MM 10/1; PR 10/2)

1 Palestinian is killed, 2 are wounded in Beitunia, West Bank, when a bomb blows up in their car. PA police say the 3 alleged Hamas mbrs. had just collected a bag they believe to contain weapons, which detonated as they left the rendezvous. Later, the PSF arrests 4 Israeli Arabs in the Hebron area for selling arms to the men. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 9/30; ITV 9/30 in WNC 10/2; PR 10/2, 10/9) (see 9/21)

PA security forces raid a suspected Hamas building in Hebron, find 640 lbs. of explosives. (ITV 9/30 in WNC 10/2; MM, WT 10/1)

Clashes btwn. Israeli Arabs, police in Umm al-Fahm continue for 3d day, spread to Nazareth (Israel's largest Arab city). Arabs throughout Israel strike to protest police brutality. Palestinians Bethlehem also hold solidarity protest, clash with IDF. (MM 9/29; NYT, WT 9/30; MM 10/1; MA 10/1 in WNC 10/2; MEI, PR 10/2; Shihan 10/3 in WNC 10/5; ITV 10/2, 10/3 in WNC 10/6; MM 10/5; JP 10/10; JTV 10/19 in WNC 10/21)

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. (MENA 6/10 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

In Gaza, Arafat, Jordanian PM Majali discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. Majali hands Arafat a letter fr. King Hussein, outlining Netanyahu's position on FRD as transmitted to the king via Israeli DM Mordechai on 6/7. (JTV 6/10 in WNC 6/12; Shihan 6/27 in WNC 6/30; al-Dustur 7/1 in WNC 7/2) 

Syrian FM Shara` meets with PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. and Arafat adviser on refugee affairs As`ad `Abd al-Rahman to reopen discussion on refugee issues. (RMC 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

During their 2d day of talks, Iran, Turkey sign memorandum of understanding on setting up a joint chamber of commerce, beginning engineering and technical cooperation on natural gas. (IRIB Television 6/10, MENA 6/11 in WNC 6/12; IRNA 6/11, 6/13 in WNC 6/17)

In Hebron district, IDF bulldozes 70 dunams of Palestinians orchards, saying it has warned Palestinians not to farm "state land." Trees on the land were 5+n10 yrs. old. (Christian Peacemaker Teams press release 7/14)

In East Jerusalem, Israeli peace activists protesting settlement activity clash with Israeli police. (CSM 6/11)

Some 50 Christian human rights activists stage sit-in to protest settler's occupation of Silwan homes 5/8. (WT 6/11)

PC gives Arafat until 6/15 to reshuffle the Executive Authority (EA; the PA's cabinet) or face no-confidence vote (he has not faced a no-confidence vote since the 1996 elections). (WP 6/12; MEI 7/3)

In Cairo, U.S. Asst. Secy. of State for Near East Affairs Martin Indyk briefs Pres. Mubarak on U.S. efforts to persuade Israel to accept the U.S. FRD proposal. (MENA, RE 6/9 in WNC 6/10; ITV, MENA 6/9 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/9 in WNC 6/17)

In Vienna, Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan discusses peace process with Chancellor Viktor Klima, who assumes the presidency of the EU on 7/1. (RJ 6/9 in WNC 6/10, 6/11; Der Standard 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

In Tel Aviv, Jordan, Israel discuss import of Jordanian agricultural goods, farm products to Israel, PA self-rule areas. (JT 6/11 in WNC 6/12)

Iran, Turkey convene economic summit in Tehran. (IRIB Television 6/9 in WNC 6/11; IRNA 6/10 in WNC 6/12)

In keeping with UN Res. ES-10/5 of 3/17, Switzerland opens in Geneva a 3-day experts-level mtg. btwn. Israel, the PLO, with the International Comm. of the Red Cross, to examine measures that would contribute to the effective application of the Fourth Geneva Conventions in the occupied territories. (Palestine and the UN 6/98)

Israeli Interior Min. approves construction of 58 housing units for Jewish settlers nr. the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem. (Palestine and the UN 6/98)

U.S. government arrests without charge Muhammad Salah, a naturalized U.S. citizen once arrested in Israel for being a mbr. of Hamas; seizes his home, bank accounts worth $1.4 m.; hopes its investigation will lead to an indictment on charges of funding Hamas "terrorism." (NYT 6/14; JP 6/20; Shihan 7/11 in WNC 7/14)

