5 / 15500 Results
  • August 7, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel demands Lawrence Walsh, independent counsel investigating Iran-contra affair, withdraw subpoenas of David Kimche and Al Schwimmer...

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  • June 6, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Between 70 and 100 Jewish settler vigilantes raid Dahayshah refugee camp, vandalizing homes, cars and attacking camp residents, who ...

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  • June 5, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire to break up Nablus demonstration marking 20th anniversary of 1967 war; kill 15-year-old boy, wound 10-year-old...

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  • June 3, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: George Hazbun, secretary of Union of Public Institution Workers in Bethlehem and deputy secretary of General Federation of Labor Unions...

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  • November 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel demands Lawrence Walsh, independent counsel investigating Iran-contra affair, withdraw subpoenas of David Kimche and Al Schwimmer in exchange for continued cooperation of Israeli government [LAT 8/8]. Worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque protest Saudi army actions in Mecca [FJ 8/16].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Between 70 and 100 Jewish settler vigilantes raid Dahayshah refugee camp, vandalizing homes, cars and attacking camp residents, who charge soldiers in camp did nothing to prevent violence [WP 6/9; FJ 6/14]. Israeli soldiers open fire on demonstrators at Abu Dis College of Science and Technology, wounding 1 student; student protesters at Hebron University clash with Israeli troops [FJ 6/7].

Other Countries: Israeli reports indicate U.S. court has agreed to postpone hearing on subpoena of Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman involved in U.S. arms sales to Iran [BS 6/7]. Former USS Liberty crewmen gather in Washington for memorial service marking 20th anniversary of Israeli bombing of ship, call for new investigation of attack [PI 6/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli and SLA troops join in late night attack on Amal patrol 6 miles north of security zone; 2 Amal fighters killed, 3 wounded [PI 6/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire to break up Nablus demonstration marking 20th anniversary of 1967 war; kill 15-year-old boy, wound 10-year-old [LAT 6/6]. Some stores reopen in E. Jerusalem and Ramallah, on 2d day of 2-day general strike [LAT 6/6]. Stone thrown at Israeli bus near Dahayshah refugee camp injures 1 woman passenger; curfew imposed on camp [FJ 6/7; BG 6/8]. Israeli troops open fire after Molotov cocktail is thrown at patrol in Hebron's Bab al-Zawiyah; no injuries are reported [FJ 6/7]. Classes at Bethlehem University are suspended to protest 20 years of Israeli occupation [FJ 6/7]. Estimated 8,000 Arabs and Jews participate in Tel Aviv demonstration protesting 20 years of occupation [FJ 6/14]. Nablus' al-Najah University is ordered closed for 2 days [FJ 6/14]. Israeli press reports plan to deploy additional army unit in occupied territories [FJ 6/14].

Arab World: Speaker of Lebanese Parliament Husayn Husayni resigns citing Pres. Jumayyil's failure to conduct thorough investigation of assassination of P.M. Karami [BS 6/6].

Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm that grand jury investigating Iran-contra affair has issued subpoenas for Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman, Amiram Nir, counterterrorism adviser to prime ministers Peres and Shamir, and Ya'acov Nimrodi, Israeli arms dealer. Israeli government isprotesting the action [WP 6/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: George Hazbun, secretary of Union of Public Institution Workers in Bethlehem and deputy secretary of General Federation of Labor Unions in the W. Bank, is served 3-month administrative detention order [FJ 6/7]. On 1st day of Arab Education Week, over 1,500 Nazareth-area students participate in series of marches calling for improved education in Arab areas [FJ 6/7]. U.S. embassy officials deliver subpoena to Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman, demanding his appearance in 10 days before grand jury investigating Iran-contra affair [BS 6/7].

Other Countries: Los Angeles Times poll finds 67% of Americans feel Israel should return at least some of the territory captured in 1967 in exchange for peace; 50% favor negotiating with the PLO while 39% oppose it; and 37% have positive impression of Israeli government, 30% have negative impression, and 33% are uncertain [LAT 6/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Director-General of Israeli For. Ministry David Kimche, and Israeli businessmen Al Schwimmer and Ya'akov Nimrodi, both involved in the nation's arms industry [WT 11/27]. Israeli officials state that Kimche and Amiram Nir, Peres' adviser on terrorism, are willing to cooperate in American investigation of the arms deal [LAT 11/28]. Former Armenian Bishop Shahe Ajamyan, accused of attempting to bribe the Jerusalem district commissioner, is released after 21 days in detention [FJ 12/5]. Social Improvement Association is established to protect Jerusalem's Arab residents [FJ 1/2].

Arab World: Saudi Arabian government denies 'Adnan Khashoggi organized U.S. shipment of arms to Iran [PI 11/28].

Other Countries: W. Germany expels 2 Syrian diplomats and 2 military attaches, delays replacing its ambassador to Damascus, but maintains diplomatic ties [WSJ 11/28].

Military Actions

Arab World: Israeli jets attack Palestinian bases near Sidon, killing at least 4 and wounding 3. (The Los Angeles Times reports 11 killed and 20 wounded in the raid.) Palestine National Salvation Front and Amal representatives rportedly have agreed to 9-point plan to end the fighting which has so far left 131 dead and 351 wounded [WP, LT 11/27; LAT 11/28]. PLO fighters in Lebanon reject the agreement [FJ 12/5].