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  • August 11, 1999

    The 2-wk. period for the PA to consider Barak's proposals for a delay in Wye implementation ends. Erakat, Sher meet to discuss the FRD timetable, but reach no agmt. (MM 8/11, 8/12; al-Quds...

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  • March 22, 1994

    Israeli commission of inquiry into Hebron massacre hears testimony fr. 12 Palestinian witnesses. Hebron waqf officials continue to boycott hearings. (NYT, WP, WT 3/23)

    34-yr.-old pregnant...

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  • December 23, 1993

    Versailles talks btwn. Israel and PLO adjourn, with both sides reporting progress but no breakthrough. Negotiations to reconvene 12/27 in Cairo. (NYT, WP 12/24)

    AG Janet Reno says no...

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  • December 6, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat at U.S. embassy in Amman. At press conference after 2-hr. mtg., Arafat appeals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal...

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The 2-wk. period for the PA to consider Barak's proposals for a delay in Wye implementation ends. Erakat, Sher meet to discuss the FRD timetable, but reach no agmt. (MM 8/11, 8/12; al-Quds 8/12 in WNC 8/13)

Israeli Justice M Beilin travels to Washington to deliver a message fr. Barak to Secy. of State Albright, also meets with NSA Berger, Atty. Gen. Janet Reno. Albright tells Beilin that the U.S. believes that Israel should carry out the Wye FRD as agreed but would accept "modest adjustments" in the timetable if the PA approved. (MM 8/11; Xinhua 8/12 in WNC 8/13; MM 8/13)

Israeli PM Barak phones Pres. Clinton to discuss ways to make Secy. of State Albright's upcoming tour of the Middle East "productive." (MM 8/11; WT 8/12)

Israel's Office of the Judge Advocate General issues a legal opinion stating that 30 of the 42 settlement enclaves established since the Wye agmt. was signed in 10/98 are illegal. (MM 8/12)

Israel's Interior Min. demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in the Wallaja neighborhood of Jerusalem, sparking clash btwn. Israeli police, Palestinians in which 1 policeman is injured. (JP [Internet] 8/12)

Israeli commission of inquiry into Hebron massacre hears testimony fr. 12 Palestinian witnesses. Hebron waqf officials continue to boycott hearings. (NYT, WP, WT 3/23)

34-yr.-old pregnant Palestinian woman killed by IDF besieging house in Hebron occupied by Hamas militants. Elsewhere in o.t., 2 UNRWA officials detained by Israelis at Nur Shams r.c. nr. Tulkarm, 6 Palestinian children wounded by IDF in stone-throwing clashes in Nablus, and 2 Israelis stabbed by Palestinians in Gaza Strip. (MM, NYT 3/23)

4 Golan Druze, mbrs. of "Young Nationalist Group," arrested for campaigning to expose collaborators with Israeli authorities. (WJW 3/24)

AG Janet Reno sends recommendation to Pres. Clinton on clemency for convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. Reportedly, Justice Dept., Defense Dept., CIA unanimously against leniency for Pollard. (NYT 3/23)

Versailles talks btwn. Israel and PLO adjourn, with both sides reporting progress but no breakthrough. Negotiations to reconvene 12/27 in Cairo. (NYT, WP 12/24)

AG Janet Reno says no decision reached on recommendationn case of Jonathan Pollard. WT publishes statements by Pollard indicating he has no remorse for his espionage on behalf of Israel. Meanwhile, Secy. of Defense Les Aspin tells the White House Pollard has tried to pass classified information in 14 letters sent fr. prison. (WT 12/24; NYT 12/28)

Aeroflot flight lands at Jerusalem airport, marking start of international service to city. (WT 12/25)

Israeli officials report that Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, widely regarded as anti-Semitic, was sent an invitation to immigrate to Israel in 1983. (WP 12/24; NYT 12/28)

Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat at U.S. embassy in Amman. At press conference after 2-hr. mtg., Arafat appeals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal fr. Jericho, Gaza. Christopher declines to get involved in Israel-PLO talks, but calls for "timely implementation" of DoP schedule and pledges "non-lethal assistance" to Palestinian police. Christopher also meets separately with Jordan's King Hussein. PM Rabin claims there is "a tacit understanding" with PLO that deadline not firm. FM Peres says he will meet Arafat 12/9 at UNESCO conference in Spain. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7)

PM Rabin calls Syrian agreemento allow U.S. investigators to search for missing IDF soldiers in Lebanon "an important step forward" and "a big window of hope for the families" of the Israeli MIAs. (NYT 12/7)

Israeli Finance M. Avraham Shohat and PLO official Ahmad Qurai' resume Paris talks on economic issues. (Qol Yisra'el 12/6 in FBIS 12/7)

Palestinian gunmen attack settler van in Qiryat Arba, Hebron, killing 2 and wounding 3. Hamas claims responsibility for attack. Settlers riot, attacking Palestinian homes and cars. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7)

IDF undercover unit kills Hamas mbr. 'Abd al-Rahman Aruri, 31, on his front porch in Arura, nr. Ramallah. (MM 12/7)

Time magazine reports that convicted spy Jonathan Pollard passed a National Security Agency listing of foreign intelligence frequencies to Israel that later was received by Soviets, ruining several b. dollars' work and compromising lives of U.S. informants. Justice Dept., security officials reportedly advising AG Janet Reno against a pardon for Pollard. (WT 12/6, 12/7; NYT 12/7)

Israel, Laos reestablish diplomatic relations in agreement signed in New York. (Qol Yisra'el 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)