Tuesday, September 28, 1982

Military Action:

IDF leaves Beirut port and Galerie Semaan but keeps some units at airport; IDF presence in East Beirut also diminished; US Marines expected to land within 48 hours at port, airport and Ouzai; Draper informs Gemayel that lDF has agreed to total pullout; Israeli guards shoot, wound eight prisoners while breaking up a riot at Al-Ansar detention camp; IDF claims to have completed removal of PLO arms caches from West Beirut, including 520 tons of ammunition, 23 tanks and APCs, 200 other vehicles, 80 cannons and mortars, 75 rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and 5,000 small arms; IDF arrests Israeli Druze in Beirut as extortionist.


During Israel's 11-day occupation of West Beirut, 9 IDF soldiers were killed and 130 wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin agrees to establish judicial commission to investigate the Beirut massacre; pressures grow within government for dismissal of Sharon (meeting of top army commanders again calls for Sharon's resignation); Shamir says Israel is wrongly blamed for massacre; Israeli papers report Phalangists discussed such a massacre weeks prior to actual event as way to make Palestinians flee (contradicts view that massacre was 'spontaneous'); pro-government rally scheduled for Saturday cancelled; tensions remain high in Palestinian villages in Israel (protests have continued non-stop since massacre reported last week); several youths detained, curfew imposed following demonstrations in Nablus; Meir Kahane detained after trying to enter Taibe (Arab residents gathered with stones to resist, Kahane later released after promising not to enter without their permission).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese inquiry into massacre begins with Military Prosecutor General Assad Jermanos meeting with commission members.

Arab Governments: Egypt, at UN General Assembly, urges US to "restrain" Israel as Eisenhower did in 1956 Suez Crisis.

US and Other Countries: Reagan notes he ordered a halt to cluster bomb shipments to Israel and will delay requesting sale of additional fighter jets to Israel; (Israel still receiving explosive grenade that gives cluster bomb its punch, only shipment of casing halted).