Sunday, February 10, 1985


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israelis, al-Fara'a refugee camp residents protest outside al-Fara'a prison, demand release of Dheisheh residents detained there after 2/1 raid on camp [FJ 2/15]. Authorities ask 4 unnamed Palestinians to become mayors of cities whose mayors were previously expelled [BG 2/11]. IDF reopen al-Bireh high school [closed 2/7] [FJ 2/15]. Interior Ministry forbids hajj to Mecca for Palestinians inside "Green Line" who are under 35, or who made hajj in the past [FJ 2/22].

Other Countries: France agrees to US request not to sell 2 nuclear reactors to Israel [PM Peres indicated 12/9 Israel sought to buy such reactors] [LAT 2/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb thrown at Israeli bus near al-Azariya; no injuries [JP 2/11].

Arab World: IDF jets attack DFLP base in Ta'lbaya, Lebanon; 2 injured [NYT 2/11]. IDF soldier injured 2/4 by roadside bomb near Tyre dies. 2 IDF soldiers killed by roadside bomb north of Israel-Lebanon border near Metulla. IDF convoy attacked north of Litani River, S. Lebanon; 1 killed, 3 wounded [WP 2/11]. RPG fired at IDF patrol near Burj al-Shemali camp, S. Lebanon; 1 wounded [JP 2/11]. IDF indicate prisoners held in Ansar prison will be transferred tonew site either in Israel or portion of S. Lebanon held by the SLA when IDF withdraws [JP 2/11].