23 / 15500 Results
  • December 27, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are...

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  • December 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The treasurer of Jewish. Agency, Meir Shitrit, says organization will have to turn its immigrant-absorption services over to Israeli...

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  • December 15, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 200 Jews and Arabs demonstrate outside Shamir's office demanding reopening of Palestinian universities [FJ 12/25].


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  • December 7, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8]....

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  • November 20, 1989


    Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Jamal al-Surani arrives in Cairo carrying PLO response to Baker's 5 point framework [FBIS 11/21].

    Other Countries...

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  • October 28, 1989


    Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].


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  • October 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir accuses U.S. of trying to force Israel to negotiate with the PLO, says he will not compromise with Palestinians even if it means...

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  • October 11, 1989


    Arab World: PLO defers bid to become full member of UNESCO [NYT 10/12; JP 10/ 21]. Syrian pilot flies Soviet MiG-23 to Israel and asks for political asylum [WP 10/...

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  • October 1, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish...

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  • September 14, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot...

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  • September 7, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D. M. Yitzhak Rabin leaves for talks in Washington about Israel's peace plan, now considered by some Israeli leaders as "...

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  • August 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].


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  • July 26, 1989


    Arab World: PLO lists conditions under which it would approve elections in O.T.: residents of E. Jerusalem must participate, freedom of speech and immunity from...

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  • May 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that Israel must give up Gaza as part of peace process [FBIS 6/1]. Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze...

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  • May 11, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that Sec. of State Baker has sent letter to F. M. Arens pressing for specifics concerning Israel's proposed...

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  • April 8, 1989


    Occupied PalestinelIsrael: Jerusalem Post reports that secret govemment report anticipates massive emigration of Jews from Soviet Union; U.S. will be...

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  • April 5, 1989


    Arab World: Hani al-Hasan, adviser to Arafat, states that Algerian delegation is currently visiting Damascus to prepare for reconciliation between Syria, PLO [FBIS...

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  • March 17, 1989


    Arab World: Hadashot reports that Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze told Egyptian parliamentarians that U.S.S.R. would contemplate sanctions against Israel if Israel...

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  • March 16, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Absorption Minister Yitzhaq Peretz announces that of 2,226 Jews leaving the Soviet Union in February only 332 immigrated to Israel; in...

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  • February 24, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Shamir reiterates rejection of intemational peace conference, talks with PLO [FBIS 2/28]. Israel announces that Palestinians from O.T....

    Read more
  • February 23, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes 4 schools in Gaza following demonstrations [FBIS 2/24].

    Arab World: In Cairo, Arafat holds press conference with...

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  • February 22, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: PLO Executive Committee member Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) addresses (via videotape) Jerusalem-based International Center for Peace in the...

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  • February 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: O.T.'s trade deficit with Israel is cut by 66% in 1988, according to Bank of Israel UP 2/18]. Curfew is imposed on Tulkarm. Israel lifts...

    Read more


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are judged in military courts. [LAT, FBIS 12/ 28].

Arab World: Egypt and Syria agree to restore diplomatic ties after 12-year break [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 12/28; CSM 12/ 29].

Lebanese officials say they will lodge complaint with UN Sec. Council about Israel's 12/26 air and ground attacks [NYT, WP 12/28].

Egypt signs industrial contract with the USSR [FBIS 1/2].

Other Countries: The Washington Post cites unnamed Arab and Western diplomats as saying PLO has kept commitments made by Arafat last year in Geneva, but PLO has not convinced Israeli public that it is sincere [WP 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in O.T. observe strike called by Hamas [CSM 12/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The treasurer of Jewish. Agency, Meir Shitrit, says organization will have to turn its immigrant-absorption services over to Israeli government unless Americans contribute more money [NYT 12/21].

Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University publishes annual report on military balance in Middle East. Study says Israeli military strong-arm tactics have not reduced protests in O.T. [WP 12/21; FBIS 12/28].

Arab World: Asad will visit USSR and is planning meeting with Mubarak in what political analysts in Damascus describe as reappraisal of Syrian policy in light of changing international and regional conditions [NYT 12/21].

Other Countries: Responding to NBC news report of 12/18, State Dep't says Israel informed U.S. about a month ago that it had purchased oil from Iran [NYT 12/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli electric company cuts electricity to Tulkarm village of Azzun [FJ 12/25].

Lydda military court sentences Khalid al-Amuri to life in prison for affiliating with PLO and throwing Molotov cocktails [FJ 12/25].

