Military Action:
Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel killed by bomb blast at Phalange Party office in East Beirut; Lebanese Army closes Green Line to traffic.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials decline to comment on Gemayel death pending official notification; Sharon requests meeting with Begin, outlines "Operation Iron Brain" to "purge" Shatila and Sabra camps of estimated 2,000 PLO guerrillas he fears will exploit political vacuum following assassination; Labor Party leader Peres denies advance notice of US peace plan; Sharon announces review of West Bank Civil Administration (Col. Lunz, military commander and Civil Administrator of Gaza, may replace Milson after latter's contract expires in October); Jerusalem Press Services office closed for 6 months under 1945 emergency regulations; Palestinian charged with sending threatening letters to West Bank personalities with signature of Village Leagues and Meir Kehane.
Arab Governments: Jordan's King Hussein praises Reagan initiative as "constructive," offers to play "active part" in creating West Bank-Jordan confederation, but asserts he has no authority to negotiate on behalf of PLO.
US and Other Countries: White House condemns Gemayel assassination, promises support for Lebanon, fears renewed violence; Morris Draper arrives in Israel on way to Lebanon; Alexander Haig, at UJA dinner, attacks Reagan plan's call for freeze on West Bank settlements as a "serious mistake"; Brezhnev urges Arafat to reject Reagan initiative, affirms support for PLO.