Thursday, June 29, 1995

Syrian-Israeli talks end with sides agreeing on general needs but, to the U.S.'s chagrin, not discussing specifics. Pres. Clinton briefly meets with Syrian, Israeli generals at the White House. (WT 6/28; QY 6/29 in FBIS 6/29; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/30; AFP, Davar 6/30, SARR 7/1 in FBIS 7/3; SATN 6/29, AFP 6/30 in FBIS 7/5; MEI 7/7; JP 7/8)

In Cairo, Israeli-PA talks on transfer of authority, elections, redeployment close. In transfer talks, sides agree on principle of giving PA control of all civilian spheres before elections, but talks stick on agriculture, electricity. Elections talks stick on size of council, Jerusalem. (MM 6/29; MENA 6/29 in FBIS 7/3)

A 2d briefing paper prepared by the IDF Planning Branch for the Israeli-Syrian talks is leaked to the press. (ITV 6/29, HA, IDF Radio, ITV 6/30 in FBIS 7/3; SARR 7/5 in FBIS 7/5; Davar 6/29 in FBIS 7/7)

Jerusalem City Council passes Mayor Ehud Olmert's decision to give PLO 2 wks. to request rezoning for Orient House or face legal action for violating the building code by running an office in a building zoned for a hotel. (JP 6/30 in FBIS 7/3)

In Hebron, Israeli border police kill wanted Hamas mbr. Taher Kapisha. IDF then orders neighboring Palestinian families to leave their homes, bulldozes their houses, destroys 100s of trees. (MM 6/29; QY 6/29 in FBIS 6/30; MEI 7/7; JP 7/8; PR 7/9)