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  • September 5, 1990

    Speaking before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. Baker tones down 9/4 suggestion of NATO-style security arrangement, which had touched off controversy, by saying "any such arrangement...

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  • August 16, 1990

    Iraqi occupation authorities order 6,500 American and British citizens in Kuwait to assemble at 2 hotels in Kuwait City [NYT, WP 8/17].

    Pentagon announces U.S. naval forces will begin "...

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Speaking before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. Baker tones down 9/4 suggestion of NATO-style security arrangement, which had touched off controversy, by saying "any such arrangement would have to fit regional realities. We have no particular model, such as NATO, in mind" [WP 9/6; FJ 9/10].

Britain agrees to contribute to U.S.-sponsored fund to aid Middle East countries hurt by the trade embargo against Iraq [LAT 9/6], while West German gov't decides not to supply funds for multinational force in Gulf, but will offer use of planes and ships to transport troops to the region [WP 9/5].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz meets with Pres. Gorbachev in Moscow over Gulf crisis amid signs Moscow is losing patience over Iraq's refusal to leave Kuwait [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 9/6; MET 9/18].

State Dep't reports U.S. citizen is shot and wounded trying to evade capture by Iraqi troops in Kuwait City [LAT, WT, WP 9/6; MET 9/18].

Bush admin. offers to mount international effort to provide economic aid to USSR in return for Moscow's pulling its military advisers out of Iraq and agreeing to join multinational force in Middle East [LAT 9/6].

Israeli and American sources report F.M. David Levy, visiting Washington for talks with Sec. Baker, asks Bush admin. to forgive Israel's $4.5 billion military debt and dramatically increase military aid [WT 9/6; JDS 9/6 in FBIS 9/6; JPI 9/15; MET 9/18]; Baker and Levy say U.S. and Israel will work to establish "credible" Arab-Israeli peace process to demonstrate alternative to Saddam Hussein [NYT 9/6].

King Hussein meets with British for. sec. Hurd in Amman [JTE 9/6 in FBIS 9/6], then flies to Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis with Saddam [BADS 9/5 in FBIS 9/6; CSM 9/7].

Jerusalem Post reports 195,000 elementary school children begin year's studies in West Bank. Intermediate and high schools will open in stages over next 2 weeks [JPD 9/6 in FBIS 9/7]. 

Iraqi occupation authorities order 6,500 American and British citizens in Kuwait to assemble at 2 hotels in Kuwait City [NYT, WP 8/17].

Pentagon announces U.S. naval forces will begin "intercepting" commercial shipping to or from Iraq and Kuwait to enforce UN sanctions [WP 8/17].

King Hussein of Jordan meets with Pres. Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine to discuss Gulf crisis [MEM 8/16; ADS 8/17 in FBIS 8/17; NYT, WP 8/17].

"Troika" foreign ministers from Italy, Luxembourg, and Ireland arrive in Amman and meet with Crown Prince Hasan to discuss crisis [ADS 8/16 in FBIS 8/17].

2d contingent of Egyptian military forces leaves Cairo for Saudi Arabia [MENA 8/16 in FBIS 8/16].

Special UNLU "Leaflet No. 1-the U.S. Invasion of Arab Lands" is distributed; it expresses unequivocal support for Iraq and attacks Pres. Mubarak [YA 8/17 in FBIS 8/17].

Hundreds of Palestinians hold pro-Iraq demonstration in Nablus; police disperse crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets [MEM 8/16; JDS 8/16 in FBIS 8/17]; fearing political repercussions, PLO leadership is seen as trying to distance itself from Iraq, but has been unable to ignore growing grassroots support of Palestinians for Saddam Hussein [WP 8/17].

Contradicting earlier Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood statement, group's leader Muhammad Hamid Abunnasar issues communique denouncing Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and calling for return of Kuwait's "legitimate gov't." [MEM 8/17].