47 / 15493 Results
  • October 28, 1994

    European Community (EC) delegation headed by German FM Helmut Schiffer arrives in Damascus for 3 days of discussions with Syrian government officials regarding peace process, EC financial aid to...

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  • October 14, 1993

    Palestinian and Israeli negotiators meeting in Taba, Egypt, announce agreement on agenda for further talks and establishment of comms. on security and civil administration of o.t. Subcomm. also...

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  • March 26, 1992

    U.S. investigatory team ends its inspection of Israeli Patriot missile batteries. (NYT 3/27)

    Ateret Cohanim seminary opens four stores in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. (MM 3/27)


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  • October 30, 1991

    Middle East peace conference opens in the royal palace in Madrid with delegations from Israel, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and the joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation present. Conference begins with...

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  • July 11, 1991

    PLO troops in Burj al-Shamali, al-Bass, and al-Rashidiyya cmps near Tyre begin surrendering weapons to Lebanese army. Lebanese Min. of State 'Abd Allah Salim states PLO fighters will not be...

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  • July 10, 1991

    Lebanese army advances into Tyre region in S. Lebanon, surrounding Palestinian refugee camps of Burj al-Shamali, al-Bass, and al-Rashidiyya. Arafat announces PLO will hand over heavy, medium...

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  • April 8, 1991

    European Community leaders, including P.M. Major, call on UN to create safe haven in northern Iraq where Kurdish refugees could be protected from further repression. EC offers $180 million in...

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  • March 7, 1991

    U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].

    En route to Saudi Arabia as part of...

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  • February 26, 1991

    In radio address, Saddam Hussein makes public his commitment to withdraw from Kuwait. Pres. Bush says promise is inadequate, presses for virtual surrender, and orders allied forces to continue...

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  • July 25, 1990

    Middle East Watch issues human rights report accusing Israel of condoning excessive force against Palestinians, although report claims IDF recently has begun to show more restraint [MEM, LAT 7/26...

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  • May 23, 1990

    Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24...

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  • February 10, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2...

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  • January 14, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking to Likud members, P.M. Shamir responds to comments about increasing Soviet Jewish immigration, saying "big immigration requires...

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  • December 22, 1989


    Arab World: Palestinian Nationa! Action Command announces completion of investigation in 12/14 alleged PLO attack on Syrian military post in Lebanon, says 18...

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  • June 27, 1989


    Other Countries: European Community calls for intemational Middle East peace conference with PLO participation, settlement based on UN resolutions 242 and 338,...

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  • January 27, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Maghazi camp enters 6th day [FJ 1/30].

    Other Countries: Officials representing European Community hold first formal...

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  • November 21, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres announces that Labor party will not enter coalition that does not advocate international peace conference [WP 11/22].


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  • March 10, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising issues pamphlet calling for increased attacks on Jewish settlers and Palestinian collaborators...

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  • March 9, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir blocks inner cabinet vote on U.S. peace plan, suggests willingness to hold early elections [WP, NYT 3/10]. Speaking before...

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  • February 8, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Kafr Qaddum on the W. Bank, settlers whose van was stopped by roadblock open fire on Palestinian demonstrators, killing 1, wounding...

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  • December 29, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian lawyers in W. Bank announce boycott of military trials of demonstrators arrested during recent disturbances [WP 12/30]....

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  • November 24, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: EEC delegation studying export of Palestinian products to Europe leaves occupied territories [FJ 11/29].

    Other Countries: U.S....

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  • October 12, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem schools, shops remain closed to protest 10/11 clash between police, Jews, and Muslims at al-Aqsa Mosque [FBIS 10/13]. EEC...

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  • May 11, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli cabinet ministers follow party lines during 4 1/2- hour debate on international peace conference proposal presented by F. M....

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  • April 7, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports...

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  • February 14, 1987


    Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine withdraws offer to trade U.S. hostages for 400 Arab prisoners held in Israel [BS 2/15].


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  • November 10, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Deputy P.M. Yitzhak Navon criticizes government's delay in announcing arrest of Mordechai Vanunu, who disappeared in London...

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  • October 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Blind 28-year-old Palestinian is sentenced to life imprisonment for leading a guerrilla band, killing British tourist and Israeli...

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  • September 3, 1986


    Other Countries: European Economic Community agrees to grant West Bank and Gaza equal status with other Mideast countries in import of products to EEC countries (...

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  • May 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other...

