Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinian students arrested in Beer Sheba (Bir Sab'a) on charges of possessing banned printed material. Al-Fajr poll finds 94% of Palestinians in Israel support Arafat leadership. 200 residents of Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem attend mtg. at UNRWA office to protest Israeli threat of camp school closure. Galilee priest, Fowzi Khouri, released on IS100,000 bail after 1 month detention on charges of contact with PLO.
Arab World: Gemayel ends talks with Reagan admin. with no further commitments of US assistance. Second-ranking Druze official murdered in Beirut; Christian Phalange blamed.
Other Countries: 2 Israeli firms sign deals for 1st Israeli factory in Ciskei tribal homeland, S. Africa; Israeli trade there includes sale of American-made Mooney light planes for fledgeling Ciskei airforce plus military training. [Israel and Taiwan lead investment in S. African "Bantustans."] British High Court decides to refer Israel's protest at UK's refusal to sell it North Sea oil to European Court of Justice. UN Security Council considers Arafat's request for assistance in evacuating Tripoli.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Palestinian workers shot for not stopping at Gaza checkpoint while driving to work in Israel. About 30 Birkat Avraham yeshiva students go on rampage armed with iron rods, smashing windows, injuring 2 Arab men; 3 Arabs and 2 Jews arrested and released. IDF uproots five dunums of fruit trees belonging to Palestinian farmers along Kfar Saba-Qalqilya road where IDF believes petrol bomb attacks on Israeli traffic launched; farmers not to be compensated and ordered not to replant.
Arab World: Heavy artillery exchanges in Tripoli between rival Palestinian forces as talks on evacuation of loyalists stall. Bazooka attack on Israeli army vehicle kills 1 IDF soldier in Lebanon.