Israel reacts angrily to effort in UN Sec. Council to seek resolution condemning Israel for Haram al-Sharif shootings and to U.S. role; maintains it is the victim of Arab plot [NYT, LAT, WP 10/13].
Nonetheless, voting late, Sec. Council unanimously condemns Israel for shootings and calls for UN team to investigate incident, but contains no reference to need to protect Palestinians in O.T. (cf. 10/13) [WP 10/13; NYT 10/14; MEM 10/15].
Iraq warns USSR it could delay the departure of some of the 5,000 Soviet citizens still in Iraq if Moscow supplies Washington with information about Iraq's Soviet-supplied weapons and defense capabilities [NYT 10/131.
Morocco's King Hassan asserts there is a "moral linkage" between Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the Arab-Israeli issues, and urges Iraq to leave Kuwait having made this linkage apparent [NYT 10/14].
Israel uses water cannons, curfews and roadblocks to keep thousands of Palestinians from attending prayer services on Haram al-Sharif [LAT 10/13].
Speaker of Egypt's Parliament and second-ranking official, Rifaat al-Mahgoub, is assassinated (cf. 10/27) [MENA 10/12 in FBIS 10/12; MEM 10/12, 10/13; NYT, LAT, WP 10/13].