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European Community (EC) delegation headed by German FM Helmut Schiffer arrives in Damascus for 3 days of discussions with Syrian government officials regarding peace process, EC financial aid to Syria, Syrian-EC relations. (SARR 10/29, Syrian Television 10/29, 10/30 in FBIS 11/2)

Israeli PM Rabin, Israeli officials express displeasure with Syrian Pres. al-Asad's lack of movement, refusal to condemn terrorism during Clinton visit. (NYT, WP 10/29; MEI 11/4)

Pres. Clinton leaves Israel for Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. (NYT, WP, WT 10/29)

Palestinian and Israeli negotiators meeting in Taba, Egypt, announce agreement on agenda for further talks and establishment of comms. on security and civil administration of o.t. Subcomm. also set up to discuss status of the estimated 12,000 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. (NYT, WT 10/15)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Isma'il resigns. (Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

Belgian FM Willy Claes, on behalf of EC, meets PLO Chmn. Arafat to discuss international funding for Palestinian entity. (MM 10/15)

Israel holds another test launch of U.S.- funded Arrow missile. (MM 10/15)

U.S. investigatory team ends its inspection of Israeli Patriot missile batteries. (NYT 3/27)

Ateret Cohanim seminary opens four stores in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. (MM 3/27)

EC "troika" [three European for. ministers who comprise the EC's presidency] arrives in Cairo for talks on peace process and upcoming multilateral talks with Egyptian, Arab League officials. (Republic of Egypt Radio 3/26 in FBIS 3/26)

Israel allows direct-dial telephone service to 10 Arab countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen). Jordan's national telecommunications company states it will block incoming calls from Israel, asserting no bilateral treaty establishing communications has yet been signed. Decision to initiate service was made in Dec. 1991. (NYT 3/28)

Middle East peace conference opens in the royal palace in Madrid with delegations from Israel, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and the joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation present. Conference begins with short speech by Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez, followed by addresses by conference co-conveners Presidents Bush and Gorbachev, and Dutch FM Hans van den Broek, representating the European Community. Soviet FM Boris Pankin and Secy. of State Baker were also present at the negotiating table. Saudi ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar bin Sultan and 'Abdullah Bishara, secy. gen. of the Gulf Cooperation Council, also attend the conference, but are not seated at the table. Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa delivers the first address by one of the negotiating delegations. Secy. of State Baker confirms that it was not certain whether or not second phase bilateral talks between Israel and the Arab delegations would commence 11/2 as scheduled due to disagreement between Israel, Arab delegations over venue of such talks. Israel is pushing for holding the negotiations in the Middle East, while Arab delegations seek to continue to hold such talks in Madrid. (NYT 10/31)

Hamas calls for a general strike to protest the peace conference. But 2,000 Palestinian supporters of Fateh, some armed with clubs and knives and waving Palestinian flags, march in favor of the peace talks in Gaza as Israeli troops follow them but make no effort to disperse the gathering. The marchers clashed with supporters of Hamas, injuring four. Five thousand other PLO supporters march in Khan Yunis. Pro-peace conference activists in Qalqiliya, Jenin force shopkeepers to open their shops which had been closed following orders by Hamas to observe ageneral strike. Elsewhere, Israeli security forces kill one Palestinian in Hebron, wound at least 24 in Gaza and 11 in Nablus during clashes. (NYT, WP, MEM 10/31)

Iraqi National Assembly condemns peace conference, attacks Syria, Egypt for their participation. (MEM 10/31)

Some 10,000 Lebanese march in Beirut against peace conference. (WP 10/31)

Israeli, South Lebanon Army forces bombard villages near Nabatiyya, S. Lebanon, in retaliation for 10/29 attacks on Israeli troops. (NYT 10/31)

PLO troops in Burj al-Shamali, al-Bass, and al-Rashidiyya cmps near Tyre begin surrendering weapons to Lebanese army. Lebanese Min. of State 'Abd Allah Salim states PLO fighters will not be deported from Lebanon. (LAT 7/12, 7/13)

Representatives of DFLP factions loyal to Nayif Hawatma, Yasir 'Abd Rabbo, meet in Damascus to discuss reconciliation. Delegates include Hawatma, 'Abd Rabbuh, Qays Samarra'i, and 'Issam 'Abd al-Latif. (al-Hayat in FBIS 7/21)

European Community commission, Israeli officials fail to reach agreement on dispersement of $75 million in EC aid to residents of occupied territories Israel had sought authority to determine how funds would be spent; EC agreed to coordinate but not let Israel decide. (MEM 7/12)

