12 / 15493 Results
  • June 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The L.A. Times reports that in May only 86 of 1,145 Soviet Jewish emigres with visas for Israel arrived in Israel. Most went to...

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  • February 7, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 200 Palestinians gather in Jerusalem to protest Israeli policy preventing family reunification [WP 2/8; FJ 2/13]. Thousands of...

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  • December 26, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian journalist Akram Haniyyah states he has given up his legal battle with Israeli authorities, who have refused him permission...

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  • May 23, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground defendant Menachem Neuberger pleads guilty to charges of plotting to blow up al-Haram al-Sharif [WP, PI 5/24]. PM...

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  • May 21, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin states recently-released Palestinian prisoners now residing in Occupied Palestine/Israel will be rearrested if commandos kidnap...

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  • May 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: New campus at Bir Zeit U. reopened (closed 3/8 after IDF raid) [NYT 5/9]. Knesset no-confidence motion based upon allegations that Min....

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  • March 2, 1985


    Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat objects to portions of Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals; states talks must take place under UN supervision, PLO appointments...

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  • February 7, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political sources indicate Israel will permit US to build Voice of America transmitter [12/24] for broadcasts to USSR, Afghanistan [NYT...

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  • February 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin promises increased security patrols in W. Bank following recent resistance activity. 10- member "inner cabinet" meets,...

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  • February 17, 1984


    Arab World: Lebanese leaders reject Gemayel's 8-point plan; Nabih Berri quoted as saying he will not consider the plan until Gemayel accepts "responsibility for massacres...

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  • February 4, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 40,000 join Peace Now demonstration in Tel Aviv against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.

    Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Nabih Berri...

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  • July 1, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: The L.A. Times reports that in May only 86 of 1,145 Soviet Jewish emigres with visas for Israel arrived in Israel. Most went to U.S. [LAT 6/3]. Palestinians start a 3-day strike to protest the arrival of Sec. of State George Shultz in the region [NYT 6/4].

Arab World: Sec. of State George Shultz visits Cairo to promote his peace proposals [NYT 6/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A 20-year-old Arab is shot, killed by Israeli settlers near Hebron [NYT 6/4 Fl 6/5]. Ma'ariv reports the attack was carried out by members Meir Kahane's Kach in retaliation for 6/2 stabbing death of an Israeli religious student in West Jerusalem [FJ 6/12]. In Safa a Palestinian man is shot, killed by Israeli officer. Several areas in the West Bank and Gaza are declared closed military areas [FJ 6/5].

Arab World: Amal announces that it is disbanding its military apparatus in all but the south of Lebanon. Amal leader, Nabih Berri, told the fighters they should go south to fight Israel [NYT 6/4]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 200 Palestinians gather in Jerusalem to protest Israeli policy preventing family reunification [WP 2/8; FJ 2/13]. Thousands of Umm alFahm residents rally to protest Israeli refusal to release funds for financially crippled town and plans to confiscate town's land [FJ 2/13].

Arab World: Revolutionary Justice Organization, captors of American and French hostages, issues statement warning against U.S. military attack on Lebanon [WP 2/7]. In Damascus, Amal leader Nabih Berri proposes to release Israeli pilot in exchange for freedom of 400 Palestinians imprisoned in Israel and 4 professors held hostage in Beirut, says Terry Waite will be freed "very soon" [WP 2/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Amal fighters shoot and kill 3 Palestinians attempting tobring a truckload of flour through Amal positions to Beirut's Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp [FJ 2/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian journalist Akram Haniyyah states he has given up his legal battle with Israeli authorities, who have refused him permission to examine the secret evidence against him, and will obey his deportation order [BG 12/27].

Arab World: Amal leader Nabih Berri says he is willing to meet with Yasir Arafat to begin negotiations for ending the camps war in S. Lebanon. Villagers clash with Amal forces in Biqa' Valley; 2 are killed, 5 injured [SG 12/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground defendant Menachem Neuberger pleads guilty to charges of plotting to blow up al-Haram al-Sharif [WP, PI 5/24]. PM Peres asks Attorney Gen. Yitzhak Zamir for legal opinion concerning release of Jewish underground defendants; opposes executive branch interference in legal process [JTA 5/24].

Arab World: Officials from Amal, Palestine National Salvation Front meet in Mukhtara, Lebanon to seek resolution of Shi'ite-Palestinian fighting in Beirut [NYT 5/24]. PFLP, DFLP, Chmn. Arafat accuse Shi'ite fighters of massacres against Palestinian civilians in Beirut camps; Arafat also accuses Nabih Berri of making secret agreement with Israel to hinder anti-Israeli resistance in S. Lebanon [WP 5/24, LM 5/25]. Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara accuses Chmn. Arafat of provoking recent Amal-Palestinian fighting in Beirut [MG 5/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers attack homes of Talib Gheith in Hebron, Muhammad Abu Kishik in Askar camp (both former prisoners releasd 5/20) [NYT 5/25].

Arab World: Action in Lebanon: fighting continues between Amal, Lebanese Army's 6th Brigade and Palestinian fighters in Beirut camps; Palestinians launch Katyushas against Shi'ite areas of city; 33 killed, 193 wounded [NYT, MG 5/24]. Amal stages searches for Palestinians throughout Beirut; at least 200 arrested [PI 5/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin states recently-released Palestinian prisoners now residing in Occupied Palestine/Israel will be rearrested if commandos kidnap Israelis in the future for bargaining purposes [JP 5/22]. Amid calls by Likud bloc that the suspects be pardoned in wake of 5/20 release of Arab prisoners, Pres. Chaim Herzog states he will deal with clemency requests regarding the Jewish underground defendants only after sentencing [JP 5/23]. Settlers block Emmanuel-Jerusalem road protesting 5/19 attack on Israeli bus [JP 5/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF arrest 42 Palestinians celebrating 5/20 release of prisoners by Israel [LM 5/23]. 3 residents of al-Fardis (all former prisoners released in 5/20 prisoner exchange) agree to leave village after some 50 residents of Tekoa settlement raid village, demanding their expulsion. Settlers also harass residents of Hebron, Qalqiliya [JP 5/22, 23].

Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Fighting continues between Amal, Lebanese Army's 6th Brigade and Palestinian fighters in Sabra, Shatila, Burj al-Barajneh; pro-Arafat and Abu Musa forces join together to defend camps; at least 30 killed; Nabih Berri states he will never permit return of armed Palestinians to S. Lebanon [NYT 5/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: New campus at Bir Zeit U. reopened (closed 3/8 after IDF raid) [NYT 5/9]. Knesset no-confidence motion based upon allegations that Min. Ezer Weizman leaked secret information to US sources during Carter administration fails [JP 5/9]. Gush Emunim settlers erect tent settlement of Hadar Beitar near Palestinian village of Hussan [JP 5/10]. Palestinian students at Haifa U. protest 3/6 disciplinary action against colleagues [JP 5/90].

Arab World: Chmn. Arafat states he and King Hussein agreed on composition of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [BG 5/9]. In Tunis, PLO spokesman Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman, PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi, Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) indicate only PLO Central Committee members may participate in joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation's talks with US officials [NYT, CSM 5/9]. 5 leaders of Palestine National Salvation Front, incl. Sec. Gen. Ahmad Yamani (Abu Mahir), meet with Lebanese PM Rashid Karami, Nabih Berri concerning bringing 13 Palestinian camps in Lebanon under PNSF control; are informed Palestinians cannot use S. Lebanon for rocket attacks against Israel [NYT, LT 5/9].

Military Action

Arab World: Off Lebanese coast near Tyre IDF gunboat sinks rubber dinghy carrying 5 Palestinian fighters [PI, NYT 5/9]. RPG wounds IDF soldier in Kantara, S. Lebanon [JP 5/9].


Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat objects to portions of Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals; states talks must take place under UN supervision, PLO appointments to joint delegation cannot be subject to conditions or limitations; denounces US "hypocrisy" towards PLO [NYT 3/3].

Military Action Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF move 800 troops, 3 tanks, over 30 other vehicles into Ma'rakah; 1 killed, 17 arrested, 2 homes destroyed; winter food stocks ransacked, mosques desecrated; IDF fire upon Reuters photographer Patrick Baz, 2nd joumalist, as they carried white flag in village. IDF destroy house in Teir Dibba. In Beirut, Nabih Berri threatens attacks on Israeli towns if S. Lebanese villages are attacked by IDF [NYT, WP 3/3, JP 3/4]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political sources indicate Israel will permit US to build Voice of America transmitter [12/24] for broadcasts to USSR, Afghanistan [NYT 2/8]. MK Kahane prays at site where IDF soldier killed [2/5] in Ramallah [FJ 2/15]. IDF closes new al-Bireh high school after alleged stone-throwing incident [FJ 2/15].

Arab World: Responding to call from Nabih Berri, strike observed in Sidon, Tyre, Nabatiya and Shi'ite villages protesting 2/6 IDF raid, arrests [JP 2/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli taxi driver injured by stone near Dheisheh camp; curfew imposed on southern part of camp [JP 2/8]. Certain shops in Hebron and al-Bireh closed in response to stone throwing incidents [FT 2/8].

Arab World: Bomb explodes near SLA unit in vicinity of Qlai'eh, S. Lebanon; no injuries. Grenade thrown at SLA base near Sidon; no injuries [JP 2/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin promises increased security patrols in W. Bank following recent resistance activity. 10- member "inner cabinet" meets, discusses W. Bank security situation [JP 2/7]. PM Peres tells cabinet Israel should reconsider granting autonomy to Gaza [Fl 2/15]. Cabinet min. Weizman apologizes to Sakhnin local council for recent destruction of olive trees in al-Mill (Area 9); sets up committee to study matter of ownership [Fl 2/8].

Arab World: Nabih Berri states his ministry will pay salaries of fighters resisting IDF in S. Lebanon [BG 2/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several stoning incidents occur in W. Bank, including stones thrown at IDF truck near al-Amari camp; ovemight curfew imposed [JP 2/7, Fl 2/15]. IDF ambulance stoned in Hebron; 9 shops, gasoline station closed, owners detained [JP 2/8, LT 2/9]. Rabbi Levinger [in 3rd month of "protest" outside Dheisheh camp] enters camp, fires shots after stones thrown at him; IDF escorts him out [JP 2/7].

Arab World: IDF raid villages of Burj al-Shamali, Ma'rakah, S. Lebanon; arrest at least 15 [NYT, LAT 2/7].


Arab World: Lebanese leaders reject Gemayel's 8-point plan; Nabih Berri quoted as saying he will not consider the plan until Gemayel accepts "responsibility for massacres of the southern suburbs." 

Other Countries: US approves use of $250 million of military grants for development of Lavi jet fighter. Israeli FM Kimche attends founding of Japan-IsraelbParliamentary Friendship League in Tokyo.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 40,000 join Peace Now demonstration in Tel Aviv against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.

Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Nabih Berri, calls on Muslim cabinet ministers to resign and Muslim LAF soldiers to quit army.


Arab World: IDF position at Sidon port and patrol 8 miles north of Tyre subject to light weapons ambushes. 

Military Action:

Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.


Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.

Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).

US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.