Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities order 1-mo. closure of Bir Zeit U. after Land Day demonstrations there. Elon Moreh settler, convicted of destroying evidence in murder of Aisha Bahash (12/8/83), sentenced to 3 mos. jail and 33 mos. suspended. Deputy sheriff of Albuquerque, NM Mike Mansour arrested without charge during family visit to Deir Dibwan, West Bank.
Arab World: At Beirut news conference, Ali Kamil Bishri captured by Amal militia says IDF paid him and 3 others in Israeli-sponsored death squad to murder Imam Raghib Harb in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon (2/16/84). Pres. Mubarak says he hopes to restore full diplomatic relations with USSR soon. Egypt and Cyprus agree to restore diplomatic relations.
Other Countries: Norwegian Palestine Solidarity Committee hosts 3-day conference in Oslo on "The State of Israel and the Palestine Question." Mayors of 10 US cities attend Jerusalem Conference of Mayors sponsored in part by American Jewish Congress.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Arab men throw grenades and open fire on shoppers in occupied Jerusalem, wounding 48; 1 gunman killed by armed shopkeepers, 2 arrested; DFLP and Abu Nidal group claim responsibility.