Lebanese army advances into Tyre region in S. Lebanon, surrounding Palestinian refugee camps of Burj al-Shamali, al-Bass, and al-Rashidiyya. Arafat announces PLO will hand over heavy, medium weapons held in Tyre to army. (Radio Monte Carlo in FBIS 7/10; LAT 7/12)

Commission from European Community meets with Israeli For. Min. Levy in Jerusalem to discuss EC aid projects for Palestinians in occupied territories. (MEM 7/11)

European Community leaders, including P.M. Major, call on UN to create safe haven in northern Iraq where Kurdish refugees could be protected from further repression. EC offers $180 million in humanitarian aid to help Kurds [NYT, WP, LAT 4/9].

Sec. Baker visits Iraq-Turkish border to witness plight of refugees; spending just 7 minutes there, Baker speaks with refugees, says it is up to international community and not just U.S. to help Kurds [NYT, WP, LAT, CSM 4/9].

Palestine National Salvation Front, loose alliance of PFLP-GC, Fateh Uprising, and Saiqa factions based in Damascus, put forward Syrian-backed initiative for reconciliation with mainstream PLO after 8-year split. Move is seen by analysts as continuing effort on part of Pres. Asad to strengthen his influence over PLO [NYT, LAT 4/9].

Israeli Defense Ministry announces it will free more than 1,000 of approximately 14,000 Palestinian prisoners. Those to be released are Palestinians who were not involved in intifada violence and who have served most of their sentences. Official says timing has to do with end of Ramadan rather then Sec. Baker's upcoming visit (cf. 4/10) [NYT, WP, LAT 4/9; JDS 4/8, JPD 4/9 in FBIS 4/9].

First major element-about 100,000 troops-of U.S. Army's VII Corps in southern Iraq begins withdraw back into Saudi Arabia; move is expected to take weeks [NYT 4/9].

Kurdish leaders say U.S. used Voice of Free Iraq radio station to incite anti-Saddam rebellion [WP 4/9].

Kuwaiti opposition leaders refuse to sign on to new interim gov't., saying emir is not committed to speedy restoration of parliament [LAT, CSM 4/9].

Kuwait reports that 628 people, including high-ranking Iraqi officers, will stand trial soon on charges of war crimes [AFP 4/8 in FBIS 4/9; LAT 4/9; MET 4/16].

Yasir Arafat is quoted as saying Palestinian fighters in Lebanon should be allowed to keep their weapons to defend refugee camps in defiance of Lebanese gov't. order to disarm [MEM 4/8].

Israeli Army Col. Yehuda Meir is convicted of ordering his soldiers to break the bones of Palestinians during early days of intifada [MET 4/16; JPI 4/20]. 

U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].

En route to Saudi Arabia as part of 11-day Middle East tour, Sec. Baker says he will propose series of "confidence-building measures" between Israel and Arab states to open path to broader peace talks [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 3/8].

In Kuwait, at least 2 Palestinians have been shot dead and 5 others hospitalized from beatings and shootings, as Palestinians raise concerns about reprisals against their community in Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WP 3/8].

Israeli gov't. rejects Pres. Bush's call for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict that includes trading land for peace; F.M. David Levy says attempts to pressure Israel are not welcome [LAT, WT 3/8; JDS, IDF, PDS 3/7, MAA 3/8 in FBIS 3/8]; in separate statements, PLO and Egypt welcome what they call "positive elements" in Pres. Bush's 3/6 speech [AVP, MENA 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; MEM 3/7].

Palestinian journalist Taher Shriteh, jailed without charge on 1/28/91, is freed on bail after international campaign to gain his release (cf. 3/11) [NYT, MEM 3/8; AFP 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].

House of Representatives votes to authorize $15.8 billion to pay for Gulf war, and also $650 million for Israel, and warns other nations that Congress "may consider appropriate action" if promised payments are not made [NYT, WP, WT 3/8].

Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar selects Switzerland's ambassador to Washington, Edouard Brunner, asspecial Middle East envoy to begin new high-priority search for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict [WP 3/8].

Palestinian leaders representing Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP, but not Hamas, meet in Jerusalem with visiting EC "troika" representatives including Italian F.M. Gianni de Michelis; EC ministers also meet with Israeli P.M. Shamir and D.M. Arens, then depart for Jordan [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; FJ 3/11; MET 3/19].

