U.S.-Soviet joint statement says allied assault on Iraq could end now if Saddam Hussein makes "unequivocal commitment" to withdraw from Kuwait; statement appears to soften past U.S. insistence that only "massive withdrawal" by Iraq would stop war (cf. 1/30) [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/30].
Pres. Bush, in State of the Union address, says Iraq's capacity to sustain war is being destroyed [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/30].
U.S. says it will shoot down any Iraqi plane trying to rejoin war after taking refuge in Iran; White House says it has received fresh assurances from Teheran that Iraqi planes will not be allowed to leave [LAT, WP 1/30].
Chancellor Kohl pledges additional $5.5 billion to war effort, and orders German anti-aircraft missile systems to Turkey [LAT, WP 1/30].
Pres. Bush meets in Washington with Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid; Egypt pushes for U.S. commitment to pressure Israel for settlement with Palestinians once Gulf war has ended [NYT, LAT, WP 1/30].
Law enforcement and intelligence agencies say they have detected more than 700 cases in which firms and individuals worldwide have tried to sell munitions and other goods to Iraq, including 20 incidents since August in U.S. [LAT 1/30].
Fateh official Abu Ziad [Rafiq Shafiq Qiblawi] is assassinated in ambush outside his home in Iraq-occupied Kuwait [WT 1/30].
French D.M. Jean-Pierre Chevenement, who had openly expressed his doubts about war with Iraq, is forced from office, and replaced by Interior Min. Pierre Joxe [WP 1/30].
Israel orders Palestinian leader Sari Nusseiben jailed without trial for 6 months as a spy for Iraq [WP 1/30].
Israeli gunboats and helicopters attack Fateh camps in S. Lebanon after barrage of rockets explode in "security zone" [WP 1/30].