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  • November 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: One of Israel's small religious parties, Agudat Israel, leaves the governing coalition for two months in hopes of forcing Likud to...

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  • November 1, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military investigator is ordered to stop using numbers in telephone book confiscated from Palestinian joumalist Taher Shriteh on...

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  • February 16, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel cuts medical spending in O.T. by 33% in response to tax strike [MET 2/28]. MK 'Abd alWahab Darawshah announces that he met with...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: One of Israel's small religious parties, Agudat Israel, leaves the governing coalition for two months in hopes of forcing Likud to change the electoral system to end the "nearly permanent political deadlock," which many say preventshe peace process from moving forward [NYT 11/9].

Arab World: Women are allowed to cast ballots for the first time in Jordan's general election, the first election in that country in 22 years [NYT, WP 11/9].

Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of State Baker tells reporters that the U.S. had rejected Israeli imposed conditions on Baker's 5- point framework for peace talks even before the Israeli cabinet formally adopted the Israeli-modified plan earlier this week [WP 11/9]. U.S.-PLO dialogue continues in Tunis [FBIS 11/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 10 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T.; IDF confiscates 15 automobiles belonging to Palestinians in Nablus; Rafah man suspected of collaboration is killed; Palestinian is shot, killed, 15 are arrested for membership in PFLP [FBIS 11/16].

Arab World: A car bomb explodes in West Beirut killing 4, injuring 16, in a neighborhood a few blocks from the villa where President Moawad is staying [NYT, WP 11/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military investigator is ordered to stop using numbers in telephone book confiscated from Palestinian joumalist Taher Shriteh on 10/30. Investigator had been calling Shriteh's contacts and ordering them to appear at Gaza City's military headquarters [NYT 11/2].

Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of State Baker telephones Israeli F. M. Moshe Arens to discuss revisions of Baker's 5-point framework [FBIS 11/2; NYT, WP 11/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army closes Bayt Sahur for 7 hours, a day after lifting the siege there [MET 11/14]. 8 Swedish government officials are caught in a clash in the W. Bank; Palestinian schoolchildren had gathered to meet the delegation, Israeli soldiers dispersed the gathering with rubber bullets and tear gas [FBIS 11/2; MET 11/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel cuts medical spending in O.T. by 33% in response to tax strike [MET 2/28]. MK 'Abd alWahab Darawshah announces that he met with PLO leader Yasir Arafat in Cairo in January [FBIS 2/17].

Arab World: In Baghdad, Egypt, Jordan, North Yemen, Iraq form Arab Cooperation Council, an economic union [NYT 2/17].

Other Countries: U.S. sec of state James Baker says time is not right to push for Arab-Israeli negotiations [LAT, NYT 2/ 17]. F.M. Moshe Arens meets with British officials in London [FBIS 2/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill 25-year-old Palestinian in Nablus; 8 others are wounded. In Jerusalem 4-year-old Palestinian dies from burns received 2/13 from unknown device [LAT 2/17]. At least 6 other Palestinians are shot, wounded in Gaza [FBIS 2/17].