Border policeman in Nablus is stabbed, wounded; attacker escapes and army imposes curfew on Nablus and adjacent refugee camps [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8]; 30 Palestinians are detained in Jerusalem after IDF opens fire on demonstrators [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/11].

Syria and Saudi Arabia sign wide-ranging cooperation agreement which both nations say was sign of desire to foster closer relations [MEM 3/8].

Italian F.M. de Michelis is quoted as calling for "internal revolt in the Palestinian [resistance] movement" now that PLO has "ruled itself out" of peace negotiations [MEM 3/7].

In radio address, Saddam Hussein makes public his commitment to withdraw from Kuwait. Pres. Bush says promise is inadequate, presses for virtual surrender, and orders allied forces to continue attacks [BADS 2/26 in FBIS 2/26; MEM 2/26; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 2/27; MET 3/12].

Allied forces enter Kuwait City, as Iraqi troops are reported in headlong retreat across Kuwait; fighting continues at Kuwait City airport; U.S. troops reach Euphrates River in Iraq, cutting off escape routes for Republican Guards; other allied forces are closing off additional escape routes for Iraqi troops; 25 to 30 mile long column of Iraqi tanks, personnel carriers, and trucks heading north on road to Basra is repeatedly attacked by U.S. warplanes [MENA 2/26 in FBIS 2/27; NYT, LAT, WP, WT, CSM 2/27].

SCUD missile lands in uninhabited area of Qatar, another is destroyed over Bahrain [MEM 2/26].

Emir of Kuwait declares martial law, says it will last for 3 months, in 1st step toward reestablishing his rule [NYT, WP, WT 2/27; MET 3/12].

U.S. command revises death toll in 2/25 SCUD attack on barracks, saying missile killed 28 U.S. soldiers and wounded more than 100 [NYT, WP 2/27; MET 3/12].

Military law specialists say "rules of war" clearly permit allies to attack retreating Iraqis until they law down their arms; claim definite distinction between retreat and surrender [NYT, WP 2/27].

Egypt, Kuwait, Soviet Union, and European members of coalition say Saddam Hussein must accept all 12 UN Sec. Council resolutions before war can end [KUNA 2/26 in FBIS 2/27; NYT, WP 2/27]; PLO calls on UN Sec. Council to bring about immediate ceasefire [TDS 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; AVP 2/27 in FBIS 2/28].

Allies effectively stop counting Iraqi POWs because so many have been taken since ground war began. Officials stop count at 26,000 but estimates are up to more than 30,000 [LAT, WP 2/27].

P.M. Shamir vows to resist concessions in postwar Middle East peace effort [IDF 2/26 in FBIS 2/27; MEM 2/26; WP, WT 2/27].

Yasir Arafat meets in Algiers with Pres. Benjedid; Arafat says U.S. aims to destroy Iraq [AGS, AFP 2/26, APS 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; APS 2/27 in FBIS 3/1].

European Community announces it is freezing contacts with PLO in light of Arafat's pro-Iraqi stand. EC statement says, however, that the decision "in no way calls into question the role of the PLO or the rights of the Palestinian people" [MEM 2/26].

Jordanian Cabinet issues statement accusing allies of exceeding UN mandate [MEM 2/27].

Middle East Watch issues human rights report accusing Israel of condoning excessive force against Palestinians, although report claims IDF recently has begun to show more restraint [MEM, LAT 7/26]; IDF rejects findings, saying Israeli Supreme Court has found IDF practices to be legal [JDS 7/25 in FBIS 7/26; FJ 7/30].

Arafat meets in Tunis with EC delegation of foreign ministers from Ireland, Italy, and Luxembourg to discuss Middle East peace process [SVP 7/25 in FBIS 7/26].

Israeli and SLA artillery hits Iqlim al-Tuffah in S. Lebanon; 2 killed, 4 wounded [LAT 7/26; JDS 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; SVP 7/27 in FBIS 7/31; JPI 8/11].

Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24; MEM 5/25].

European Community's exec. commission grants emergency aid of 500,000 ECU ($600,000) for Palestinian victims of violence in O.T. [MEM 5/24].

Israeli Maj. Gen. Matan Vilna'i, commander of Southern Command, orders stricter firing regulations in Gaza to reduce casualties; new orders give only senior commander of each sector authorization to allow firing of plastic or rubber bullets [MAA 5/24 in FBIS 5/25].

