6 / 15199 Results
  • March 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF strengthens positions in Bekaa Valley within 2 miles of Syrian frontlines; Haddad forces complete deployment in the Bekaa Valley; Lebanese National Resistance attacks...

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  • February 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    Three hours of machine gun and RPG battles in Tripoli between PFLP-GC and anti-Syrian Lebanese militia; Saad Haddad, accompanied by IDF, occupies Jubb Jannin, northern-most...

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  • January 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...

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  • January 10, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze-Phalange militia gunbattles in Maarufiye-Bsada region, near Baabda; Lebanese internal security forces deployed in areas of Tripoli to monitor cease-fire.


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  • July 13, 1982

    Military Action:

    Beirut truce holds as talks continue, but little progress seen; 130 IDF tanks and two brigades reinforce positions overlooking city from Khalde to the port section; car...

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  • July 11, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF armored units fight fierce artillery, rocket duels with PLO forces inside Beirut as PLO, for first time, fires back on wide range of IDF gun positions in East Beirut;...

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Military Action:

IDF strengthens positions in Bekaa Valley within 2 miles of Syrian frontlines; Haddad forces complete deployment in the Bekaa Valley; Lebanese National Resistance attacks IDF position near Khalde, claims 2 killed, others wounded; IDF vehicle destroyed by remote controlled mine east of Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Police discover group of settlers, mostly new immigrants from US, who plan to terrorize Hebron residents and force them to emigrate; two members of (Rabbi Kahane's) Kach settlement Al-Nakam remanded for week on charges of shooting at Palestinians; armed settlers break into Nablus' el-Farouk secondary school, fire shots above students' heads; in Yatta, armed settlers chase youths after being stopped at roadblock of burning tires, kidnap two high school students; in Ramallah and Nablus, students set up road blocks, burn tires; Dheisheh camp under curfew after stones thrown at Israeli traffic; bomb found in car of Hebron merchant; security forces reveal a bomb was found and defused last Friday next to the house of a Palestinian living near Jewish settlement of Beit Hadassah in center of Hebron; military command orders investigation of complaint that soldiers entered home of woman in Nablus, overturned furniture, beat her son; IDF soldiers and civil administrators confiscate keys to Hebron Village League offices after deposed head M. Nasr holds meeting there to reject his dismissal; IDF sentences three soliders to jail for refusing to serve in Lebanon and increases penalties; Military Intelligence Director Saguy and Beirut division commander Yaron, cited by Kahan commission, resign their posts but remain in military; Foreign Minister Shamir says Jordan should not feel apprehensive when Israeli leaders say Jordan is Palestine, it is merely a statement of geographic and demographic facts.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Israel rejects latest Habib compromise proposals, accepted by Lebanese; Habib flies to Cairo to brief Mubarak; Lebanese-Israeli negotiations continue at Khalde; IDF announces Hebrew language courses to be offered to Lebanese, with first course to be held for doctors, merchants, lawyers and teachers in Hasbaya.

US and Other Countries: Rep. Mervin Dymally (D-CA) reports that US aid to Israel during 1974-82 was $22.6 b, more than twice sum given to all Africa, and 25% more than Latin America; Time magazine stands by February 21 story over which Ariel Sharon has fifed libel suit.

Military Action:

Three hours of machine gun and RPG battles in Tripoli between PFLP-GC and anti-Syrian Lebanese militia; Saad Haddad, accompanied by IDF, occupies Jubb Jannin, northern-most Israeli position in Bekaa valley; IDF increases patrols in Sidon area; IDF APC detonates mine near Khamed al-Luz in northern Bekaa, no injuries.


3 bodies found earlier this week in Sidon area; PLO says Israel has offered, through Austrian mediation, to release 800 prisoners for 8 IDF captured in Lebanon; IDF says it holds 293 Syrian prisoners, 5,099 Palestinians and Lebanese at Ansar.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir criticizes Reagan for use of word homeland with reference to resolution of Palestinian question, says it is not by accident that this term does not appear in the Camp David accords; 3 Israeli officers, including a Captain, and three soldiers are currently serving prison terms for refusing to serve in Lebanon; police detain 6 persons for harassing Peace Now demonstration on February 10; members of Ramallah area Village League to face charges of aggravated assault and illegal detention and interrogation as a result of complaints by Ramallah residents over incident occurring a year ago.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 18th session of Lebanese-Israeli-US talks in Khalde results in initial agreement on security arrangements; Habib meets with President Gemayel and other Lebanese leaders.

Arab Governments: Jordanian Foreign Minister, after talks in Beirut with President Amin Gemayel, says Israel must first withdraw from Lebanon and agree to settlement freeze before comprehensive negotiations can take place; Saudi Arabia, principal export market for Lebanon, bans all imports to prevent flow of Israeli goods.

