Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to tentative ME peace talks three weeks ago. 9 are: Walid Khalidi, Harvard U. political science professor; Edward Said, Columbia U. English professor; Hisham Sharabi, of Georgetown U.; Rashid Khalidi, visiting fellow at Washington's Wilson Center; Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj; Hikmat al-Masri, former speaker of Jordanian Parliament; Rashad Shawwa, deposed Gaza mayor; Anwar Nusseibeh, former Jordanian minister and head of East Jerusalem Electric Co.; and Ahmad Sidqi al-Dajani, former senior official in PLO executive committee, now living in Cairo. PLO spokesman says [AP 6/5] PNC speaker 'Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih is also under consideration.
Arab World: IDF and SLA (Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army) raid 2 Shi'ite villages, arrest about 40 men and destroy 5 homes in Majd al-Salim as punishment for hiding weapons or shielding fighters [LAT 6/4].
Other Countries: Foreign Min. Shamir, in England, tells P. M. Thatcher and Foreign Min. Geoffrey Howe that Israel opposes Jordanian scheme for peace talks. Thatcher supports Jordanian plan [LT 6/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF bulldozes ten houses in villages near Hebron; expels residents [AF 6/7]. Security forces announce arrest of 9 in connection with killing of Rafah Mayor 'Abd al-Hamid Kishta, 65, in September; of Isma'il al-Khatib, 38, head of the al-Azhar Islamic College in Gaza in November; and with grenade attack on bus near market in Tel Aviv [JP 6/4]. Arrests of 9 Palestinians and Israelis were made "several months ago" in Gaza. Others were arrested for supplying 9 with weapons stolen from IDF. IDF uproots 1,300 olive trees, illegally planted in army firing area near Bethlehem [JP 6/4].