Mideast Mirror reports thousands of Palestinian workers have stayed away from their jobs since 5/20 killings, and renewal of communal tensions [MEM 5/ 23].

Pres. Bush telephones Pres. Mubarak to discuss recent events, especially Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [MENA 5/ 23 in FBIS 5/24; MENA 5/25 in FBIS 5/ 25].

Ambassadors to Tunisia from France, Italy, and Ireland, and European Community meet with Arafat to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].

General strike is observed in Lebanon; banks, other businesses, are closed in solidarity with Palestinians condemning 5/20 killings; demonstrations are held in Beirut [BDS 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Arab foreign ministers conclude presummit working session begun 5/22 in Baghdad, adopt agenda for 5/28 summit [INA 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Scattered anti-Israel demonstrations take place in and near Amman refugee camps; some 200 protestors are dispersed at Ministry of Interior [JTE 5/24, 5/25 in FBIS 5/25]; at least I person is killed, several injured [MEM 5/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2/10].

Arab World: PLO sends to European Community amessage regarding Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 2/14].

Other Countries: New York Times reports on poll sponsored by Tel Aviv's Israel-Diaspora Institute of 1,310 U.S. Jewish leaders; 74 percent of respondents favor talks between Israeli officials and PLO "moderates" [NYT 2/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound at least 30 Rafah Palestinians in clash at funeral of Arab killed 2/7 [FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].

IDF seals off Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, and parts of Gaza Strip as Palestinians celebrate the 8th anniversary of the outlawed Palestine Communist Party [MET 2/20].

Palestinian dies of wounds received 2/8 [FBIS 2/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking to Likud members, P.M. Shamir responds to comments about increasing Soviet Jewish immigration, saying "big immigration requires Israel to be big as well" [FBIS 1/22, 1/30].

Maj. Shay Talmon, commander of IDF battalion in W. Bank, tells Jerusalem judge that some soldiers insert live bullets into magazines for plastic bullets. IDF spokesperson reports that between 20 July 1988 and 8 July 1990, 125 Palestinians were killed "by plastic bullets." [FBIS 1/26].

Arab World: Arafat returns to Cairo for second visit in less than a week to meet with Pres. Mubarak [FBIS 1/16].

Other Countries: Italy's ambassador to Israel, Alberto Bartoli, files protest on behalf of the European Community with Israeli Foreign Ministry over police handling of 12/30 Peace Now rally. [LAT 1/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Israeli border policemen are suspended and ordered to stand trial for fatally shooting 18-year-old Palestinian on 12/28 after military authorities viewed ABC News videotape of shooting [LAT 1/15].

Israeli military demotes Lt. David Lior to sergeant and sentences him to 45 days in prison for mistreating a Palestinian prisoner [LAT 1/15].

IDF closes Jericho-area al-Buhturi secondary school on grounds that students threw rocks at soldiers; all UNRWA schools in Jalazun camp are closed for the same reason [FJ 1/22].


Arab World: Palestinian Nationa! Action Command announces completion of investigation in 12/14 alleged PLO attack on Syrian military post in Lebanon, says 18 people involved in the incident have been arrested [FBIS 12/88].

Other Countries: In Paris, the European Community and 22 members of the Arab League plus a PLO representative resume formal dialogue on political and economic issues [NYT 12/23; CSM 12/22; FBIS 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: During IDF operation in Jenin district village of Jaba' 2 Palestinians, a 15-year-old and a woman, are killed by troop gunfire. At least 7 others are wounded [FBIS 12/22].

At least 20 others are wounded in clashes throughout Gaza [FBIS 12/27].


Other Countries: European Community calls for intemational Middle East peace conference with PLO participation, settlement based on UN resolutions 242 and 338, legitimate rights of Palestinians. Austria announces that it will not appoint new ambassador to Israel; Israel has refused to send ambassador to Austria to protest Kurt Waldheim's election as president [FBIS 6/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah troops fire on demonstrators, wounding 3 [FBIS 6/28]. In Tarma in Galilee Israeli officials destroy 2 Palestinian homes [FBIS 6/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Maghazi camp enters 6th day [FJ 1/30].

Other Countries: Officials representing European Community hold first formal talks with Arafat [LAT, NYT 1/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Clashes in Gaza leave 9 Palestinians shot, injured. In W. Bank 11 Palestinians are injured during protests [FJ 1/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres announces that Labor party will not enter coalition that does not advocate international peace conference [WP 11/22].

