Monday, March 16, 1992

DM Arens meets with U.S. Secy. of Defense Richard Cheney in Washington. Cheney shows Arens intelligence findings indicating Israel illegally exported Patriot missile technology to China. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Arens again denies charge and states Israel will cooperate with U.S. experts who will travel to Israel to investigate the reports. (NYT 3/17)

Palestinian peace delegation head Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi states no consensus currently exists among Palestinians regarding Jordanian-Palestinian cofederation. (Voice of Palestine 3/17 in FBIS 3/18)

Unified National Command of the Intifada issues addendum to proclamation no. 80 [see 3/3] urging Palestinians in o.t. to resist Israeli attemptso foster internecine divisions. (Voice of Palestine 3/16 in FBIS 3/17)