5 / 15500 Results
  • March 6, 1994

    Israeli cabinet discusses removing settlers fr. Hebron. Frmr. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren issues ruling saying ending Jewish presence in Hebron "requires us to resist it to the death, all...

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  • February 9, 1991

    Pres. Gorbachev warns that Gulf war is threatening to go beyond UN mandate to remove Iraq from Kuwait [NYT, WP 2/10; MEM 2/11].

    SCUD missile hits Tel Aviv neighborhood, wounding 26 Israelis...

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  • October 13, 1990

    3-day "Popular Kuwaiti Congress" grouping 1,200 Kuwaiti exiles opens in Jeddah with Crown Prince suggesting the country's defunct parliament would be revived and free elections held once Kuwait is...

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  • September 3, 1990

    Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

    Iraq refuses...

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  • March 1, 1990

    Brig. Gen. Shmu'el Zucker assumes duty as commander of IDF forces in Gaza; replaces Brig. Gen. Tzvi Poleg [IDF 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

    Sec. Baker indicates Bush admin. would back $400 million...

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Israeli cabinet discusses removing settlers fr. Hebron. Frmr. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren issues ruling saying ending Jewish presence in Hebron "requires us to resist it to the death, all of us, every Jew." FM Peres says closing Hebron settlement "not necessary," but tells CNN curfews will be applied to Jewish settlers as well as to Palestinians. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/7)

British Foreign Secy. Douglas Hurd, after mtg. with PLO official Nabil Shaath, says Britain agrees to take part in "international presence" to protect Palestinians in o.t. Foreign Office later says UK contingent would be civilian, not military. Norway also agrees to participate. EU Commissioner Hans van den Broeck calls for prompt Israeli action to enhance Palestinians' security. PLO "FM" Faruq Qaddumi says PLO still insisting on international protection, but not necessarily as part of UNSC resolution. (WP, WT 3/7)

Pres. Gorbachev warns that Gulf war is threatening to go beyond UN mandate to remove Iraq from Kuwait [NYT, WP 2/10; MEM 2/11].

SCUD missile hits Tel Aviv neighborhood, wounding 26 Israelis, none seriously [IDF 2/9 in FBIS 2/11; NYT, WP 2/10].

Front-page editorial in Al Thawra, leading Syrian newspaper, urges Iraqis to "liquidate" Saddam in extraordinary personal attack on Iraqi pres. [NYT 2/10].

British For. Sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Riyadh from Ta'if, continues discussions with Saudi and Kuwaiti leaders [SPA 2/9 in FBIS 2/11].

Jordanian newspaper publishes "complete text" of minutes of meeting between UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar and Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on 1/13 [DUS 2/9 in FBIS 2/11].

3-day "Popular Kuwaiti Congress" grouping 1,200 Kuwaiti exiles opens in Jeddah with Crown Prince suggesting the country's defunct parliament would be revived and free elections held once Kuwait is liberated from Iraq (cf. 10/15) [NYT, WP 10/14].

Responding to UN Sec. Council vote calling for UN investigation into Haram al-Sharif shootings, Israeli cabinet sec. says: "We will not cooperate with them. We don't need to give any reports, remarks, or excuses to this delegation." P.M.'s office says delegation will be admitted to Israel, but will not be helped by anyone in the gov't (cf. 10/14) [NYT, WP 10/14]; Sec. Baker sends letter to F.M. Levy making clear that admin.'s "sense of concern over Israel's handling of the situation [on 10/8] would have led us [U.S.] to support UN Sec. Council action regardless of the situation in the Gulf" [NYT 10/16].

British For. Sec. Douglas Hurd meets in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 10/13 in FBIS 10/15; NYT 10/14].

King Hussein meets in Amman with Iraqi F.M. Aziz about the continuing diplomatic ef- fort to persuade Iraq to leave Kuwait [NYT 10/14].

Gen. Michel Aoun, leader of Christian militia that opposed Syrian-backed Lebanese gov't for 11 months, surrenders after Syrian air and ground attacks in E. Beirut; seeks refuge in French embassy [BVL 10/13 in FBIS 10/15; NYT, WP 10/14].

Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

Iraq refuses landing rights to British, Swiss, and French charter flights that were to have brought women, children out of Iraq and Kuwait [LAT 9/1, 9/2; NYT 9/4].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz urges nations with many citizens in Iraq and Kuwait to supply food to Iraq, saying it could not be responsible for what happened to them as a result of shortages [LAT 9/4].

Chedli Klibi, longtime Sec.-Gen. of Arab League, abruptly resigns, giving no reason, but it was widely reported he was upbraided by Saudi and Syrian officials for not putting sufficient pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [AFP 9/3 in FBIS 9/4; WT, MEM 9/4; NYT 9/5; CSM 9/6; MET 9/11].

U.S. official reports American combat aircraft have been deployed in Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain for first time [NYT, MEM 9/4].

Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. delegation including 15 senators led by Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and 22 representatives headed by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) [MENA 9/3 in FBIS 9/5].

As part of Gulf tour, British foreign sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Jeddah for 2-day working visit, meets with Saudi officials, including King Fahd [SPA 9/3 in FBIS 9/6].

In speech marking 1,000th day of intifada, Arafat says Palestinians can only take sides against "Zionism and its imperialist allies," confirms the PLO Gulf peace initiative calling for "withdrawal of occupation forces from Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Golan," and that occupation forces should be replaced by UN [MEM 9/3].

Over 10,000 people gather at rally in Amman to celebrate 1,000th day of intifada and show support of Iraq [MEM 9/4]; in W. Bank, stores usually closed remain open in celebration [WT 9/5; LAT 9/6; FJ 9/10].

Sec. of Economic Development Group in E. Jerusalem says lack of funds coming from Gulf states and lost jobs of Palestinians could harm "tens of thousands of families" in O.T.; adds drying up of funds could hurt "the future of a Palestinian state" [LAT 9/4]; other officials agree [CSM 9/6].

Jerusalem Post reports 18,800 immigrants arrived in Israel in August, including 17,500 from USSR-more than in any one month since 1951 [MEM 9/3].

Israel's gov't-run television and radio ban the use of Arabic names for Palestinian villages and towns, ordering journalists and broadcasters to use the biblical Hebrew names [NYT 9/5; FJ 9/10].

Brig. Gen. Shmu'el Zucker assumes duty as commander of IDF forces in Gaza; replaces Brig. Gen. Tzvi Poleg [IDF 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

Sec. Baker indicates Bush admin. would back $400 million loan guarantee program for housing Soviet Jews in Israel only if Israel stopped settlements in O.T.; also says he favors cuts in U.S. aid to Israel, Egypt, other major recipients in order to provide money for emerging democracies [NYT, WP, WT 3/2; NYT 3/3].

Pres. Bush denies U.S. is holding direct or indirect talks with Iran or Syria about release of American hostages in Middle East [WP, WT 3/2].

Appearing before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Defense Sec. Richard Cheney defends plan to give Egypt 700 surplus U.S. tanks made obsolete by reduction of European forces, says Israel was consulted and did not object [WT 3/ 2].

Arab diplomatic sources say ACC leaders have agreed Egypt, Iraq, and Yemen Arab Republic will intervene militarily in event of Israeli military threat to Jordan [WFD 3/1 in FBIS 3/8].

British Foreign Sec. Douglas Hurd meets with PLO advisor Bassam Abu Sharif in London; Hurd reiterates Britain's objection to settling immigrants in O.T. [WAKH 3/2 in FBIS 3/2].

Speaking in Jerusalem, Shimon Peres reiterates it is not Israeli gov't. policy to settle Soviet Jews in O.T. [JDS 3/2 in FBIS 3/2].

3 trade union groups in W. Bank end 9-year rift, merge into 1 group: General Federation of Trade Unions in the West Bank, headed by Shahar Saeed [MET 3/ 13-19].

Explosion detonated by "resistance fighters" kills 2 Israelis in S. Lebanon [BDS 3/1 in FBIS 3/2]; security sources report Israel has brought additional armored reinforcements into its "security zone" in S. Lebanon [BNR 3/1 in FBIS 3/1].