Other Countries: The European Community praises PNC for taking "positive steps" at 19th meeting [WP 11/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza troops open fire, wound 6 Palestinians with live ammunition [LAT 11/24]. During demonstrations in Tulkarm troops open fire; at least 1 Palestinian is injured [FJ 11/28]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising issues pamphlet calling for increased attacks on Jewish settlers and Palestinian collaborators [WP, NYT 3/11]. All 40 Palestinian workers in Israeli income and property tax office in Gaza have resigned [WP 3/12; CSM 3/14]. Israeli officials order Hebron National Bus Company closed for 1 day because workers observed strike on 3/9 [FJ 3/13]. Jewish settlers and Palestinians clash in Hebron [FJ 3/13]. Nabil al-Ja'bari, chairman of Hebron U.'s board of trustees, is ordered held under 6-month administrative dtention [FJ 3/13]. Closure of Birzeit U. is extended an additional month. Administrative detention of Faysal Husayni, head of Arab Studies Society, is renewed for 3 months [FJ 3/13].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat rejects U.S. peace plan, says PLO must be directly represented in peace talks [NYT 3/12].

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz presses Israel to rethink concept of secure borders and to consider "ticking demographic time bomb" [NYT 3/11]. Canadian Sec. of State for External Affairs Joe Clark criticizes Israeli actions in occupied territories in speech before Canada-Israel Com. [NYT 3/13]. EEC issues statement expressing solidarity with families of Palestinians killed during the uprising; EEC also approves resolution condemning use of torture, expulsion, and arbitrary detention in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [FJ 3/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza hospitals report 2 Palestinians are shot, critically wounded by soldiers [WP 3/11]. In Dura village, several residents are arrested in clash with soldiers and settlers; collaborator from village reportedly flees to Kiryat Arba settlement [FJ 3/13]. Large demonstrations are reported in Jabalya camp and Gaza City [FJ 3/13]. In W. Bank, Tulkarm camp and Bani Na'im remain under curfew; Gaza's Beach, Burayj, and Khan Yunis camps are also under curfew [FJ 3/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir blocks inner cabinet vote on U.S. peace plan, suggests willingness to hold early elections [WP, NYT 3/10]. Speaking before members of Likud Bloc, Shamir vows to fight U.S. peace proposals [LAT 3/10]. General strike called by Unified National Command of the Uprising is observed in occupied territories [LAT 3/10]. Elderly Palestinian wounded 1/29 dies in hospital [FI 3/13].

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz calls on Congress not to pressure Israel publicly regarding new U.S. peace proposal [WP 3/10]. EEC defeats 3 trade protocols reducing tariffs on Israeli imports to EEC countries [FJ 3/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Hebron, Jewish settlers fire guns and vandalize Palestinian cars after Palestinian demonstration: Israeli troops intervene; 3 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire [WP, NYT 3/11]. In at least 2 clashes with Palestinian demonstrators on W. Bank, Israeli troops use "graveler" to disperse crowds; graveler fires pebbles at high velocity [LAT 3/10]. In Ramallah-area village of Silwad, soldiers use live ammunition to disperse stone-throwing crowds, killing 1 demonstrator. Another Palestinian is shot, wounded during clash between Palestinians and settlers in village of Turmus Ayah; youth later dies in Ramallah Hospital. At least 9 others are wounded by army gunfire. Several Palestinians are reported detained after attempto stab soldier [NYT 3/10]. Palestinian is killed by army gunfire in Samu', south of Hebron [WP 3/10]. At least 9 are wounded in fierce clashes with Israeli troops in Balatah refugee camp. Several Palestinians are injured by soldiers dispersing demonstrators in Far'ah camp and Jab'a village, near Jenin and Nablus. Curfews continue in 'Arrub camp, Gaza's Beach, Burayj, and Khan Yunis camps, and W. Bank villages of Bani Na'im and Biddu; Qabatiyyah village remains under curfew after 25 days [FJ 3/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Kafr Qaddum on the W. Bank, settlers whose van was stopped by roadblock open fire on Palestinian demonstrators, killing 1, wounding another [LAT, NYT 2/9]. At least 51 Palestinians have died and more than 800 been injured since uprising began 12/9 [WP 2/9]. Merchants observe 2-day commercial strike to mark beginning of uprising's 3d month [FJ 2/14]. In interview, Def. Min. Rabin opines diplomacy, not force, will end occupied territories diturbances, says forcing striking Palestinian merchants toopen will be lower priority [CSM 2/9]. Settlers vandalize Arab cars in night attack on Bituniyyah village, near Ramallah [FJ 2/14].