US and Other Countries: Defense Secretary Weinberger denies Israeli reports that US Marines ordered not to have direct liaison with IDF, but says current system of liaison through a military council is satisfactory; Weinberger also says number of Marines in MNF may have to be increased if withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian forces is achieved; Shultz rejects Israeli position, reiterated yesterday by Arens, that a Palestinian state and homeland exists already in Jordan; US Gallup Poll taken in January 1983 finds American public sympathy toward Israel has returned to level of July 1981, following sharp drop after Beirut massacre.

Military Action:

Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.

US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.

Military Action:

Druze-Phalange militia gunbattles in Maarufiye-Bsada region, near Baabda; Lebanese internal security forces deployed in areas of Tripoli to monitor cease-fire.


Government offices, banks, shops and many schools reopen in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials say Government is prepared to allow UNIFIL a 2 month extension, to operate around Palestinian refugee camps above 25 mile security zone, do not want UNIFIL within security zone; MK Yitzhak Rabin says war in Lebanon was illegal use of IDF for far-reaching political goals; Defense Ministry informs Umm al-Fahm residents that 15,000 dunums of their land is declared a military zone and cultivation must cease; troops raid Najah University, remove Palestinian posters and flags; military authorities close Kadri Tukan high school after border police injured by stones following celebration of 18th anniversary of Fateh in Nablus; all Nablus and neighboring Balata camp under undeclared curfew; Israeli traffic stoned in Ramallah and Bethlehem, with total of 5 settlers injured during week; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spokesman Avraham Hoffmann says $150,000 promotion campaign will encourage Israelis to settle in West Bank, and provide clearing house for information on available housing, World Zionist Organization goal is 100,000 settlers by 1985, current number is 25,000.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with Jordanian Prime Minister Mudar Badran, holds press conference in Amman in which he praises the Reagan plan for calling for a settlement freeze, and criticizes plan for denying Palestinian right to independent state; Abu lyad says meeting of Fateh Central Committee in Kuwait on 6 January rejected the Reagan plan; Lebanese-Israeli-US talks held in Khalde deadlocked over agenda as US compromise proposals are unacceptable, but new proposals submitted.

US and Other Countries: US State Department confirms several encounters between IDF and Marines in Beirut; Special Envoy Habib confers with Reagan, Shultz and Bush before leaving for Middle East, amid growing Administration frustration that delay in Israeli and Syrian troop withdrawals impede Jordan's involvement in peace negotiations as proposed in Reagan Plan; B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League releases report that anti-Semitic violence in US decreased by 15% in 1982, to 829 incidents, mostly in New York, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts; New York City Mayor Koch presents key to city to President Navon, pledges support of Israel, Navon tells Yeshiva University students to settle in Israel; Italian Defense Minister Lelio Lagorio, in Beirut, announces Italy considering sending another battalion to Lebanon, bringing total troops to 4,000.

UN: Senegal, Fiji, Norway, Ireland, Holland, Ghana, Finland, France, Sweden and Italy will keep troops in UNIFIL; Nigeria will remove troops from UNIFIL.

Military Action:

Beirut truce holds as talks continue, but little progress seen; 130 IDF tanks and two brigades reinforce positions overlooking city from Khalde to the port section; car bomb goes off on Hamra street outside Palestine Research Center, killing 2 and injuring 30; cease-fire broken briefly by small amount of shelling from PLO units north of the airport; IDF estimated to have 8 divisions and 120,000 troops in Lebanon; IDF and PLO dig in to prepare for next round of fighting; IDF continues to seek PLO members in Ain el-Hilweh.


UN workers repair 5-6 water mains, install 9 pumps; about 300 people killed or wounded by car bombs in W. Beirut since June 6; 6 IDF soldiers wounded when vehicle hit by anti-tank rocket near Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel pessimistic about chances of Habib's success; protests against the war grow as 105 reserve soldiers and 17 officers send letter to Begin asking to be excused from further service in Lebanon; Sharon warns against attempts to form "unions of former fighters" as dangerous to democracy; Israel reportedly gives more time to Beirut talks; IDF soldiers use tear gas to disperse Nablus youth protesting invasion; 3 pro-PLO political figures detained in Hebron for organizing support for Palestinians in Lebanon; attorney general Gabbai initiates police investigation of Avnery meeting with Arafat; Peace Now has decided to suspend all public activities until W. Beirut situation clears up; Israel eases its time-pressure for an early diplomatic settlement.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib confers with Sarkis, Wazzan, Butros; top aide to Bashir Gemayel gives up hope for peaceful settlement, says all-out IDF drive on Beirut would undermine forging a united Lebanon; Bashir Gemayel makes overtures to Muslim leaders in Beirut to form a unified Christian-Muslim government, including Jumblatt, Berri, Salam; Salam meets with Habib, tries to arrange meeting of Habib with Hani al-Hassan of the PLO; PLO holding out for US recognition as price for evacuation, asks direct talks with Habib; PLO also proposes interim PLO withdrawal to Tripoli and Bekaa while final destinations decided; PLO spokesman Sartawi says PLO has recognized Israel in series of 1977 amendments to its charter.

