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  • July 25, 1990

    Middle East Watch issues human rights report accusing Israel of condoning excessive force against Palestinians, although report claims IDF recently has begun to show more restraint [MEM, LAT 7/26...

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  • February 10, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2...

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  • January 14, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking to Likud members, P.M. Shamir responds to comments about increasing Soviet Jewish immigration, saying "big immigration requires...

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Middle East Watch issues human rights report accusing Israel of condoning excessive force against Palestinians, although report claims IDF recently has begun to show more restraint [MEM, LAT 7/26]; IDF rejects findings, saying Israeli Supreme Court has found IDF practices to be legal [JDS 7/25 in FBIS 7/26; FJ 7/30].

Arafat meets in Tunis with EC delegation of foreign ministers from Ireland, Italy, and Luxembourg to discuss Middle East peace process [SVP 7/25 in FBIS 7/26].

Israeli and SLA artillery hits Iqlim al-Tuffah in S. Lebanon; 2 killed, 4 wounded [LAT 7/26; JDS 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; SVP 7/27 in FBIS 7/31; JPI 8/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2/10].

Arab World: PLO sends to European Community amessage regarding Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 2/14].

Other Countries: New York Times reports on poll sponsored by Tel Aviv's Israel-Diaspora Institute of 1,310 U.S. Jewish leaders; 74 percent of respondents favor talks between Israeli officials and PLO "moderates" [NYT 2/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound at least 30 Rafah Palestinians in clash at funeral of Arab killed 2/7 [FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].

IDF seals off Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, and parts of Gaza Strip as Palestinians celebrate the 8th anniversary of the outlawed Palestine Communist Party [MET 2/20].

Palestinian dies of wounds received 2/8 [FBIS 2/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking to Likud members, P.M. Shamir responds to comments about increasing Soviet Jewish immigration, saying "big immigration requires Israel to be big as well" [FBIS 1/22, 1/30].

Maj. Shay Talmon, commander of IDF battalion in W. Bank, tells Jerusalem judge that some soldiers insert live bullets into magazines for plastic bullets. IDF spokesperson reports that between 20 July 1988 and 8 July 1990, 125 Palestinians were killed "by plastic bullets." [FBIS 1/26].

Arab World: Arafat returns to Cairo for second visit in less than a week to meet with Pres. Mubarak [FBIS 1/16].

Other Countries: Italy's ambassador to Israel, Alberto Bartoli, files protest on behalf of the European Community with Israeli Foreign Ministry over police handling of 12/30 Peace Now rally. [LAT 1/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Israeli border policemen are suspended and ordered to stand trial for fatally shooting 18-year-old Palestinian on 12/28 after military authorities viewed ABC News videotape of shooting [LAT 1/15].

Israeli military demotes Lt. David Lior to sergeant and sentences him to 45 days in prison for mistreating a Palestinian prisoner [LAT 1/15].

IDF closes Jericho-area al-Buhturi secondary school on grounds that students threw rocks at soldiers; all UNRWA schools in Jalazun camp are closed for the same reason [FJ 1/22].