Saturday, June 4, 1994
30 Palestinians wounded by IDF during clashes in Hebron, Ramallah. Both cities placed under curfew. In Gaza, Islamic University students, Netzarim settlers throw rocks at each other until dispersed by joint Israeli-Palestinian patrol. (Qol Yisra'el 6/4 in FBIS 6/6; NYT 6/5)
International Labor Organization reports that economic survival of o.t. depends on access of 100,000 Palestinians to jobs in Israel. (MM 6/6)
King Hussein criticizes lack of coordination in peace talks by other Arab parties, says Jordan will pursue a settlement with Israel at talks to resume 6/6 in Washington. (WT 6/5)
3 Hizballah guerrillas killed by SLA during clashes in "security zone," southern Lebanon. (NYT, WP, WT 6/5)