Monday, November 26, 1990

Iraqi F.M. Tarik Aziz arrives in Moscow and meets with Pres. Gorbachev and F.M. Shevardnadze; Soviet Union demands that Iraq release more than 3,000 Soviet citizens stranded there, charging for 1st time that Baghdad was preventing them from leaving [FNS, MEM 11/26; TASS 11/26 in FBIS 11/26; PRA 11/27 in FBIS 11/27; NYT, WT, WP 11/27]; Pres. Gorbachev warns Saddam Hussein that "time is running out" and that USSR will agree to tougher UN action if Iraq does not leave Kuwait [LAT 11/27].

Saddam orders release of 3 American hostages; National Assembly votes to free all 58 Swedish hostages [BADS, AFP 11/26 in FBIS 11/27; LAT 11/27; MET 12/4].

U.S. army orders 10,567 more reservists into active duty in Gulf [LAT 11/27].

Israeli police report number and gravity of "terrorist" incidents perpetrated by Negev Bedouin have risen sharply since 10/8 Haram al-Sharif killings [DAV 11/27 in FBIS 11/27].

Police also report the arrest of 3 Meir Kahane followers for attacking Jewish shops that employ Palestinians [WT 11/27; MET 12/4; JPI 12/8].

P.M. Shamir's gov't. survives 2 no-confidence motions in Knesset brought about by Shamir's 11/18 "sea to Jordan" remark [JDS 11/26 in FBIS 11/28; MET 12/4].

22-year-old Egyptian police conscript is arrested in Suez and charged with 11/25 shooting deaths in Israel [MEM 11/27].