Secy. of State Baker travels to Syria for talks with Pres. al-Asad. Israeli FM Leyy states U.S., Israel have agreed on terms for holding peace conference, which include the fact that the conference will not have any power to vote, make decisions, or enforce sanctions and U.S. pledge not to prompt Israel to negotiate with the PLO. (WP 10/16)
Palestinian negotiators Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, Zakariyal-Agha travel to Amman to join PLO officials [arrived 10/14] and Jordanian officials for discussions concerning joint delegation. (MEM 10/15)
Knesset no-confidence motion entered by Labor party fails, but Tehiya parliamentarians, part of the governing Likud government, abstain from voting. (MEM 10/15)
Lebanese VP Hasan Habib denies recent press reports that Iranian FM 'Ali Akbar Velayati and Lebanese Pres. Ilyas al-Hirawi agreed last month in New York to a withdrawal of Iranian Revolutionary Guards from Lebanon. (NYT 10/16)