Arab World: Syrian officials conclude 3 days of talks with U.S. envoy Richard Murphy, reject U.S. peace proposal [WP 2/9].

Other Countries: Foreign ministers of 12 EEC countries condemn Israeli violations of international law, human rights in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [WP 2/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Burayj youth dies from severe beating by soldiers. Demonstration erupts during youth's funeral. Army responds with clubs, live ammunition, wounding at least 2. Camp is put under curfew [LAT 2/9]. In Nusayrat camp, residents attack soldiers with stones; soldiers use live ammunition when tear gas, rubber bullets fail to disperse crowd. Maj. Gen. Yitzhaq Mordechai orders release of "several dozen" accused of throwing rocks. In W. Bank city of Qalqiliyyah, troops open fire in effort to quell disturbances. Police raid 3 suburbs of E. Jerusalem, firing tear gas, arresting dozens [LAT 2/9]. At least 12 towns, cities, and refugee camps are under curfew [NYT 2/9]. Curfew on Shu'fat refugee camp is lifted for 2 hours to allow residents to buy food. Curfews continue in Nablus area, including region's refugee camps, Tulkarm, Qalqiliyyah, and 'Anabta, as well as Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta, al-Fuqa, Bani Na'im, and 'A'idah camp [FJ 2/14]. In village of Silwan, demonstrators bum Israeli car after driver runs from scene; 2 soldiers are injured trying to disperse stone-throwing crowd. Military closes 2 main entrances to Am'ari camp; 9 entrances to Qalqiliyyah are closed [FJ 2/14]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian lawyers in W. Bank announce boycott of military trials of demonstrators arrested during recent disturbances [WP 12/30].

Other Countries: EEC announces plan to send U.S. $258,000 to Gaza Strip and W. Bank refugees [FJ 1/3].

Military Action

Arab World: Reports from Lebanon indicate Israel is deploying more tanks in S. Lebanon [FBIS 12/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: EEC delegation studying export of Palestinian products to Europe leaves occupied territories [FJ 11/29].

Other Countries: U.S. Justice Department announces NAPCO Inc. has pleaded guilty to charges of violating U.S. export law by smuggling equipment and weapon technology to Israel [WJW 12/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers disperse demonstration at Balatah refugee camp with rubber bullets, tear gas; numerous Palestinians are arrested. Curfew is imposed [FJ 11/29].

Arab World: Palestinian and Amal forces clash at Shatila refugee camp in Beirut; 1 Palestinian iskilled [FJ 11/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem schools, shops remain closed to protest 10/11 clash between police, Jews, and Muslims at al-Aqsa Mosque [FBIS 10/13]. EEC Commissioner Claude Cheysson concludes 3 days of negotiations with Israeli leaders on direct export of W. Bank and Gaza Strip produce to W. Europe [MET 10/24]. Military orders 2 Gaza Strip secondary schools closed for 1 week [FJ 10/18]. Israeli officials partially lift travel ban for Gaza residents [FJ 10/18].

Arab World: Fateh official Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf) announces that group of Palestinian notables from occupied territories has requested meeting with U.S. Sec. of State George Shultz during his visit to Israel [FBIS 10/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah, Palestinian bystander is shot, killed when Israeli troops open fire on stone-throwing demonstrators; 5 other Palestinians are injured [FBIS 10/13; WP 10/14]. Violent protests continue in Gaza Strip [FBIS 10/13]. At Bethlehem University, stonethrowing student demonstrators clash with IDF soldiers; university is ordered closed until 10/18 [FJ 10/18].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli cabinet ministers follow party lines during 4 1/2- hour debate on international peace conference proposal presented by F. M. Peres; cabinet adjourns without voting on plan [LAT 5/12]. Belgian F. M. Leo Tindemans, visiting Israel and the occupied territories as representative of European Community, reiterates EC support for international peace conference [FJ 5/17]. In Kafr Qasim village, inside green line, 3,100 elementary and secondary school students protest arrest of 16-year-old student on charges of throwing stones at settlers [FJ 5/17].

Other Countries: U.S. immigration judge dismisses case against 8 immigrants charged with PFLP membership [LAT 5/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports of protests in Jalazun, Am'ari, Balatah, and Dahayshah refugee camps [FJ 4/12]. Students hold hunger strike at Bethlehem U. in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners [FJ 4/12]. Hebron's Polytechnic Institute is closed for 8 days after army finds "inciting material" at the school [FJ 4/12]. Student demonstration forces U.S. Consul General Morris Draper to suspend his visit to Birzeit University [FJ 4/12].

