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  • November 2, 1993

    PLO delegation suspends participation in talks with Israelis at Taba, Egypt, complaining Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Gaza Strip and Jericho are a redeployment, not withdrawal. (NYT 11/4)...

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  • January 4, 1991

    In move to encourage Iraq to remove its troops from Kuwait, EC endorses French plan promising Baghdad that EC will work to resolve all problems in Middle East if Gulf crisis could be settled...

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  • November 22, 1990

    Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

    Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia,...

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PLO delegation suspends participation in talks with Israelis at Taba, Egypt, complaining Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Gaza Strip and Jericho are a redeployment, not withdrawal. (NYT 11/4)

PFLP delegation holds talks in Baghdad with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq 'Aziz, next day with VP Taha Yasin Ramadhan. (INA 11/2, 11/3 in FBIS 11/2, 11/3)

Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek defeated in mayoral election by Likud's Ehud Olmert by 60%-34% vote. Kollek had served for 28 years. Likud also wins Tel Aviv mayoralty with Ronni Milo defeating Avigdor Kahalani. Israeli local elections were seen in part as referendum on 9/13 PLO-Israel accord. Israeli PM Rabin comments, "I think what happened, especially in Jerusalem, has a negative aspect for us. I neither deny it nor hide it. It's a reality, and it's a very unpleasant one." (NYT 11/3, 11/4)

In move to encourage Iraq to remove its troops from Kuwait, EC endorses French plan promising Baghdad that EC will work to resolve all problems in Middle East if Gulf crisis could be settled peacefully; EC also invites F.M. Aziz to meet with 3 EC ministers on 10 January; Aziz declines [INA 1/5 in FBIS 1/7; NYT, LAT, WP 1/5].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz accepts invitation to meet Sec. Baker in Geneva on 1/9, despite "arrogant statements" he says accompanied U.S. offer; Aziz says he will press for "justice and fairness" for Palestinian cause; Pres. Bush says Iraq's acceptance of talks is "useful step," but insists no compromises will be made and that Sec. Baker will not go to Baghdad [INA 1/4 in FBIS 1/7; NYT, LAT, WP 1/5].

Bus driven by Palestinian collides with car, killing Israeli woman; bus driver is shot to death by Israeli near Gaza Strip. Palestinians and Israelis give entirely different versions of episode [IDF 1/4 in FBIS 1/4; NYT, LAT 1/5].

In nonbinding statement, UN Sec. Council formally rebukes Israel, deploring "recent acts of violence in Gaza" [MEM 1/4; NYT, WP 1/5]; Political circles in Israel criticize statement [JDS 1/4 in FBIS 1/4].

Seeking to avoid battle with Israel's supporters in Congress, Bush admin. postpones 2d part of large arms sale to Saudi Arabia, valued at $13 billion, until after Gulf crisis [NYT, LAT, WP 1/5].

Congressional General Accounting Office (GAO) says Operation Desert Shield will cost U.S. $30 billion this year even if no shots are fired [LAT 1/5].

Details of 12/31 conversation between Faisal Husseini and Mayor Teddy Kollek are published; status of Jerusalem is among topics discussed [MEM 1/4; LAT 1/5].

Washington Post reports that Palestinian fatalities in clashes with Israeli troops are rising sharply in o.t. as IDF steps up patrols and toughens its tactics [WP 1/5].

Secret agreement is reportedly reached in Islamabad between Iran and Turkey that neither will move against Iraq, effectively ruling out ground attack against Iraq from anywhere but Saudi Arabia [WP 1/16].

Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, says they may have to face "some pain now to avoid even worse pain later," then flies to Cairo [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; MET 12/4].

D.M. Tom King says Britain will send 14,000 more troops and additional tanks, aircraft, and ships to the Gulf by the end of the year, bringing total number of British troops there to more than 30,000 [NYT, LAT, MEM 11/23].

Visiting Sanaa, Yemen, Sec. Baker is rebuffed in efforts to persuade Yemen, only Arab country on UN Sec. Council, to support resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. Pres. Saleh criticizes buildup of foreign forces in Gulf [SDS 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; SDS 11/23 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 11/23]; Baker then flies to Jeddah [SPA 11/22 in FBIS 11/23].

PLO leader Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad, says he strongly supports Saddam Hussein's assertions that Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait must be tied to overall settlement of conflicts in region; adds there is no alternative to negotiations between Iraq and U.S. [BVP 11/22 in FBIS 11/27; NYT 11/26].

D.M. Moshe Arens instructs IDF to expand enlistment of Bedouins into its ranks [MAA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23].

Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek and E. Jerusalem Arabs praise Jerusalem district planning committee's decision to build 7,500 new apartments for Palestinians northwards from French Hill junction towards Ramallah [JPD 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; MEM 11/23; JPI 12/1].

Kuwaiti gov't.-in-exile extends $550 million medium-term loan to the Soviet Union on favorable terms; "observers" point to "political aspect" of loan [MEM 11/23]. 

Soviet Union and Israel sign agreement on scientific cooperation and exchanges of scientific information [TASS 11/22 in FBIS 11/28].