Arab Governments: Thousands of Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians demonstrate outside US embassy in Damascus protesting US support for Israel; Iranian troops cross border into Iraq.

US and Other Countries: George Shultz undergoes vigorous questioning before a Senate Committee on his Bechtel connections as part of his confirmation hearings; Congressional sources assert IDF violated provisions of secret US restrictions on use of cluster bombs.

UN: UN Secretary General, during trip to Netherlands, urges all parties to abide by the Security Council resolutions.

Military Action:

IDF armored units fight fierce artillery, rocket duels with PLO forces inside Beirut as PLO, for first time, fires back on wide range of IDF gun positions in East Beirut; fighting appeared to intensify following Israeli announcement of little headway in negotiations and consideration of an Israeli military option; IDF rockets landing at rate of 30 per minute, as Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra, Shatila Lailake and the coastal road near the airport are all hit; PLO forces fire on E. Beirut areas of Hadeth, Ashrafiya, Furn al-Shubbak, Dbaye and near Baabda; 51 shells reportedly land in presidential compound; direct hit on IDF motor pool below palace reported, setting fire to 4-5 trucks and armored vehicles and causing unspecified casualties; PLO shells also hit government hospital in Baabda, near Hotel Alexandre and near IDF press center as well as Aramoun hills area; 2 IDF tanks destroyed trying to advance on airport; French Ambassador's residence set on fire during shelling, as well as Raouche seafront; shelling tapers off after 12 hours following cease-fire announcement on Beirut radio; IDF camps set up at Zahrani, and near Tyre; Damour, Khalde, and in the Chouf and Arkoub areas.


Beirut radio reports "large numbers" of casualties on both sides; few ambulances venture into areas being shelled; 3 IDF soldiers killed and 28 wounded in fighting around Beirut; fires burn for hours in shelled areas of W. Beirut; Phalangist radio reports 20 killed, 80 wounded in city; shell hits Barbir Hospital killing 5 patients, wounding 11; blood supplies reported to drop below a safe level; street shootings by feuding militias continue in Beirut; 82 persons reported killed, 211 wounded in artillery battle, according to Beirut radio; hundreds of buildings reported wrecked or burned in Beirut; civilian death toll during invasion now put between 15- 20,000 by various sources, 85-90 percent estimated to be civilians by relief agency directors, who believe IDF count only Lebanese as civilians and regard all Palestinians as combatants; an estimated 6,000 Palestinian refugees have returned to Rashidiyeh and 5,000 to Ain el-Hilweh; according to the Red Cross, lack of public sanitation still a major problem, bodies still being recovered under the rubble; Sidon's mayor estimates housing needed for 40-60,000 residents (20,000 of these Palestinians), is unable to estimate re-building costs; Archbishop Haddad of Tyre says 26,000 Palestinians displaced by IDF invasion, estimates structural damage to buildings at $60 m.; local teachers, public officials in Nabatiyeh appeal to Begin to release young Nabatiyans held by IDF; IDF agrees to increase size of assistance unit in Nabatiyeh to cope with huge influx of refugees from north.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet says little progress made, as Begin studies military options; news poll of 1,164 Israelis finds only 29 percent favor "breaking" into Beirut, 68 percent opposed; Shamir tells US AID official McPherson that Israel will allow ICRC visits to Palestinian detainees next week; McPherson completes a tour of southern Lebanon to assess best way to expend $65 m. allocated for Lebanese relief; military ser-vice for conscripts extended 3 months; Deputy Chief of Staff Levy says IDF will "realistically" be deployed along their current lines through the winter; new agreement with Haddad to extend Haddad's military control from south of the Litani River to just north of Sidon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fighting brings negotiations to a halt; PLO insists on US or UN recognition of PLO's centrality in the Mideast as price for withdrawal, calls on US to speak directly to the PLO; Bashir Gemayel says Phalangists will not get involved in latest fighting; Wazzan accuses Israel of trying to sabotage negotiations, hints talks may be called off unless US gets Israel to halt Beirut bombardment; Wazzan reportedly unable to deliver PLO 11-point plan.

Arab Governments: Syria broadcasts appeal for PLO to stand and fight in Beirut; Egyptian Foreign Minister Ali says Sharon's idea of a Palestinian state set up in Jordan violates Camp David.

US and Other Countries: Proposal to send US troops to Lebanon draws skeptical reactions from Congressional leaders; Weinberger says US studying whether IDF improperly used US weapons during its invasion of Lebanon; Sen. Percy says Israel broke faith with the US by invading Lebanon and US support for Israel waning.