Other Countries: In Washington, Jordan's P. M. Zayd Rifa'i urges U.S. Sec. of State Shultz to support King Hussein's plan for international Middle East peace conference. King Hussein also promotes proposal with EEC members during meetings in Brussels [NYT 4/8]. Israeli F. M. Peres joins Palestinian and Soviet representatives at Rome meeting of Socialist International's Middle East Study Group discussion of possibilities for an international Middle East peace conference [WT 4/8]. W. German Chancellor Kohl meets with Israeli Pres. Herzog, expresses W. Germany's commitmento insuring Israel's security [LAT 4/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian forces enter Shatila refugee camp in S. Beirut, ending 5-month Amal militia siege of camp; Ahmad Yamani (Abu Mahir), sec. of Palestine National Salvation Front, meets with other PLO leaders in Sidon to discuss PLO pullout from positions in the area [WP, NYT 4/8]. 


Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine withdraws offer to trade U.S. hostages for 400 Arab prisoners held in Israel [BS 2/15].

Other Countries: Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil arrives in London after EEC ministers deny his request for financial support [LT 2/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrols use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstrations in Nablus and Ramallah, arrest 18 students during protest at Hebron University. In Majdal Shams, hundreds of Druze youths gather for rally marking 5th anniversary of imposition of Israeli law on Golan Heights; 13 are arrested following violent clashes with Israeli police, 5 Israeli police injured UP 2/21; SG 2/15].

Arab World: Amal temporarily halts siege of Rashidiyyah refugee camp, south of Tyre, to permit UNRWA food trucks and ambulance to enter camp [CSM 2/17; NYT 2/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Deputy P.M. Yitzhak Navon criticizes government's delay in announcing arrest of Mordechai Vanunu, who disappeared in London after telling an English newspaper about Israeli nuclear bomb factory (WP 11/11). Newsweek reports Peres approved Israel's role as middleman in U.S. -Iran arms deal (JP 11/10).

Other Countries: Britain wins support of European Community allies for ban on arms sales to Syriand other limited measures (WP, NYT 11/11). Washington Times publishes interview with French P.M. Chirac in which he says Israel might have set up 4/17 El Al bomb plot to embarrass Syria (NYT 11/10). Pres. Reagan rejects congressional demands that he disclose details of dealings with Iran, citing need for secrecy in obtaining release of American hostages in Lebanon (NYT 11/11).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Blind 28-year-old Palestinian is sentenced to life imprisonment for leading a guerrilla band, killing British tourist and Israeli businessman in East Jerusalem (NYT 10/28).

Other Countries: Led by Greece and France, 12-member European Economic Community rebuffs British pressure to adopt punitive sanctions against Syria at foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg (NYT, WP 10/28). U.S. considers sanctions against Syria (NYT 10/28).

Military Action

Arab World: Truce in Lebanon is broken, Amal and Palestinians resume clashes near Sidon (30 killed, 80 wounded) (NYT 10/28).


Other Countries: European Economic Community agrees to grant West Bank and Gaza equal status with other Mideast countries in import of products to EEC countries (FJ 9/19). 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other negotiating representatives of Palestinian people must be found; says "ultimate solution" to Palestinian problem is federation of Jordan, West Bank, and Gaza [WP 5/28]. In Knesset, P.M. Peres survives four votes of no-confidence over Shalom crisis [LT 5/29]. Six hundred Palestinian prisoners in Junayd prison near Nablus go on hunger strike to protest conditions [FJ 5/30].

Arab World: Syrian V.P. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam arrives in Moscow to discuss possible attack against Syria and PLO bases by Israel and U.S. Syrian Pres. al-Asad ends Greek visit; joint communique with P.M. Papandreou states Greece will initiate actions within EEC to start dialogue on M.E. solution.

Other Countries: Italian judicial officials issue warrants for arrest of 14 alleged Arab terrorists, including Abu Nidal, in connection with terror incidents in Italy last year [WP 5/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Eight killed and 60 wounded in Amal-Palestinian gunfight at Burj al-Burajinah [LT 5/28].

Other Countries: In London, PLO representative Faisal 'Awayda condemns Thatcher's visit and wams of terror attacks if PLO is left out of peace process [MG 5/28].