Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Knesset votes 55-8, with 46 abstentions, to affirm government's decision to sign agreement with Lebanon; High Court increases fines from IS2,000 to IS10,000 on 4 Jewish students convicted and sentenced by Haifa court for attacking 2 Arab students at the Technion in 1981, leaves standing their suspended 6 to 9 month jail sentences; "Fist of Defense," secret Jewish vigilante group reportedly under investigation, has claimed responsibility for slashing tires, breaking windows of Arab cars, planting bomb outside Hebron mosque; stones thrown at Israeli vehicles in Ramallah, school closed; students at Tireh women's college march in Ramallah carrying Palestinian flags, IDF disperses demonstration, closes school for remainder of academic year; several arrested in Nablus for stone throwing; 3 persons placed under house arrest for 6 months.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Parliament unanimously affirms agreement with Israel; text of withdrawal agreement published; Gemayel says Shultz should return to Middle East to assist Lebanon negotiate withdrawal of Syrian forces, negotiations will begin this week in Tunis with PLO on withdrawal of its forces; Fateh Central Committee meets in Damascus to deal with undisciplined behavior of military unit in Bekaa Valley; pamphlets prepared by Fateh rebels accuse Arafat of plotting to sell out Palestinian cause to US, Israel and reactionary Arab regimes.
US and Other Countries: US intelligence officials reportedly have evidence linking the government of Iran with April 18 bombing of US Embassy in Beirut.