IDF declares Ramallah and al-Bireh market areas closed military zone, orders merchants to close shops [FJ 12/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 200 Jews and Arabs demonstrate outside Shamir's office demanding reopening of Palestinian universities [FJ 12/25].

The 3 leading religious patriarchs in Jerusalem cancel Christmas celebrations in O.T., except for those religious ceremonies that call for justice and peace [FJ 12/ 18].

Arab World: PLO Executive Committee opens 2-day meeting in Tunis [FBIS 12/ 20].

Other Countries: Soviet Union says it will not support U.S. effort to have UN Gen. Assembly repeal "Zionism equals racism" resolution [NYT 12/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: "Black Panther" group takes responsibility for killing of accused collaborator on 12/14. The killing comes less than 2 weeks after Israeli army said they eliminated the group [JP 12/23; MET 12/26].

Israeli military bulldozes Palestinian home in village of Battir [FJ 12/25].

Shots are fired at IDF patrol from Egypt; no injuries [FBIS 12/19].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8].

Israeli Absorption Ministry spokesperson reports that 20,405 immigrants have arrived in Israel since the beginning of 1989; 9,295 from USSR [FBIS 12/13].

Other Countries: El Al has signed flight agreement with Aeroflot, and first Tel Aviv-Moscow flights will begin next month, according to Jerusalem Domestic Services [FBIS 12/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF demolishes 3 houses in Khan Yunis [FJ 12/18].

2 Syrian members of PFLP are sentenced to 25 years in prison each for their part in an October 1989 raid into Israel [FJ 12/18].


Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Jamal al-Surani arrives in Cairo carrying PLO response to Baker's 5 point framework [FBIS 11/21].

Other Countries: USSR has encouraged Syria to abandon quest for military parity with Israel, saying Soviet "new realities" stress "reasonable defensive sufficiency" for Syria [WP 11/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military prohibits Gaza Islamic University's board of trustees from traveling to Kuwait for university conference [FJ 11/27].

Israeli Minister of Police Haim Bar Lev says Civil Administration ispreparing to issue magnetic ID cards to W. Bank Palestinians [FJ 11/27].

Petrol bomb thrown at Israeli fuel truck in Nablus, misses truck but causes minor damage. Soldiers shoot, injure 13- year-old girl. Palestinians report 19-year-old is hospitalized from beating injures when soldiers chased suspects [FBIS 11/ 28].


Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in Nablus kill 54-year-old suspected collaborator [MET 11/7]. General strike in Tulkarm. 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded by IDF forces in clashes in O.T. [FBIS 10/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir accuses U.S. of trying to force Israel to negotiate with the PLO, says he will not compromise with Palestinians even if it means his govemment falls [LAT 10/18; NYT 10/ 19].

Other Countries: UN General Assembly rejects annual Arab motion-introduced this year by Libya-to unseat Israeli delegation; U.S.S.R. abstains for first time [NYT, WP, LAT 10/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army closes second school in E. Jerusalem as demonstrations continue. Arab resident of E. Jerusalem is stabbed. Settlers block W. Bank road, prevent Arabs from going to work in Israel. 6 Palestinians are arrested, 1 soldier wounded by thrown rock [FBIS 10/18]; at least 12 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/25]. 


Arab World: PLO defers bid to become full member of UNESCO [NYT 10/12; JP 10/ 21]. Syrian pilot flies Soviet MiG-23 to Israel and asks for political asylum [WP 10/12; MET 10/24].

Other Countries: Roman Catholic archbishops John Cardinal O'Connor of New York, Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles, and William Keeler of Baltimore, draft policy statement for the church hierarchy calling for Palestinian "territorial and political sovereignty" [NYT, WP 10/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Dahayshah camp near Bethlehem, soldiers close school indefinitely, arrest 20 students, impose camp-wide curfew after petrol bomb is thrown at IDF vehicle. Gazans end 5-day general strike. 4 villagers from Bayt Sahur are arrested for not paying taxes. 5 Palestinians are wounded in Gaza during clashes [FBIS 10/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish immigrants Israel expects from the Soviet Union over the next three years [NYT, WP 10/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5 Palestinians are shot, killed, 3 others are wounded in clashes with IDF troops in O.T. General strike in Nablus, 2 Palestinians wounded. 3 IDF soldiers wounded from stones. Palestinian suspected of collaboration is found dead [FBIS 10/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot fleeing arrest [WP 9/15]. At least 10 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire in O.T. [FBIS 9/15].

