Monday, August 7, 1995
In Taba, Egypt, Arafat, FM Peres open round of talks on elections, redeployment, focusing on security; briefly discuss 8/2 court decision. Peres promises to give PA detailed maps showing extent of Israeli withdrawal; proposes signing agmt. by late Aug./early Sept. despite outstanding issues and including agmts on such issues in appendices later; also proposes basing self-rule on "functional sovereignty." (MM 8/7; VOP 8/7, YA 8/8 in FBIS 8/8; WT 8/8; QY, 8/8, 8/9 in FBIS 8/9; WT 8/9; PR 8/11)
Channel 7 resumes broadcasting fr. international waters. (HA 8/7 in IL 8/7; WJW 8/10) (see 7/31)