Sunday, September 11, 1983

Military Action:

LAF repels attack on Souq al-Gharb after hand-to-hand battle; Western military spokesman claims Syrians, Palestinians, and some Iranians are principal component of 2000-man force attacking Souq al-Gharb; PSP forces capture Bkeshtine, reportedly reach point on Mediterranean coast south of Damour; in past week, PSP forces have occupied 39 Christian villages in Chouf, while LF has occupied 3 Druze villages; shells fall near Marine, LAF positions at airport; British, US jets fly reconnaissance missions; IDF vehicle attacked with grenades, small arms fire near Lebanon-Israel border; IDF patrols coastal highway 6 miles north of Awali line.


LAF statistics for Souq al-Gharb fighting are 13 killed, 20 wounded, 20 missing; further reports of massacre of 60-75 Christians in al-Bireh denied by PSP spokesman; 3 'DF soldiers wounded in attack near border.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens says IDF will move across Awali line to hit Palestinian targets but will not return to Chouf or intervene in fighting there; Arens says Israel intends eventually to annex West Bank.