Arab World: Soviet news agency Tass reports Israel fired a missile from a site near Jerusalem that landed 800 miles away in the Mediterranean north of Benghazi, Libya [\WP 9/20]. Israeli helicopter gunships fire rockets at two Abu Nidal guerrilla bases east of Sidon, Lebanon. Police report at least 3 people wounded [WP 9/15; MET 9/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D. M. Yitzhak Rabin leaves for talks in Washington about Israel's peace plan, now considered by some Israeli leaders as "moribund, if not dead." The U.S. is the only nation to have endorsed Shamir's plan [NYT 9/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several Soviet-built rockets are fired at Israel in first missile attack from Jordan in 20 years. No damage caused. [NYT 9/8; JP 9/14; MET 9/19]. Troops open fire on stonethrowers in Jenin area, killing 11-year-old Palestinian and wounding 6 others [MET 9/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].

Arab World: In Aden for visit, Arafat says latest round of U.S.-PLO talks did not go as they should have, blames U.S. intransigence [FBIS 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 46-year-old Israeli is found in a W. Bank village after reportedly being kidnapped on 8/24 by masked Palestinians [FBIS 8/25; NYT 8/26; MET 9/5]. Israeli figures say 13 Palestinians have been killed in the O.T. in the past eight days; that the violence has increased because Palestinian leaders have vowed to step up the intifada [WP 8/26]. Acting under new regulation that allows troops to shoot at masked Palestinians, soldiers shoot, wound one of several masked youths who clashed with IDF patrol in Jabaliyyah [FBIS 8/28].

Other Countries: Five-vessel French Navy task force remains off the Lebanese coast [NYT 8/26]; the French are joined by eight U.S. ships, including the battleship Iowa. Soviet guided missile cruiser Kirov is also there [FBIS 8/25].


Arab World: PLO lists conditions under which it would approve elections in O.T.: residents of E. Jerusalem must participate, freedom of speech and immunity from prosecution must be ensured, army must withdraw from population centers on election day, Egyptians and Americans would serve as election monitors, Israel must agree to principle of land-for-peace [WP 7/27]. Jordanian branch of PFLP dissolves, forms New Jordanian People's Democratic Party to participate in Jordanian politics [MET 8/8].

Other Countries: Soviet Union starts issuing tourist visas to Israelis for 1st time since 1967 War [NYT 7/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: In Gaza Strip 16 Palestinians are wounded during clashes with Israeli troops. At least 4 Palestinians are shot in W. Bank [FJ 7/31]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that Israel must give up Gaza as part of peace process [FBIS 6/1]. Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze calls Israel's plan for elections in O.T. "interesting" [FBIS 5/30]. D. M. Rabin states that standard of living in O.T. has dropped 40% due to uprising [FBIS 6/1]. Palestinian workers in W. Bank settlement, Ariel, must wear badges identifying them as foreign workers [NYT, FBIS 6/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm soldiers open fire, wound 4 Palestinians. In Nusayrat troops seriously wound Palestinian [FBIS 5/31]. Arab World: SLA troops open fire, kill guerrilla in south Lebanon; SLA soldier is injured [FBIS 5/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that Sec. of State Baker has sent letter to F. M. Arens pressing for specifics concerning Israel's proposed election for O.T.-status of E. Jerusalem residents, international supervision, link between autonomy and final settlement [WP 5/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF kills 17- year-old Palestinian in Hebron [FBIS 5/11, NYT 5/12]. Over 100 right-wing Israeli march through Ashkelon, chant, "Death to Arabs," stoning Arab cars [NYT 5/12].

Arab World: Egypt is considering forgoing production of U.S.-designed M-IA1 tank in favor of joint Egyptian-Iraqi production of tank based on Soviet T-72 [WP 5/12].


Occupied PalestinelIsrael: Jerusalem Post reports that secret govemment report anticipates massive emigration of Jews from Soviet Union; U.S. will be unwilling or unable to accept such large numbers of immigrants. The report supports Israeli attempts to bar Soviet Jews with Israeli visas from dropping out and to persuade American Jews to limit their "competition" for Soviet Jewry [JP 4/8]. Palestinians observe general strike in O.T. [FBIS 4/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah Palestinians clash with Israeli troops, 3 Palestinians are injured. In Gaza City 2 Palestinians are injured during protests [FJ 4/17].


Arab World: Hani al-Hasan, adviser to Arafat, states that Algerian delegation is currently visiting Damascus to prepare for reconciliation between Syria, PLO [FBIS 4/5].

