In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli troops open fire on Palestinian fishermen nr. Bayt Lahiya, causing no damage or injuries. In the West Bank, an Israeli settler is killed and his wife wounded, when they are attacked by a Palestinian outside their home in the n. Jordan Valley. The IDF conducts house searches and arrest raids in 1 village nr. Hebron at night; patrols in 1 village nr. Jenin in the afternoon, and in 3 villages nr. Hebron, and 1 village each nr. Jenin, Ramallah and Tulkarm at night. Jewish settlers torch 3 Palestinian cars in Burqa village nr. Ramallah and leave racist graffiti on the wall of the mosque. In East Jerusalem, Jewish right-wing activists enter the al-Aqsa mosque compound to perform religious rituals. (MNA 10/10; REU, JP 10/11; PCHR 10/24)
Israel’s FM Yair Lapid meets with U.S. VP Joe Biden, Treasury Secy. Jack Lew and White House Middle East Coordinator Phil Gordon at the White House. The meeting focuses on developments regarding Iran, negotiations with the Palestinians, and the need to strengthen economic ties with the latter. (YA 10/11)
Speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, U.S. Secy. of State John Kerry says that the cuts in aid to Egypt will not have much impact in the country, that it is not a “withdrawal” from relations with Cairo, and that the aid could be restored should “credible progress” be made in restoring an inclusive govt. Egyptian military spokesperson Col. Ahmed Mohammed Ali declines to comment, but the Foreign Ministry calls the decision “flawed . . . in terms of content and timing.” Meanwhile, a suicide attack on a military checkpoint nr. al-Arish kills 4 soldiers and wounds 5 others. (AFP, AP, MNA, REU 10/10)