30 Jewish settlers from the Ateret Cohanim group accompanied by Israeli police and guard dogs evict a Palestinian woman fr. her rented home in East Jerusalem, lay foundations for 9 new buildings on adjacent 2,000-sq.-m. plot (apparently without permits). (IDF Radio 5/25 in WNC 5/27; LAW, NYT 5/26; MM, NYT 5/27; PR 5/29; ITV 6/3 in WNC 6/4; MEI 6/5; PR 7/3)

Arafat returns to Cairo to meet with Pres. Mubarak. (MENA 5/25 in WNC 5/27) (see 5/24)

Iran, Syria sign mining cooperation agmt. for development of phosphorus, ferrous mines in Syria. (IRNA 5/25 in WNC 5/27)

Jordan refuses to grant entry to Hamas's Shaykh Yasin, who planned to arrive 5/27. Meanwhile in Damascus, Yasin meets with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) leader George Habash on ways to strengthen relations btwn. their groups. (AFP, MENA 5/25, AFP, RJ 5/26 in WNC 5/27; WT 5/26; al-Sabil 6/2 in WNC 6/3; MEI 6/5; JP 6/6; Shihan 6/6 in WNC 6/8) (see 5/24)

At the owner's request, PA security forces evict tenants of a Palestinian house in Ramallah and demolish the building, which has been the focus of a rent dispute. (Birzeit press release 5/25; JP 6/6)

In s. Lebanon, 1 Hizballah mbr. is killed, 1 SLA mbr. and 4 civilians are injured in several clashes. (VOL 5/25, RL 5/26 in WNC 5/27)

Israeli cabinet decides not to set a figure for the percentage of land to be included in the next FRD before PM Netanyahu's visit to Washington. (MM, NYT, WT 1/19)

At the close of an informal 3-day mtg. sponsored by the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI), a group of MKs, PC mbrs. decided to create permanent comm. to build Israeli-Palestinian confidence, improve political and economic conditions. (IPCRI press release 1/18)

Iraq releases 92 of some 160 Jordanian prisoners. (INA, RMC 1/19 in WNC 1/21; MM 1/20; RJ 1/21 in WNC 1/23; Shihan [Amman] 1/24, JT 1/26 in WNC 1/27; MEI 1/30)

In Cairo, Arafat, Egyptian pres. Mubarak, Jordan's King Hussein discuss 9/4 bombings, peace process, upcoming Albright visit; issue statement calling on Israel to implement outstanding Oslo II agmts., particularly the 2d FRD. (NYT, WP, WT 9/7; CSM, MM 9/8; MENA 9/7, al-Ittihad, JT, MENA, RE, RJ 9/8 in WNC 9/9; MM 9/8; MENA 9/9 in WNC 9/10; MEI, PR 9/12)

Israel's inner cabinet meets to discuss 9/4 suicide bomings. Shin Bet believes that Arafat is not behind, but rather against, "terrorism"; IDF Intelligence Branch believes that Arafat approved acts, will never fight "terrorism." (IDF Radio, MA 9/8 in WNC 9/9; MM 9/26)

IDF says that it has arrested around 170 suspected Hamas mbrs. since the 9/4 bombings. (IDF Radio, QY 9/7 in WNC 9/9; CSM 9/8)

Jordanian authorities arrest local Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Ghawshah for making statements that "pose a threat to national security." (AFP, RJ, RMC 9/7, AFP, al-Ittihad, JT 9/8 in WNC 9/9; MM 9/8; AFP 9/11 in WNC 9/12; MEI 9/12; Shihan 9/13 in WNC 9/19; al-Wasat 9/15 in WNC 9/17)

Hizballah attacks an IDF position in s. Lebanon, killing 1 IDF officer. (RL 9/7 in WNC 9/9; CSM, MM, NYT 9/8; JP 9/12)

Israel decides to release 1/3 of the tax revenues ($12 m.) that it has withheld fr. the PA as a nod to the PA's cooperation on the trilateral security panel 8/18. (MM 8/18; IDF Radio, IGPO 8/18 in WNC 8/20; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 8/19; PR 8/22)

PA police begin inforcing a boycott on the import of certain Israeli goods to the occupied territories, halting and searching commercial vehicles. (JT 8/18 in WNC 8/20; MM 8/21; CSM, NYT, PR 8/22) (see 8/16)

Citing the deadlock in the peace process, Indonesia rejects an Israeli request for PM Netanyahu to visit the country during a trip to Japan, South Korea next wk. (YA 8/19 in WNC 8/20)

IDF demolishes 4 Palestinian homes nr. Hebron. (PR 9/5)