Other Countries: U.S. calls Soviet sale of SU-24 aircraft to Libya "dangerous" [WP 4/6]. U.S. trade policy committee rejects appeal made by Arab-Americans to strip Israel of preferential trade privileges [NYT 4/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot, wound 2 Palestinians in O.T., including 13-year-old boy in Balata camp [LAT 4/6]. In "humanitarian gesture" Israel releases 450 Palestinian prisoners [WP, LAT 4/6].


Arab World: Hadashot reports that Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze told Egyptian parliamentarians that U.S.S.R. would contemplate sanctions against Israel if Israel refuses to talk to PLO, hinders peace process [FBIS 3/17].

Other Countries: U.K. is no longer opposed to creation of Palestinian state in W. Bank, Gaza [FBIS 3/17].

Military Action Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza 4 Palestinians are wounded during clashes [FJ 3/20]. Palestinians kill 2 collaborators in O.T. [NYT 3/18]. Guerrillas cross Jordan River, shoot, kill 1 Israeli soldier; wound another [NYT 3/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Absorption Minister Yitzhaq Peretz announces that of 2,226 Jews leaving the Soviet Union in February only 332 immigrated to Israel; in first 2 weeks of March only 60 of the 1,641 Jews leaving Soviet Union went to Israel [FBIS 3/16, JP 3/25].

Arab World: Egypt takes full control of Taba [WP 3/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burqin Israeli troops destroy homes of 3 Palestinians [FBIS 3/17].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Shamir reiterates rejection of intemational peace conference, talks with PLO [FBIS 2/28]. Israel announces that Palestinians from O.T. involved in demonstrations, political activity as well as those who have not paid their taxes will be denied permits to work in Israel [MET 3/7].

Arab World: Palestinian sources state that Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze has invited Arafat, Hafiz al-Asad to Moscow in order to mend fences [FBIS 2/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus soldier is killed by cinder block dropped by Palestinian [FBIS 2/24, WP 2/25]. In Gaza at least 9 Palestinians are wounded by soldiers [WP 3/25].

Arab World: SLA troops shoot, kill UNIFIL soldier in Israeli-imposed "security zone" [FBIS 2/24]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes 4 schools in Gaza following demonstrations [FBIS 2/24].

Arab World: In Cairo, Arafat holds press conference with Israeli journalists, reaffirms willingness to accept three-part state consisting of Israel, Palestine, Jordan. Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze arrives in Baghdad for talks with Iraqi pres. Saddam Husayn [FBIS 2/24].

Other Countries: Egyptian pres. Mubarak, Jordan's King Hussein meet with Pres. Bush at Japanese emperor Hirohito's funeral, ask him to back Middle East peace conference; Israeli pres. Chaim Herzog urges Bush to wait [WP, LAT 2/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-'Ayzariyyah Israeli civilians shoot, wound 4 Palestinians after their car was stoned. At least 6 other Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 2/24].

Arab World: South Lebanese Army (SLA) forces shoot, kill 3 DFLP guerrillas attempting to cross Israel's northern border [FBIS 2/24, NYT 2/24].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: PLO Executive Committee member Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) addresses (via videotape) Jerusalem-based International Center for Peace in the Middle East, urges direct PLO-Israeli talks [FBIS WP 2/23].

Arab World: In Cairo Israeli F.M. Arens meets with Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze [NYT 2/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli soldiers, disguised as Arabs, shoot, kill 57-year-old Palestinian shopkeeper. In Gaza suspected collaborator is shot, killed [MET 3/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: O.T.'s trade deficit with Israel is cut by 66% in 1988, according to Bank of Israel UP 2/18]. Curfew is imposed on Tulkarm. Israel lifts night curfew imposed on Gaza Strip in order to allow workers to leave Gaza during upcoming 3-day strike [FBIS 2/21]. Tourism in Israel drops 14% in 1988 [NYT 2/19].

Arab World: Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze meets with Syrian pres. Asad [NYT, WP 2/19]. 50 intemational delegations meet in Sanaa, N. Yemen for conference sponsored by Yemeni Council for Peace and Solidarity to discuss Palestinian uprising, nuclear weapons, development, security [AYA 2/27]. Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with U.A.E. pres. Nuhayyan [FBIS 2/23].

Military Action Occupied Palestine/Israel: 14-year-old Palestinian from Rafah dies from wounds received 2/13 [FJ 2/27]. In E. Jerusalem 21-year-old Israeli is stabbed, killed by Palestinian [FBIS 2/21, FJ 2/27]. At least 6 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops on W. Bank [FJ 2/27].

Arab World: Israel shells UN peacekeeping patrol in Israeli-imposed security belt in S. Lebanon; 2 Norwegian soldiers are wounded [FBIS 2/21, MET 2/28].