Thursday, July 27, 1995

In Gaza, PA Planning M Shaath, U.S. Amb. to Israel Indyk sign agmt. whereby USAID will give the PA $11 m. for first stage of a 4-yr., $40-m. waste water project. (VOP 7/28 in FBIS 7/28; PR 8/4; JP 8/5)

Fatah Central Comm. meets in Gaza, discusses PA negotiations with Israel, criticizes Arafat for trying to reclaim parts of Golan. (SA, VOP 7/27 in FBIS 7/28) (see 7/24)

In Nazareth, Israeli police raid office of Islamic Aid Comm., confiscate material allegedly showing comm. transfers money fr. U.S. to families of Hamas deportees. (QY 7/27 in FBIS 7/28; MM 7/28)