Monday, June 12, 1995

PA signs contract with Islamic Waqf to lease the Allenby camp in west Jerusalem for 99 yrs. Israel already has leased the site to the U.S. for a future embassy. Palestinians claim the land is Waqf land that was illegally confiscated by Israel. (HA 7/11 in FBIS 7/11)

Israeli Pres. Ezer Weizman visits SLA troops in s. Lebanon, promises Israel will not abandon them; says government is willing to withdraw to international border of Golan (see 4/18, 4/20) in exchange for peace, only sticking point on extent of withdrawal is over four small enclaves within 1967 Syrian border. (VOL 6/12 in FBIS 6/12; WP 6/13)

4 mbrs of Jordan's Liberal party arrive in Jerusalem for mtgs. with Pres. Weizman, FM Peres, Police M Shahal, other FMin. officials. (QY 6/12 in FBIS 6/13)

VP Gore swears in Harriet Zimmerman, AIPAC's VP, as board mbr. of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). USIP is an independent federal organization created and funded by Congress to promote international peace. (USIP News 6/12)

In advance of the probable renewal (6/30) of the waiver permitting U.S. aid to the PLO, Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY) introduces bill to amend MEPFA so as to halt direct aid to the PA, limit aid to humanitarian assistance channeled through federal agencies or volunteer groups. World Zionist Organization applauds bill; AIPAC denounces it. (WP 6/14; MM 6/19, 6/20; WJW 6/22; MEI 6/23)

Anti-Arafat Fatah mbrs allied with Khalid al-Shayib attempt to drive Arafat supporters out of `Ayn al-Hilwa r.c. in Lebanon. 2 Palestinians killed, 10 wounded in clashes. (VOL 6/12, AFP 6/13 in FBIS 6/13; MM 6/13)