Wednesday, August 10, 1988


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking before the Knesset P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir says any attempt to establish independent Palestinian state on the W. Bank will be met with "iron fist" [WP 8/11]. Shamir also says Israel "possesses rights in all spheres concerning Judea, Samria, and Gaza" [NYT 8/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: During demonstrations near Nablus troops shoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian [NYT 8/11, FJ 8/14]. Ramallah is declared closed military zone after two firebombs damage military vehicle, injure driver [FJ 8/14]. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, live ammunition to quell demonstrations in Beach, Jabalya camps [FJ 8/14]. Demonstrations occur in Burayj, Bethlehem, Gaza City [FJ 8/14]. The curfew in Burayj enters its 3rd week [FJ 8/14].