Jordan arrests 6 people, including an Israeli, who were trying to smuggle guns into the West Bank via the Dead Sea tourist area. (JT 8/27 in WNC 8/28; Shihan 9/6 in WNC 9/10; JP 10/11)

3 Lebanese civilians are killed by a roadside explosion in Jazzin, which is controlled by the South Lebanon Army (SLA). In response, the SLA shells the largely pro-Hizballah city of Sidon, killing at least 6 civilians, wounding 38--the highest civilian toll since the 4/96 understanding. Hizballah, supported by Lebanese army artillery, then shells source of SLA fire (a village nr. Jazzin), killing 1 civilian, wounding 2. Israel files a complaint with the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group (ILMG), blaming Hizballah for the initial roadside bombing; reprimands the "rogue commander" of the SLA who allegedly ordered the Sidon attack. (MM 8/18; RL, VOL 8/18 in WNC 8/20; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/19; VOL 8/19 in WNC 8/21; CSM, WP 8/20; NYT 8/21; MM 8/22) (see 8/12)

Iraq announces plans to permit Iranian pilgrims to visit Shi`ite holy sites at Najaf, Karbala for the 1st time in 17 yrs. beginning 9/4. (MM 8/19)

At the invitiation of the Lebanese Soccer Federation, the Iraqi national soccer team arrives in Beirut to play match against Lebanon's team. (INA 8/18 in WNC 8/20) (see 7/11)

Arafat submits to the PA temporary election commission his application of nomination to run in 1/20 presidential elections, with a check fr. the PA Interior Min. for $3,000 and a certificate issued by Fatah, making him the 1st to officially enter the race. (VOP 12/17 in FBIS 12/18)

As scheduled, PA assumes control over Qalqilya. (NYT 12/17; VOP 12/16, 12/17 in FBIS 12/18; JP 12/23)

In Nablus, PA police round up, arrest 30 Fatah Hawks mbrs.; capture Fatah Hawk leaders Ahmad Tabuk, Amin Maqboul, 4 aides after brief shoot out. (CSM, WT 12/18; NYT, WJW 12/21; JP 12/30; MEI 1/5) (see 11/29)

Jordanian prosecutor general orders detention of Jihad al-Mawmani, chief editor of the weekly Shihan, for publishing article on narcotics, legal violations by beauty salons without 1st reporting the crimes to the authorities. Amman court orders release of Sawt al-Mar'ah editor arrested 12/13. (al-Dustur 12/18 in FBIS 12/19) (see 12/13)

Jordan signs 3-yr. (1996-98) economic adjustment program with the IMF meant to stimulate continued liberalization of the economy; signs debt rescheduling agmt. with Japan, World Bank, spreading the $115 m. owed over 10 yrs. (instead of 3), giving Jordan a $80-m. Japanese soft loan; approves regulations encouraging capital investment by foreigners. (JT, RJ 12/17 in FBIS 12/19; JT 1/1 in FBIS 1/3)

Jordanian-Israeli joint comm. on education, science, culture meets in Israel. Comm. mbrs. tour vocational, technical schools, discuss possible joint programs. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19)

Israeli Housing Min. report leaked to Israeli press shows government authorized construction of 1,833 homes in West Bank in 1994, 3,230 for 1995, with emphasis on expanding areas around Jerusalem. (WT 1/18)

Jerusalem Comm. of the ICO ends 2-day mtg. in Morocco; issues statement criticizing Israel for law passed 12/26, calling on Israel to withdraw fr. occupied territories, incl. Jerusalem, demanding peace agmts. be based on UN Res. 242, 338, 425. Parties report high degree of coordination btwn. Jordanian FM al-Kabariti, Arafat. (RTM 1/17 in FBIS 1/18; MM 1/18)

Palestinians protest construction around 3 West Bank settlements. At Psagot, IDF troops fire rubber bullets, stun grenades at protestors led by PA Ms, injuring 3; detain, rough up PA M `Azmi al-Shu`aybi, Arafat advisors Ahmad Tibi, Marwan Barghouti. (CSM 1/17; QT 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; WT 1/18)

PFLP announces it will be closing some offices in Damascus, ceasing publication of paper, moving as many mbrs. as possible to home bases in West Bank, Gaza because of financial crisis. DFLP is taking similar steps. (Al-Bayan, Shihan 1/17 in FBIS 1/20)

Egyptian clerics, Muslim Brotherhood officials criticize Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Shaykh Bin Baz's fatwa permitting peace with Israel. (al-Sha`b 1/17 in FBIS 1/25; MM 2/14) (see 12/21)